Evolution: Start AS A Raft

313. Wrath of the Creator

Upon Avril's words, the whole room fell into silence.

After a long time, Delkel was the first to recover, "Avril, did you say, did you say your captain can build a battleship stronger than the Super Battleship?"

"Impossible! The technical level of the Super Battleship is currently the most advanced, in fact, speaking of single-ship combat capability, none of our main ships can compare!" Stone Blast said excitedly.

Trajan said, "Indeed, but, our captain can build it!"

Fancy stepped forward, "In our Sea King tribe, there is a legend that one day the Apocalypse will come, and then a young man will lead us all in a super battleship to fight it! I'm very sure now, that person is Raine! Now our time is very tight, if you don't want to give up, let's try together! It's better than waiting for death here."

Delkel's brows were furrowed, "You want our battleships, to refine metal? But... with so many resources, are you sure you can build new battleships in time?"

"Whether we can or not, we don't have a better choice. Our captain defeated the Sea God, we have the most advanced super battleship, is all this not enough to make you believe in our captain's ability?" Avril said.

Lina took a deep breath, "Avril, we acknowledge what you said. Although we haven't fought with you, we have already acknowledged your strength from the battle with the Sea God. It's just that, this project is too massive!"

Avril continued Lina's words, "Yes, that's why, we need your full cooperation! You do everything you can, stockpile materials, and we will also use the last time to look for another crucial thing."

"The Water Heaven Crystal?" Miss Woodborn said, "With the Wood Heaven Crystal, you have collected four Heaven Crystals, only missing the last Water Heaven Crystal."

"What! You, you have four Heaven Crystals?" Everyone was shocked.

"Do you know what it means to collect five Heaven Crystals? It is said that collecting five Heaven Crystals will gain some kind of terrifying ability!"

The combat power shown by this fleet had already caused fear, but what was even more terrifying was that what they had seen before was not their full strength!

They still had four Heaven Crystals! Each Heaven Crystal was a rare existence, something that only existed in legends. And they collected four?!

Avril and the others obviously understood what it means to collect five Heaven Crystals better.

Collecting five Heaven Crystals might indeed gain some kind of terrifying ability, but the most important thing is that it could open the legendary Ancient Door!

This might be the most crucial step in dealing with the Apocalypse!

"Since Miss Woodborn has already mentioned it, I won't hide it anymore," Avril said, "It is the Water Heaven Crystal. Miss Woodborn, your real body is the World Tree, rooted in the entire earth, do you know where the Water Heaven Crystal is?"

Miss Woodborn slowly shook her head, "I know the locations of the Fire Heaven Crystal, Earth Heaven Crystal, Metal Heaven Crystal, and Wood Heaven Crystal, but I don't know about the Water Heaven Crystal!"

"This..." Avril frowned, even the World Tree Spirit didn't know. Where were they supposed to find it then?

Their time was really tight. Even if the task of collecting materials was left to the ten fleets, it would probably take Raine several years just to build a large-scale fleet.

Conservatively, they only had three years to find the Water Heaven Crystal! And now, they didn't have a single clue.

Miss Woodborn looked at everyone, seeing that everyone had too many questions in their minds, and everyone seemed dispirited.

"Everyone, don't think so much for now, Avril is right, instead of waiting for death, we might as well give it our all!"

"In the battle against the Sea God, the Bounty Dad's fleet showed their strength and everyone witnessed the strength of their captain. And a fleet that could collect four Heaven Crystals, I believe such a fleet will not act recklessly. Let me ask, among all of you here, who can do this?"

These super-powerful people of the Sky-class sea area, some of whom have lived for hundreds of years, but haven't even found a single Heaven Crystal, let alone collect four Heaven Crystals.

"If you're willing to listen to my advice, then I agree with Avril's arrangement. The ten fleets are responsible for collecting materials."

Delkel and the others weighed carefully. This matter wasn't a casual decision. Once they agreed, it meant that they would give up their own fleets. It's like handing over their fate to someone else!

After a long silence, Stone Blast was the first to speak, "Miss Woodborn, Avril, this matter is of great importance. We want to wait for Raine to wake up and give us a definite answer. If he can assure us that he can build new battleships in such a short time, I don't ask much. Forget about more advanced battleships, even if it's just a fleet of super battleships, my Stone Blast Fleet will start collecting materials immediately!"

Dewey also said, "Hmm, what Old Stone said makes sense. What Avril said is hard to believe. If you can build battleships like the Super Battleship, we, the Thunder Fleet, also agree with your proposal and will go all out to collect materials!"

The meaning of the two leaders was immediately adopted by the other leaders. The premise for everyone to make this decision was not Avril's speculation, but Raine's assurance!


Late at night, four days later, Raine woke up slowly. He didn't recover on his own but was relieved of his negative status by the Holy Spirit Spring. From the victory over the Sea God to today, it had been exactly 50 days, the cooldown time of the Holy Spirit Spring.

Raine felt great now.

"This Holy Spirit Fruit is too strong, I was resurrected with full health..." Raine uncovered the quilt and sat up.

"I wonder if the Devil God has seized the three ancient god guards of the Sea God, should I transform and ask the Devil God?" Raine thought for a moment and temporarily dismissed the idea.

It was late at night, and transforming into the Devil God might frighten others. Better to check from the system, Raine quickly opened his own attributes.

Of his ten skills, he was very familiar with nine. Apart from the Holy Spirit Fruit, which the system had chosen for him, the other eight were skills he had chosen carefully and naturally remembered well.

"Hmm? Where is my Soul Contract?"

Raine searched for a while but couldn't find the Soul Contract skill. However, after a careful check, he found that his Soul Contract was indeed gone, but he had a new skill.

[Wrath of the Creator God (Synthesized Skill, contains two skills)]

[Skill One: Creator's Soul Contract]

[Soul Contract: Sign a soul transfer contract, sacrificing a portion of soul control in exchange for great combat power. After signing a soul contract, the host transfers 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% soul control to the Devil God, entering "Soul Swing", "Rage", "Madness", "Lost", "Complete Ancestral" states respectively.]

[During the Swing period, for each 1% soul transfer, gain 100 times combat power, and additionally gain the "Creator's Body", increasing 100,000 defense.]

[During the Rage period, for each 1% soul transfer, gain 200 times combat power, and additionally gain the "Creator's Body", increasing 20,000 defense.]


[Skill Two: Creator's Protection]

[Obtain the protection of the Creator, launch the strongest strike of the Creator—Create the World! Combat power increases by 100,000 times! After the skill is launched, the user must die!]

Raine was so scared by this skill that he was speechless for a long time...

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