Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 79: Quick Sale

"Alright, I can't move a lot of funds tonight so I will work up a proposal and pass it to the board of directors. We can talk more at headquarters in the morning." Uncle Bo said. "But I can spend a bit of money today. My strong and athletic, generous and handsome nephew, why don't you sell your uncle some gold or resources. The Source Creation gold vendors only sell 100 gold at max in single go and attach transaction fees to each sale. I am sure we can work something out that will benefit the both of us."

"How much do you want?"

"How much do you have?"

"I asked first."

"I am your senior."

"The decision lies with the seller."

"The customer is always right."

"How, much, do, you, want?"

"How, much, do, you, have?"

"Lucan, we should just show him." Silent said.

"Ah, yes, the beautiful and smart Miss Night know best." Bo praised, then he leaned towards her. "Make sure you keep a tight leash on this one. He tends to get distracted with petty disagreements."

Silent laughed. "Oh, I know. Come on Lucan, we are taking them to the vault to show off." Lucan shook his head and followed.

'Don't worry, this really will show them you have all the power. I know he is your uncle, but you need to let them know you don't need them, while they need you.'

"Lord Quilldrake, would you like me to accompany you?" Gear asked.

"Don't worry about it, if these people try to do something stupid, I could kill them all before they could blink." Geared bowed and let Silent and Lucan take their guests away.

"Hey now punk. We may have started as non-combat classes, but we aren't helpless." Bo said.

"Pfft, don't confuse this Lord and Lady as regular players." Lucan said as they headed down the steps.

"That's right." Silent said. "Check your brain before moving against an a dangerous rogue twice your level and just completely forget it if you want to try and tackle an insane warlock. Your futures will be bleak if you do something that stupid."

Another elf opened the doors to the vault area and let them pass through.

Lucan approached the largest vault at the end of the room and began to open it up.

"Behold." He said while swinging the door open.

The five from Terracorp stood with mouths gaping for almost a minute. Their guild had a lot of resources as well, but they were always coming in, going out, or in use, so they could never see a scene like they were witnessing now.

The vault was even more impressive than what it is was yesterday. Another 5 chests of gold had been added, there were top grade mana crystals piled to the ceiling in a corners and ten chests filled platinum, quick silver or copper that the dwarves had mined but hadn't been sold off yet since Lucan was tackling the fortress.

"Damn." Pickle was the first to break the silence. "Why bought a guild, but why aren't we this rich."

"He, he." Silent giggled. "You can't compare yourselves to Lucan. You might own a large guild but that is just a workforce, where as he… To put it in modern terms, he struck gold, then found oil, then patented a new technology all while being a government arms dealer. You can't compare the two."

Uncle Bo was just laughing to himself while repeatedly muttering "Tycoon nephew."

"So what do you want?" Lucan asked with a grin.

"Pickle, contact guilder leader Cho and see what they need most right now."

"Yes sir." Pickle said before his eyes glazed over. He was obviously messing around in his system interface.

"I should warn you my gear supplies only go up to level 130." Lucan said.

"Boss, Guild leader Cho said they were going use the gold to buy spell/ability books and gear for the guild bank to incentivize the players."

"Can we bring someone over to look at the books?" Bo asked Lucan.

"What is there level?"

Bo looked to Pickle who answered. "The guild manager is 160."

Lucan frowned, it should be alright, he had plenty of 150 Elites. "Alright, since we don't have an agreement yet, they come alone. I have already informed my subordinates to receive them and bring them here. But if more than one person steps out of that portal everyone dies. Understood?"

"That's fine." Bo said. "They won't do anything stupid. We are the ones who pay the bills, they cant afford to offend us."

Lucan nodded as they waited.

Several minutes later 10 elites escorted a player to the vault. "Hey Boss, what's going on?"

"Squeaky Mouse, this is Lord Quilldrake. We are in negotiations to take control of his marketplace. He has offered to let us buy some things before we finalize our deal. You guys wanted books, right? Well take a look." Bo said while bringing Squeaky Mouse to take a look through the vault door.

"Shit!!!" He said while looking into the vault. "Holy crap, that mana crystal is bigger than my car. Damn, how do you have so many gems? Oh my god, is that a dragon skull, are those dragon scales?" He asked while looking towards Lucan.

"We killed a mithril dragon last night." He answered nonchalantly.

Squeaky tried to take a step into the vault but rebounded off the telekinetic wall Lucan had set up. He could easily force his way in but he wouldn't do something that dumb while surrounded by so many elites.

The warlock scowled, while the guild manager's face reddened.

"My bad."

"What do you want? The dragon parts aren't for sale but everything else is."

"Can I take a look at the books?"

Lucan walked over to the books and looked at them for a moment. Then in his hands appeared a list of everything on the shelf. He walked out of the vault and handed it to Squeaky Mouse.

"Not bad, not bad. How much can I spend boss?"

"$10,000,000 but I think we should also get some gold."

"Yeah, of course."

"Lucan, while he looks that over I want to talk gold. Gold is currently trading at $67.5 for 1GP. We can both make a profit if you sell to me for $68. with direct sales neither of us have to pay the transaction fees."

Lucan scowled and didn't say anything. Instead he turned to stare at Silent's bottom as she was explaining the spells and abilities Raze had for sale to the other Terracorp employees.

"Ha, ha, fine how about 68 and a half."

"No deal. Cloud Saint Guild is paying $69. I will just sell to them instead." Lucan said.

Silent's ear's twitched. 'Have you been talking to my sister?'

'Nope, just bluffing.'

'Good… Are you enjoying the view?'

'You know it, I can still feel it in my hands.' Lucan telepathically said to her while clenching his fist and staring at her backside..

'Pervy warlock.' She said back before turning around and moving to stand beside him and secretly giving his but a squeeze.

He was helpless and unable to do anything back while his uncle's eyes were focused on him.

"69 isn't that much better than market price."

"If you buy over 100,000 GP I will sell at a dollar over market, buy over 1,000,000 GP and you can have $.75 over market. If you don't want to, I have other buyers. We don't have a contract yet so maybe I will go sell to the Violet Crusaders. They probably need gold."

"Alright, alright, no need to go to our competitors. 69 is still better than buying off the market. But you better honor those prices when I bring back the big bucks."

"I will save my coins for you." Lucan said.

When all was said and done, they bought a quarter of the skill/ability books (212 books) and then $2,000,000 worth of gold.

"Okay, you got your books, here is 28,985 gold pieces, 50 silver, and 72 copper. And since I am such a nice guy I will throw in this broach that lets you change your hair color."

Bo only rolled his eyes and laughed at the free gift as they all headed towards the teleporter.

"Thank you so much Miss Night for answering all our questions earlier. We will definitely make some purchase in the future and spread the word about your service." Pickle said before everyone but Bo entered the transporter and flickered away.

"Yes, thank for making this experience better, or else I would be stuck with just this punk. Oh and if you ever visit flower city you must look us up, you can find us in the Fragrant Spring Villa's just ask for the Hekin estate and we will send Brax out to entertain you. You kids have a good evening." He said before flickering away like the others.

Silent just stood there not knowing how to act. It turned out that Brax was staying in the same community as her.


"Just so you know, I didn't wear dresses by choice. Nobody has ever been able to say no to my aunt Marie."

Silent broke out of her daze and started laughing. "Ha, ha, its too hilarious to imagine. But your Uncle seemed pretty fun."

"Yeah him and my aunt sure are a pair." Lucan said while walking back to the command room.

Shortly after Lucan and Silent went back to their rooms for the night,

Silent lay awake on her bed thinking. Lucan was really in the same neighborhood as her. 'Did he know I was there too? Probably.'

Her sister always made a big splash wherever she went.

'Would he come and see me? Maybe. He flirts with me, but he is still a pretty shy guy who hasn't even given me a proper kiss no matter how many times I kiss him on the cheek. Is he dense or just shy? Does he even really like me?'

'He definitely likes me, I have seen him in his insanity more than anyone else, he make act arrogant or brag and sometimes exaggerate but I have never seen him lie and I was there when he called me his woman. Should I go see him? Do i actually have the courage to do that? Probably not.'

'Ugh, you stupid warlock.'

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