Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 94: A Warrior Vs. A Spellcaster?

Brax left his capsule, showered and headed to the main house. Since it was the weekend, everyone was going to be around today.

When he walked in through the front door, he could already hear the racket his family was making.

"NO WAY! You can't make me." Shouted Derek.

"Who do you think I am? If I say you are getting a haircut, then you are taking your butt out to get your hair cut!" Marie shouted back

"But MOM, all the girls in class like my long hair."

"Don't 'But mom,' me. I said you're getting a haircut and that is final."

"Dad." Derek said, looking to his father for help.

"Listen to your mother." He replied while happily eating his toast.

Chris started to giggle.

"I haven't started on you yet missy. You are going to wear proper clothes tonight. I don't want to see any of those jeans you bought that came with holes already in them. The Beneil's are coming over for dinner tonight and I want us to look like a respectable family. I don't want you two looking like street youths. Is that too much to ask?"

At this point Marie noticed Brax take a seat at the table and her eyes locked on him like laser guided missiles.

"And you are a proper adult now, wear something with a collar. Absolutely no gym shorts or sweatpants. This is a family dinner not a basketball court."

"Jeez, can I at least put food on my plate before you lay into me?"

"Don't sass me punk. Don't forget how many embarrassing stories I know about you." Marie clasped her hands together. "I could just talk to your little girlfriend for hours and hours. It could be a great bonding experience with my future daughter-in-law."

Brax bowed down. "Aunty, this dumb punk has erred. Your magnificence and forgiving nature knows no bounds. When poets speak of their muse, they are describing you. Your intelligence is so bright it makes the sun look like a broken lightbulb. Your wisdom is so vast it makes the oceans look like puddles. This insignificant one apologizes and asks for a pardon."

"""Ha, ha, ha.""" Bo and his children burst into their laughter while Marie was drowning in praise.

"As long as you know how great I am, I won't bring up the silly things you used to do."

Brax nodded while thinking to himself. 'Aunty, you're the one who caused all those embarrassing situations. Just because you have the confidence of a thousand lions doesn't mean the rest of us don't feel shame.'

"Brax, after breakfast you can take Derek to go get his hair cut. You could use a trim as well."

Brax was going to say his hair was fine, but then he remembered not to be dumb and just nodded.

After breakfast, Derek followed Brax back to his place so they could get his car, Chris decided to tag along too.

"It's pretty exciting that Heaven's Kiss is coming over for dinner tonight." Chris said while hopping into the back seat of the Specter.

"You have met her right, what is she like?" Derek asked.

"She is alright, kind of bossy, but she seemed different around her mom compared to when she isn't with her family."

"I can't wait. Do you think she will give me an autograph? When I show everyone on Monday, they will be so jealous."

"I don't see why she wouldn't." Brax said as they drove down the road.

"Well good luck tonight." Derek said, while clapping his cousins' shoulder.

Brax shook his head. It was pretty soon to have dinner with his girlfriend's parents but when Aunt Marie was involved, what could he do?

The trip to the barber shop was quick and smooth. Derek's hair that had been down past his Shoulders was gone but it still wasn't short. He had a shaggy hairstyle that Marie would complain about but eventually accept.

After the barber, Brax took his cousins to the mall to grab some lunch. It had been a long time since the three of them had hung out together, so he decided to buy them a few things while they were out. He wanted to show them who the true older sibling was and also buy their loyalty incase Marie started to talk nonsense with Jenna's family. They both agreed to help him if they could.

"This one, this one, let's go in here." Chris said excitedly, leading the two boys into a high-end clothing store.

"Sure, sure, it's my treat, pick out something you like." Said Brax.

Brax and Derek followed her around the store and gave their opinions when asked, but it's not like either of them were an expert in ladies fashion.

When Chris had a few potential options, she took them to the changing room while the boys sat outside.

Suddenly there was a commotion at the front of the store. The boys both looked to see what was going on. A few people had entered the store and they seemed pretty popular because the mall security was keeping a number of fans from entering with them, allowing the patrons to shop in peace.

"Sigh, why is she always wherever I go?" Brax asked as he sat back down.

"What's going on?" Derek asked.

"Holly Beneil, Heaven's Kiss is here."

"What, really?"

"Yeah, the one in the middle."

Three young women had walked into the store while a guy followed with them. He seemed to be rambling on and on about something, but all three ladies were in agreement and just ignored him.

They worked their way around the store and drew closer to the dressing rooms. When Holly saw Brax sitting at the side, her eyes lit up and she headed straight for him.

Brax took it as a bad sign, since when had she ever been happy to see him? Then he heard something that disturbed him greatly.

"Jason, for the last time, Jenna makes her own decisions. If she marries you are not is up to her and her alone and has nothing to do with my grandfather." Holly said to the young man following her.

"Ha, we will see about that. My father has already brought it up with Senior Beneil and it will be announced at your father's birthday next month."

"You looking to die punk!" Derek burst out after hearing them talk about Brax's girlfriend.

Jason scowled. "Mind your own business before I flatten you." He said while throwing a glare towards Derek.

Only now did Derek realized how big this guy was, and he looked like he knew a thing or two about fighting. If he kept talking, he might just get pummeled. Derek quickly took a step behind Brax.

While Jason's glare may have been strong enough to frighten the high schooler, it meant absolutely nothing to Brax.

"Jason, this is Brax Tomlin and his cousin?" She asked, not entirely sure.

"Mmm." Brax replied with a nod.

"Hmm, that name sound familiar, do I know you?"

"I am Jenna's boyfriend."

Jason's eyes narrowed. "Don't get used to it, and you better keep your hands off my woman, you're just a place holder."

"So foolish." Brax said while rolling up his sleeves.

Seeing his actions, Jason laughed. "Ha, are you going to beat me to death. I have heared you have had a bit of success in Evolution. But you can't compare to what I have done in game. Don't you know that people have discovered that skills in the game can train the body and some can even be applied in real life. If you are so eager to leave Jenna behind forever, then come at me and I will show you what a level 175 warrior can do. Then you will understand how useless spell casters are in the real world."

Brax's stoic face finally broke. "Ha, ha, ha, you. Ha, ha, ha, what a moron. If I want to destroy you, I wouldn't use some crude and vulgar way like beating you in the middle of a store. You aren't worth the bruises on my knuckles. There are hundreds of ways to drive a man to death, you are overestimating yourself if you think you are worthy of me tarnishing my public reputation to beat you down here and now."

At this point Chris had come out of the changing room and was filled in by Derek.

"You… You are just a chicken."

"And you are a baboon who is too stupid to realize there are over 10 cameras pointed at you." Brax then turned to his cousins. "Did you decided which one you want?"

"I-." Chris trailed off. It looked like she had come out to ask advice but obviously now was not the time.

"Well, let's just get them all."

Jason was fuming mad and grinding his teeth. As Brax walked out, the warrior leaned over and bumped into him. Jason held himself ridged like a mountain, Brax could only bounce off and walk around.

When they were finally out of the store Derek started cursing. "What and asshat. Can you believe that turd muncher? What a dogbrain. If he weren't a big warrior, I would have set him straight. There is nothing wrong with being a spellcaster."

Chris tried to sympathize with Brax. "Don't be down. He is just a big dumb warrior. It's not like you can use magic outside the game. I wouldn't worry about it. I am sure your girlfriend likes you a lot. Nobody would pick that dingleberry over you."

"He, he. You guys don't give your big bro enough credit. I am not just a spellcaster, I am also a thief." He said while raising his hand and holding a wallet between two fingers. Brax opened it up and took a picture of Jason's ID and his business card before tossing the wallet into the trash. Long ago, SuperSleuth had taught him the value of information. Now he had a foothold that would let him eventually trample all over that baboon.

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