Evolution: Start AS A Raft

59. Carrack Sailboat

Five minutes later, a brand new boat appeared in front of everyone.

The boat's hull was about 20 meters long and 6 meters wide and 8 meters high. The sharp ramming horn was still in the bow but without metal reinforcement, and the stern is rounded.

The height of the bow and stern has been raised again so that the whole hull is a U-shape.

The main thing is the two big pillars on the hull Raine had always dreamed of.

Two masts were erected on the ship, the highest one about 12 or 13 meters long in the middle of the hull and the lower one about 10 meters on the bow.

A total of four curved sails were hung on the two masts, the top canvas was small and the bottom was larger, crossbars supported the sails, and the masts were connected to the hull by multiple fiber ropes.

"Damnit, I finally have genuine masts! I'm the wind!" Raine almost burst into tears of excitement. He had been waiting for the day so long that he had gotten himself a cottage mast before.

The wind efficiency could be improved greatly with these sails.

Also, Raine noticed that his crew barn had gone with this evolution, but the stern was much higher than before and had two levels!

"Well, now that's a bit of a battleship!" Raine was thrilled.

The ship only showed these changes before he checked the system information. Raine couldn't say that he fully understood the new ship yet.

[New ship construction complete, performing consciousness and item transfer...]

The transfer process was still as amazing as ever. In a flash, the supplies used, materials, and personnel from the old ship were piled up on the deck of the new ship, while Raine's consciousness was also transferred.

"Open the basic information panel!" Raine didn't care about these items. The first thing he wanted was to check the new ship's properties.

[Host: Raine]

[Vessel: Small Two-Masted Carrack Sailboat(Sail Paddle Boats)]

[Cabins: 3 (stern cabin), 1 (power cabin), 1 (storage and firepower cabin)]

[Crew Size: 6 (assignable positions, open for details)]

[Speed: 12 knots maximum (open for details)]

[Combat Power: 143.1 (available in Crew Information and Weapons System)]

[Load Capacity: 3984.4/15000kg (open for details)]]

[Next level of evolution: 138.4/5000 units of wood, 1250/10000 kg of metal ingots, 0/2000 kg of stone, 30/1000 kg of textile fiber]

The ship's load only increased a little, but the maximum speed was increased by 4 knots!

The number of cabins was increased by two, and the crew cabins were subsumed into the stern cabin and raised to 3. The number of storage cabins was still one, but there was more space than before by judging the height and size of the hull.

"The storage cabin also doubles as a firepower cabin?"

"And what the hell is this power cabin?" Raine frowned slightly, "Turn on the power system first."

Now he was a veteran player, and since the basic information panel didn't specify, he opened the power system to check it out.

Upon looking at it, Raine was dumbfounded.

Was this still his power system? The power system of the Carrack sailboat changed so much from the original planking boat.

[Power Equipment 1: Stern Screw Propeller*1]

[Power Equipment 2: Bow Screw Propeller*1]

[Power Equipment 3: Main mast transom*1 (Sail*2)]

[Power Equipment 4: Foremast Transom*1 (Sail*2)]

[Power Equipment 5: Large folding oar*2]

[Power System 1: Artificial Power]

[Power System 2: Wind Power]

[Power System 3: Host Power]

[Description 1: Large folding oars located on each side of the ship underwater can be controlled by the crew in the powerhouse or by the host himself, the maximum speed increase is 6 knots, and the acceleration effect is negligible when the ship's speed is higher than 8 knots]

Raine had a brow furrowed... So this is what the power cabin is for! No wonder it's called a sail paddle boat. It has sails and oars.

Could he paddle too? He ordered in his brain and then sensed that two oars were sticking out of the hull on each bottom side, and the oars could be folded inwards and attached to the side of the hull.

The oars opened quickly when Raine tried to open them. The front joints of the oars are locked and can be folded backward, but not forwards. When the oar moves backward, it allows it to open fully due to the impact of the water and increasing the drainage area. When the oars move forward, the joints fold backward due to the impact of the water, drastically reducing the impact of the water and thus reducing the obstructive effect of the water on the hull.

"It's quite an impressive design. And it always feels like I'm swimming, and this pair of folding oars are my two arms."

Previous Raine could control the wooden spikes on the boat's bottom, and now he had another thing to control. He felt much better instantly.

"And no effect when speed above 8 knots." Raine thought about it. This seems similar to cycling. It couldn't provide more power when you pedal the bike on a big downhill.

That's why his main power equipment was all eliminated with this evolution the hand crank thrusters and pedal thrusters.

Raine was satisfied with the power system. As his speed increased, he could control the speed of the ship himself, which was a qualitative change.

"The weapons system!" Raine couldn't wait to check out the next item.

All the previous weapon systems had been retained.

The ramming horns, the reinforced hull, the wooden spikes in the bottom, and the combat power had actually increased a little without being reinforced. Raine's combat power would certainly increase again after he takes a reinforcement with metal and fit with the bottom harpoons.

Apart from that, Raine found another new item.

[Large Crossbow: Attack (10/each), Quantity (4), A defensive weapon hidden in the ship's interior cabin that does not require manual operation and can deal damage to enemy creatures. Each arrow requires 0.5 units of wood and 10 kg of metal (copper and iron). It can be fired with five arrows in a single effective range of 800 meters. Arrows can be recycled.]

Raine was genuinely excited to see this new weapon.

The large crossbow not only has a greater attack range but also it can be fired in a burst! And he has four of them! So a crossbow attack is not 10, but 50!

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