Evolution: Start AS A Raft

315. Underground City

Raine had pretty much unified the Dragon and King class sea areas, saving Trajan and his team the trouble of contacting each fleet one by one.

On the contrary, in the Beast and Human class sea areas, where the population was vast, Trajan and his team considered transferring the population there to the Dragon-class sea area to assist in the deep mining of veins.

In summary, this resource gathering was a massive project.

Fortunately, none of the guys in the Sky-class sea area were simple characters. As long as they showed up, the forces in the lower sea areas dared not disobey, which saved a lot of explanation time.

Four months later, a large number of ships, escorted by the sky-class fleet, headed for the Dragon-class Sea Area, fully loaded with materials and personnel.

The resource collection work was gradually on track.

Dewey and Delkel, looking at the numerous ships near the port of Saipan Island, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Who would have thought that after hundreds of years of fighting, we would have a chance to work together today... Things here are on track, I wonder if that kid Raine has found the Water Heaven Crystal." Dewey sighed softly.

"Finding the Water Heaven Crystal is not that easy. The Woodborn said that even she didn't know where the Water Heaven Crystal was," Delkel sighed, "In the vast ocean, looking for a stone without any clues, it's really like looking for a needle in a haystack."

"We can't help with this, we can only hope that the kid can create another miracle." Dewey also sighed, "I need to take people to the mines. There are a few veins that need a lot of manpower. I'll leave first."



Raine had re-explored the Dragon Forbidden Area and Satan Abyss. The journey through these two places was not easy at first, but now with the Super Battleship, traversing these low-level areas was like a walk in the park.

Unfortunately, after a careful examination of these two places, they found nothing.

When passing through the King-class Sea Area, Raine took the opportunity to inquire with the Scaly Dragon Clan and the Naga Clan, but they also had no news about the Water Heaven Crystal.

Now they were heading towards the last target, the area where they initially discovered the Fire Heaven Crystal.

Arriving at the destination, the super battleship transformed into submarine mode and directly blasted open the collapsed tunnel with a single shot.

Raine personally went underwater to re-explore that peculiar passage.

Half an hour later, Raine returned to the ship.

Seeing Raine's dejected look, everyone already knew the result without him having to say it.

Another dead end!

Several people sat in the captain's room, each hanging their heads in silence.

Fancy, after holding back for a long time, finally slapped the table, "We've looked through three places and still have no clues, how are we supposed to find it!"

"We haven't visited the uninhabited area yet..." Armin said, "But, after all this time, if there were something special in the uninhabited area, someone would already know. I'm afraid there isn't much hope."

"Besides, even Miss Woodborn hasn't discovered the Water Heaven Crystal, I think it's likely hidden in a very concealed place."

Raine was frowning all the time. The current situation, from his gaming experience, was that the map was fully open, but even so, they still couldn't find the Water Heaven Crystal.

But there was still plenty of time now, and Raine tried to keep himself calm.

"Miss Woodborn, is there any place you can't sense?"

Raine's casual question startled everyone. This was a kind of reverse thinking, a new line of thought.

Woodborn thought carefully, "Ghost Sea Area, Dragon Forbidden Area, Satan Abyss, my perception is quite blurry, but it's now confirmed that there's nothing in these three places. As for other places, there's nowhere I can't sense."

Raine nearly spat out old blood.

"Damn it, could it be that the Water Heaven Crystal is not on Earth?!"

"We can't say that for sure, Earth is not just the ocean, but also the sky and the underground. My roots can only go as deep as three thousand meters..."

"Hmm?!" Raine was suddenly startled, "Only as deep as three thousand meters, so anything beyond that distance, you can't sense?"


Raine nodded, "The possibility in the sky, I think we can exclude... Miss Woodborn, do you know any place deeper than three thousand meters underground?"

"I'm not sure about that, but I thought of a place that might lead to three thousand meters underground!"


"Heart of Lava Volcano! It's located in the Human-class Sea Area, but this volcano has never erupted, the volcanic crater might have been sealed up."

"Sealed?" Raine frowned, "That's perfect! Maybe because the volcanic crater is sealed, the Water Heaven Crystal is effectively sealed, unable to cause any abnormal phenomenon! We're going there now!"

With a new goal, the Super Battleship quickly rose into the sky and flew towards the designated location.


Above the Human-class Sea Area, a huge black warplane roared past in the sky. People who were busy collecting materials saw the warship and all looked up in awe.

After many years, Raine returned to the Human-class Sea Area but didn't have time to stay, heading directly above the Heart of Lava Volcano.

"You wait for me here," Raine said, opening the cabin door, ready to jump into the sea.

"Captain, be careful!" Avril said with concern.

She hoped that Raine could find the Water Heaven Crystal, but the great dangers surrounding each Heaven Crystal inevitably made her worry about Raine's safety.

Raine smiled faintly, "Don't worry!"

With that, Raine jumped straight from the sky.

Although Raine had washed away his Scaly Dragon Transformation when he reset his skills, after activating the Creator Soul Contract, his attributes were not affected by the terrain, and he could move freely in the sea.

After diving a kilometer, Raine's system radar scanned the location of the Heart of Lava.

On the radar, Raine saw the size of the volcano. The diameter of the volcanic crater was as much as two thousand meters. The foothills covered at least tens of thousands of kilometers. Rather than calling it a mountain, it would be more appropriate to call it a mountain range.

Raine didn't have time to think about it, he swam towards the Heart of Lava Volcano.

The volcanic crater was now tightly blocked by various corals, rocks, and soil.

Whirlpool Strangle!

With his head down, Raine held the sword in both hands, rotated in place, made a path with the sword, and drilled downwards like a drill bit.

Due to Raine's rotation, a whirlpool gradually formed on the sea surface, and the whirlpool grew bigger and bigger.

"There's a whirlpool below? Is the captain alright?" Fancy worriedly watched the changes on the sea surface below.

"I don't know if the captain caused it, but it's okay even if he didn't. This kind of whirlpool can't hurt the captain," Olivia said.

Raine drilled a hole and went all the way down. When he got about a kilometer down, the immense water pressure and increasingly solid rock layer forced Raine to increase the strength of the Soul Contract.

40% Soul Transfer!

According to Raine's estimate, he must have drilled more than a thousand meters.

With a bang, Raine felt as if he had drilled into something solid. Then, as if puncturing a membrane, he fell directly into the volcano's independent internal cavity!

In an instant, the channel above his head collapsed severely, and the hole that he had drilled with great difficulty was blocked again.

Raine quickly exited the Creator Contract, shrinking his physical body, and opened his wings to stop the fall.

After stabilizing his body, Raine looked down, and to his shock, he found a brightly lit... city below him?

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