Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 96: Heading To The Auction

Lucan walked out of his room to see Silent Night waiting for him. She immediately went forward, her lips moved towards his. They were locked in a passionate kiss until she finally pulled back and said. "Let's get going, the auction will start soon."

The normally talkative girl didn't mention anything about dinner or the Winged Tiger Corporation, but her actions made her stance clear.

Lucan didn't bring it up and followed her to the teleporter. SuperSleuth joined them, he wouldn't miss a chance to mingle.

The three players stepped into the capital of the Queen's territory, Shadowscape. Before them stretched a world tree over a mile tall, its massive branches blocked out the sun and cast shadows over the city encircling it. This was a fitting location for the Queen of shadows and ruler of the shadow elves.

The streets were filled with elves and players and there was excited talk about the upcoming auction coming from most mouths. With such a high-profile event, many guilds and organizations had sent members to try to get their hands on some valuables.

Unfortunately, many were turned away at the gates of the venue. To be allowed entry, an organization had to meet certain requirements, such as having a high enough reputation in the shadow realm or to be invited.

Lucan made his way to the entrance while many players were complaining and creating a stir about being denied entrance.

The guards controlling the area didn't ask Lucan for an invitation or plan to stop him at all. Silent briefly flashed the guards a smile that made their hearts flutter. They simply nodded to Lord Quilldrake as he and his two companions entered through the gates. This drew the ire of the crowd.

"How come he is allowed to bring in multiple guests? You made our boss go in by himself. What's the meaning of this?"

"Yeah, did he bribe you? That's not fair."

"You dumb elves should at least stick to your own rules."

Lucan stopped and looked back over the crowd and noticed a familiar figure. "You, come join me."

The player wore a smile as the guards didn't stop him and allowed his entry.

"Thank you so much." Squeaky mouse said. "I guess we are still too new to the shadow realm. I never thought I couldn't even get entry."

"No problem." Lucan said. "It's what I should do."

Those who had voiced out their displeasure earlier were even more upset. The guards had let some low-level player pick a random person and bring him in. It felt like they were directly slapped in the face and were being suppressed.

"What are you guards doing?" Shouted out a level 170 player. "How can you just ignore your duties. If you are going to treat us one way, you should treat everyone the same. I don't care if that guy had his elf companion warm your beds, you need to treat me with some respect damn it."

Lucan froze and started to turn around. He felt Silent hand move towards his back as she gently rubbed him, hoping for his insanity to not trigger.

"Shut your trap before I have you tossed out of the city." Said Lucan towards the man who had insinuated the Silent was sleeping around. "This Lord here won't tolerate your mouth. Be a good dog and scram before I decided to focus my full attention on you. I, your father, am not afraid of stepping against whatever pathetic organization you come from."

Several more guards had arrived in an attempt to quell the crowd. Even though Lucan wasn't from Shadowsweep, they still respected a Hand of Raze. They looked in his direction and waited for him to give the word.

The man who insulted his woman earlier, realized the situation wasn't going to benefit him. While he may be strong, he couldn't defeat 30 guards. If he tried to instigate a riot in the crowd to help, his reputation in the shadow realm would take a big hit.

He clenched his teeth and scowled but didn't say anything else.

"Hmph, let's go." Lucan said, turning around and walking into the auction house with the three other players. "Sigh, we really need to get stronger." He mumbled.

Silent grabbed his hand with a smile. "We will get there."

When they had entered, an attendant quickly approached them.

"Lord Quilldrake, there is a private box reserved for you and your associates. Please follow me."

Lucan nodded and followed the man up several flights of stairs. They were led to a room that looked out over the auditorium. Several private boxes formed a horseshoe shape above the general seating.

Down below, people mingled and talked. There was still some time before the auction started, Super decided to head down and try to make some new contacts.

Squeaky Mouse, Lucan and Silent were left alone after the attendant had departed.

"Is there anything in particular you are looking for?" Squeaky asked Lucan and Silent.

"No not really." Silent answered. "We just thought it would be fun and Lucan needs to meet some people afterwards. If I see something I like, I may place a bid. Is there anything you are looking for?"

"I heard there may be a few unique recipes for crafters, if I can get my hands on those, the Goblin Crushers will be able to control a slice of the market, as long as the item is useful. A unique creation can always draw in a lot of money. I heard the cheapest item is going to start out at 5,000 gold. I am afraid I may not have enough once the price starts getting driven up. But I might find something else that can benefit the guild."

"That's the spirit." Silent replied. "But I didn't realize everything was going to be so expensive. I might not have enough money."

Lucan put his arm around her shoulder as his finger twirled around a strand of her hair. "If you see something you want, let me buy it for you."

"Stop it." She said, halfheartedly pushing him.

"Do you know what kind of things are being auctioned off?" Silent asked Squeaky while ignoring Lucan who was still playing around.

"I heard there will be spells, resources, recipes, weapons, trinkets, and maybe even a couple of pets."

"Oh wow, this should be pretty exciting then. Hopefully I get to see something I have never seen before."

"Excuse me." The attendant said as he returned. "Could I get you something to drink?"

"Oh, hey." Silent said, slapping Lucan on the chest. "What was that drink you got me last time at Raze's banquet? I have never had anything that good before."

"let's see… what was it called? Ah yes, she will have a seven-spirit tonic and I will take a whiskey neat." Lucan ordered for them and then looked towards Squeaky.

"None for me. I should save my money."

"Drinks are free in the private boxes." The attendant replied.

"It's okay, technically I am working and should keep a clear head."

"We also have fruit juice."

"Okay, alright."

The attendant retuned quickly with their orders and Lucan tipped him a gold piece for his fast service.

Silent began sipping on her drink while chatting.

"Lucan, Lucan, look at that." She said pointing towards the general seating bellow. "I have never seen anybody like that before, what kind of race do you think that is?"

She was pointing to a woman whose skin was covered in bark. Poking through her brown hair was a few twigs with leaves on them.

"Hmm, maybe a dryad." Lucan said. "That is the only thing coming to mind."

"He, he, how cool. Oh look, there are some half-orcs, and that's a dwarf. Everyone has cool races, but they can't compare to my variant race."

"Yup, you are one of a kind."

As more drinks kept coming, Silent was getting a bit tipsy. Lucan was thoroughly enjoying it. She was getting more handsy while leaning, and hanging on him. Her hands would wandering around his back and shoulders and a few times she had run her hand through his hair.

Squeaky was hoping that Super would come back soon. He felt like a third wheel as the couple was chatting to themselves with Silent's mouth was running nonstop. But he couldn't complain. Without Lucan's help he would still be outside. Even if he somehow got in, he would be packed in downstairs with everyone else. He decided to head into his user interface and started talking to a few guildmates while waiting for the auction to start and quietly drank his juice.

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