Evolution: Start AS A Raft

283. Exaggerated Recovery Ability

The Earth has gone through five eras in total: Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic.

The world in front of everyone made them feel as if they had returned to the Precambrian era!

This place was a vast ocean. In the distance, volcanoes protruding from the sea level were violently erupting a large amount of magma, and a lot of steam was rushing into the sky.

The sky was full of dark clouds, with lightning and thunder. From time to time, thick-forked lightning struck down from the horizon.

The sea surface was extremely turbulent, with huge waves rolling and hitting the volcano's mouth, splashing up breathtaking waves. The entire sea surface, as far as the eye could see, seemed to never be calm, never ceasing.

"My God, this is really not a place for humans."

"The ability of the fleet that can survive here to resist natural disasters is unimaginable."

The harsh environment of the Sky-class sea area was beyond Raine's expectations.

"Leader, what should we do now?" Armin's voice came from the intercom.

Raine shook his head, "I didn't expect the environment here to be so harsh."

Archie had said that the environment in the Sky-class sea area was harsh, but it was definitely not as exaggerated as they saw now. It's not an exaggeration to say this place is hell.

"Let's find an island to dock first."

Raine let the fleet stand by for now and sent out reconnaissance aircraft to look for suitable islands to dock.

There were many islands here, but most of them were volcanic islands. It was not easy to find an island suitable for long-term docking.

Moreover, it seemed that the difficulties didn't stop there.

Raine had dispatched six Sea Fury reconnaissance aircraft, but in less than twenty minutes, five of them had been destroyed!

Raine frowned slightly. Although the Sea Fury fighter was not as good as the Sky Extreme fighter, if it didn't attack and only conducted reconnaissance, the speed of the Sea Fury could reach around Mach 3.

However, the Sea Fury fighter was destroyed before it could gather enough information!

Raine silently noted down the positions where the five fighters had been destroyed, and snorted coldly, "Okay, you dare to hit my plane, I'll remember you, and when we meet again, I'll settle this account with you!"

Fortunately, one fighter returned with useful information. A suitable island was found 110 nautical miles away.

The fleet quickly headed for the island.

Three days later, the fleet arrived at the deserted island.

The island wasn't large, but it was covered with abundant vegetation. The nearest submarine volcano was 28 nautical miles away from it, making it ideally situated.

The reconnaissance aircraft had been scouting here for a long time and confirmed that there were no humans living there.

Raine led the crew ashore, conducted another inspection of the island, and then ordered everyone to land.

Thirteen thousand crew members landed one after another. The island was full of trees. They divided their tasks and built temporary shelters by the rocks.

Some people were searching for food on the island, plant roots and stems, and fruits, or they teamed up to hunt some small wild beasts around.

Raine and others built a bonfire on flat ground and sat on the lawn with the captains of all ships.

"Leader, the environment here is okay, why is no one living here?" Fancy asked curiously.

Trueking said, "Although the environment of the Sky-class sea area is harsh, isn't it said that the land resources and material resources of the Sky-class sea area are the richest?"

Onebear said, "Yes, along the way, we have seen hundreds of volcanic islands, some of which are not small. Some islands can actually be inhabited. In other sea areas, people would scramble to occupy those islands."

Raine shook his head, "It shouldn't be for this reason. Of the six Sea Fury reconnaissance aircraft I sent out earlier, five were shot down."

"What! Those five have been shot down?" Trajan looked at Raine with wide eyes, "Leader, will they find us?"

Raine smiled slightly, "They probably won't be able to find our battleships, I don't want to fight for now, let's settle down first."

"My guess is that in the Sky-class sea area, these fleets all possess exceptional long-range strike capabilities, so these seemingly uninhabited islands are actually within enemy surveillance," Raine spoke calmly.

"These volcanic islands are actually rich in resources, including various metal elements. If they can shoot down stealthy Sea Fury planes, they should be capable of refining these materials. Ordinary islands like this, on the other hand, they don't care too much about."

Raine's words made everyone understand one principle: in the Sky-class sea area, danger could be imminent at any moment!

"So... Captain, are you sure it's safe here?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I've sent the Sky Extreme fighters to scout the surroundings." Raine looked back at the busy crew, "So far, we haven't detected any enemies."

"I've also asked the Sky Extreme fighters to check out who the devil had the audacity to bring down my planes! Regardless, all of you should be prepared for combat at any time!"

That day, the Sky Extreme fighters brought back intelligence.

It was confirmed that there were no island bases of other fleets within 300 kilometers, their island was temporarily safe.

On the other hand, island bases were found 500 nautical miles to the west and 530 nautical miles to the northwest. Judging from the locations of the fallen Sea Fury planes, it was highly likely these two islands had shot down Raine's planes.

After destroying the Sea Fury planes, they collected the wreckage and dispatched several squadrons of aerial reconnaissance planes to search the surrounding sea area. It seemed they wanted to locate Raine and his crew.

"Captain, they've started making moves!" Shobe asked.

Raine thought for a moment and said, "Let them search. At this distance, they won't be able to take us down unless they dispatch their fleet. If they send out their fleet, then it's just right for me to take a look at their fleet strength. I will have the Sky Extreme fighters keep an eye on them. Let's continue to set up camp!"

What disappointed Raine was that the enemy aircraft did not find their location, which foiled his plan to witness the strength of a fleet in the Sky-class sea area.

In the half month that followed, everyone had established a substantial camp on the island. However, during the construction of the camp, the crew noticed a peculiar phenomenon.

The trees on the island grew exceptionally fast. Only a week after being cut down, they could grow four or five meters, far exceeding the growth rate of normal trees.

Avril squatted beside a tree that had just been felled the night before. From the stump, a small sapling over half a meter tall had already sprouted.

Avril placed her hands on the sapling, seemingly sensing the activity of its cells.

Raine walked over, "Have you found anything?"

Avril stood up, "Captain, the rate of cell division far exceeds the normal value! Conservatively estimated, it's over a hundred times the normal rate!"

"A hundred times!" Raine widened his eyes.

Avril spoke with a heavy heart, "Now it's almost certain, this ability should be the power of the Wood Heaven Crystal. Captain, this tree is just the most common tree in the Sky-class sea area. What about those who have lived in the Sky-class sea area for hundreds of years? Would they also possess such exaggerated regeneration abilities?"

Raine was stunned as well.

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