Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 85: A Date

Brax got into his car and checked his phone. He had almost 100 texts from Marie who offered tid-bits of advice and suggested many different places around the city. He carefully read through them all before deciding what to do. He took his Aunt's advice and decided to meet up somewhere instead of picking her up since it was a first date.

He called and made a reservation for dinner before sending a text to Jenna.

[I have made a reservation at the Seaside chateau for 5 PM.]

It would mean that they would be logging into Evolution a little later than normal, but things like that weren't important compared to sharing a meal with her.

Before he could set his phone down, Brax received a reply.

[I will be there.]

With an hour and a half to kill he decided to head straight to the restaurant and took a seat at the bar. His nerves were starting to get the best of him, he needed a drink.


"Miss Beneil, I will wait for your call to pick you up later." The driver said after opening the door and letting her step out back.

"That won't be necessary. Go home, I will find my own way back."

"Yes ma'am, if you are sure, then I will be going." The driver said nervously, he wasn't sure what was going on tonight but for as long as he had served the Beneil family he had never seen the young miss put this much effort into how she looked.

Jenna nervously approached the front door and walked in.

"Hello, I am meeting someone here. He should have made a reservation for two." She said to the hostess.

"Miss Beneil?"


"Right this way." The hostess said before leading her up to the second floor and into a private room.

She felt anxious when she saw Brax rise from his chair to greet her. The hostess closed the door while the two people stood silently in front of each other.

After the long silence Brax stepped forward. When Jenna unconsciously stepped back, he stopped and stretched out his hand.

"Let me take your coat." He said before motioning to the hooks on the wall behind him.

She slid out of her jacket and Brax was able to get a better look at her. She was wearing a long skirt with a fashionable blouse. What surprised him was that her shoulders were exposed, which for Jenna, was considered showing a lot of skin.

Brax couldn't contain his smile.

"I am glad you came."

She could only nod before taking a seat across from the window overlooking the rolling waves of the ocean.

Brax decided to sit beside her instead of across the table. He figured it would be better since it was already so hard for them to look at each other without getting flustered.

Shortly after the waiter came and took their orders before leaving.

"H- have you ever been here before?" She nervously asked.

"No, never. You?"

Jenna shook her head.

Learning from past experience, Brax turned the conversation towards Evolution and before long both of them were talking like normal.

After the meal neither were ready to go home and were on their second cup of coffee. Jenna was explaining the plans that her and Bud had for the garden in the astronomy tower when Brax interrupted her.

"Jenna… I like you. I want to be your boyfriend."

Glee covered her face as she choked on her words and could only nod.

"Do you like me? Do you want to be my girlfriend?" Brax asked, trying to force words out of her.

She nodded even more vigorously while forcing out a single word.


"Good." Brax said as he was overcome with relief. Ten thousand pounds of anxiety had been lifted from his chest. He felt so happy that he might just float away.

Without an ounce of worry he stretched out his arm and put it around her shoulder, pulling Jenna closer towards him as they sat side-by-side and stared out at the dark ocean that was illuminated by moonlight. He could feel her tense up at his touch but slowly she relaxed and leaned against him.

They sat in silence while sipping their coffee and enjoying each other's presence.

Brax looked at his watch. "It's getting late, we should be going."

Jenna pulled her phone from her purse and looked at it before turning to him.

"My driver got called away to deal with something else. Do you mind giving me a ride home?"

"Not at all." He said while standing up and going to retrieve her coat.

They got into his car and he drove back to Fragrant Spring Villa's as she directed him towards her house.

Brax was about to get out and open her door for her when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"This is far enough." She said. "I had a wonderful evening."

He smiled and Jenna quickly closed in, aiming to give him a kiss on the cheek. He was ready and waiting for it. Brax turned his head so her kiss landed on his lips. She froze and was about to pull back when she felt his arm wrap around her and his lips began to part hers while his tongue pushed its way into her mouth.

They remained locked together for over a minute. When Brax pulled back, Jenna was gasping for air with a dazed smile on her face. She was unable to react when he leaned in and gave her a peck on the cheek and whispered softly in her ear.

"Goodnight, I will see you in a bit."

She didn't say anything further and left his car. As she stepped out, she felt a hand softly squeeze her bottom. She blushed but didn't stop him. He quickly let go and she walked towards her house without looking back.

He watched her walk towards the front door and waited to leave until she went inside.

It was only a short drive of a few minutes back to his place, but the time passed instantly while he was lost in thought about the lingering taste left on his lips.

When he pulled down the driveway, Marie rushed out towards his car before he could even put it in park.

"How did it go? Did you kiss her? Tell me everything. What was she wearing? How was…"

Brax ignored the millions of questions she began to fire one by one.

"Find someone tell sell my apartment and move the rest of my things out here." He said.

"AHHHH!!!" His aunt began excitedly clapping while jumping up and down. "I will take care of it tomorrow."

"Good. We will talk later; I have to go log in." He said getting back into his car and driving it further down the way towards the guest house that was now his permanent residence.


When Jenna entered the house, both of her parents were waiting for her in the living room.

"Holly told us you went out on a date tonight." Her father said.

Jenna nodded, causing him to frown.

"I don't like it." He said. "I don't want my baby girl out there spending time with men."

Emma scowled. "Our daughter is a grown woman who can make her own decisions. We were already married at her age. Stop making a fuss."

The middle-aged man crossed his arm and huffed. "Hmpf, that doesn't mean I have to like it. What if he is some degenerate only trying to get money out of her? Or what if he is some street thug?"

"Dad, Brax isn't like that."

Heaven's Kiss walked into the room. "While I don't particularly like him, I know he and Jenna have spent almost a whole year together inside of Evolution. He doesn't seem like a bad person."

Jenna was shocked to see her sister actually speak up for Brax, every time they normally interacted it involved shouting and cursing. She was surprised that Holly would actually defend him.

"Don't jump to conclusions dear." Emma said to her husband. "I actually met the young man today and he didn't seem bad at all. In fact, we are all going over to join his family for dinner this weekend, so wait till you meet him instead of making a rash decision."

With all the women in the house against him, Mr. Beneil could only huff and puff without actually doing anything. "Fine, I will wait till I meet this kid. But I am going to look into him and his family. If I find anything shady going on, I will put my foot down and drive him away. No one is going to taint my precious treasures."

Jenna nodded. "Good, I have been thinking about taking a position at the company he created. So look into them too. I don't want to be part of something that will get me into trouble no matter how wonderful the president is." She said with stars in her eyes.

She then left the room as if she was floating on the wind. She could hardly contain her joy as she quickly changed and went to get into her capsule.

"He can't be a bad person." Emma said to her husband. "When was the last time you saw your daughter that happy."

"Hmpf, before you go slink off to play, I want you to tell me everything about that kid." Mr. Beneil said to Heaven's Kiss."

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