Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 71: Seeing The Family

The driver stopped at a gated entrance and had to check in with security to gain entry into the neighborhood where Brax's family lived.

They drove for 10 minutes, passing mansion after mansion before the car turned down a driveway and came to a stop in front of a large estate. It wasn't the biggest house they passed on their way in but damn, it was a huge place for a family of four.

As Brax got out of the vehicle a silver sports car came to a stop behind them.

"Ahhh! BRAX! I missed you so much." Yelled a short, fit women who got out of the driver's seat and almost tackled him to the ground. "Why are you standing so tall? Bend down and let your aunt give you some kisses."

Brax knew better than to argue with his aunt. Reason and logic didn't stand a chance against her so of course he wouldn't. After being showered with kisses she gave him a hug and refused to let go. When she eventually did, she started hitting him with all her might, which wasn't much.

"You punk, how could you make us wait so long to see you?"

"Aunty, I am here now, right?" Brax said, trying to placate her.

"You butthead. We both know that if that pretty girl didn't move in down the street you wouldn't be here. Oh well, since you have finally come, there is no point in leaving."

"We will see."

"Yes we will." She said confidently.

Lucan grabbed his bag and followed her. She didn't walk up the stairs to the house but to the side, and went around the house.

"Don't you worry, your uncle and I prepared for you a long time ago. Oh, and I made sure to get everything you asked for yesterday."

She led him through a garden to small house that was off to the side before handing him a key. "This is your place now. It's probably a hundred times better than your crummy apartment. See, there is no point in leaving, and I won't let you anyways."

She let Brax unlock the door before pushing him aside and showing him around.

The guest house had a massive living room with 3 different bedrooms off of it. One of the bedrooms had been transformed into a gaming station that had an even better capsule than the one he was using at home, beside that was a brand-new computer that was already hooked up to it.

"How is it? Everything is nice, right?"

"Yeah its better than the stuff I just bought at home."

"Ha, great. I knew it was a good idea to show you this room first."

"But aunty, why are their two capsules in here?"

"So you can play together with your little girlfriend duh. Your uncle told me that the capsules can be hooked up together to allow a private chat while playing."

Brax shook his head. "I don't have a girlfriend."

"You just let me take care of that."

"No way, you will just scare her off, this is crazy."

Marie rolled her eyes. "You will thank me when she comes over and plays with you."

Next she took him to the master bedroom. It had a king size bed. Lucan opened the closet to put his bag inside to find it filled with clothes already.

"I didn't know what you would want to wear so I got a bit of everything. Socks and underwear are in the dresser by the wall, and in the night stand you will find protection in case your lady spends the night." She said while elbowing him in the side.

"Aunty!!! I don't need that."

"What, you want a kid before you're married. You're such a rascal, but you won't hear me saying no to grand babies"

Brax was speechless as she dragged him into the bathroom to show him a shower that was bigger than his apartment's bathroom. There was also a big soaking tub sunk into the ground. "The perfect size for 2." She said while nudging him again.

At this point he couldn't even say anything to her.

She took him to the basement next. "It's the perfect gym for you, I had some movers arrange all the work out machines your uncle never touches and I got you a tread mill and bike so you can get your body in tip top shape so your lady friend can enjoy a bit of eye candy. And look what we have back here." She said while opening a door at the back of the gym.

Inside was a large hot tub and a sauna at the other side of the room. "This is the perfect place to-."

Brax cut her off. "Let me guess, it's the perfect place if the bathtub isn't big enough to play around."

His aunt covered her mouth while giggling. "Are you always so perverted, I was going to say it's the perfect place to relax after a hard workout. You're so bad." She said while playfully hitting his shoulder.

Brax could only shake his head as they went back upstairs.

"You still have a license, right? Well I put a couple cars in the garage that's behind that door." She said while leading him to the kitchen.

"Have you been eating well?"

"Umm, I-."

"Don't lie to me now."

"No, not really, mostly cup noodles."

She pulled open the fully stocked refrigerated and started grabbing ingredients.

"Let Aunty fix you up a good lunch. It's just you and me here for now, but everyone will be home for dinner. You sit there and tell me all about this girl while I cook you up something healthy to eat."

Brax didn't bother arguing, he knew better, so he did as he was told.

"Well, her name is Jenna…" He started telling her all about Silent. He talked while she cooked. Then she asked a million questions while he ate. Brax answered her questions while he washed the dishes. By the time she left he was worn out and plopped down on the couch.

He had to admit it was a really nice place. It made his apartment seem like a real crap-hole, and he hadn't even seen the main house yet.


At dinner time Brax walked over to the main house and knocked on the door.

Marie answered.

"What are you doing knocking, come on in." She said, dragging him inside.


Her small frame produced a loud voice that carried through the whole house. Brax could hear the sound off footsteps scurrying down the stairs.

""Brax."" Derek and Chris shouted while coming down the stairs and tackling him with hugs, much like their mother.

Derek was in his last year of high school while Chris was in her first year.

"It's good to see you guys, I missed you."

"Mom was telling us you know Heaven's Kiss and her sister. You have to introduce us." Derek said eagerly.

"Or at least get us an autograph." Add Chris.

"You can meet them later. It's time for dinner." Marie said while ushering them into the dining room.

As they sat down Brax's Uncle Bo came in and sat at the head of the table.

"Good to see you finally made it." Bo said while a maid brought in a pushcart filled with several dishes and began to set them on the table. "But we need to talk." His Uncle said with a frown.

"Uh oh, someone's in trouble." Chris said with a teasing smile.

"This is serious." Bo said before tossing a business card on the table. "Why are you lying to one of my subordinates. Your aunt should have told you there was no issue using the plane. You didn't have to do that."

Derek picked up the card and laughed. "World Conqueror Industries, ha, ha, ha, what is this?"

"I-." Brax tried to explain but his aunt started talking over him.

"What did he do?"

"Your nephew was embarrassed about using the plane so he made up a story about being a tycoon so the others wouldn't look down on him."

"Brax, I told you there was no issue with the plane, why did you do this? Do you think you will be able to get that girl by lying like this? Tsk, tsk, tsk, you should know better."

Derek was almost falling out of his chair from laughing so hard at the name, when Chris picked up the card she started to giggle.

"But, it's not like-."

"Don't worry if you think she wants to date a guy with money, well, you live here don't you?" His uncle asked.

While Brax enjoyed his quiet and peaceful like in Chip city he would be lying to himself if he said he didn't miss this loud and boisterous family of his.


Brax slammed his hand on the table, silencing the room.

With a smile on his face. "This tycoon is the Lord of a territory in the shadow realm and struck gold, well not gold, but mana crystals. So far this month I have already sold 80 million dollars' worth of gold through gold vendors in Evolution and last month was even better. I didn't tell Dill any lies. Now come and praise the president of World Conqueror Industries."

"Really?" Bo asked with a shocked expression.


"Ha, ha, ha. Well damn, I got myself a tycoon nephew. Looks like I need to start consulting you for work."

"You can have your people contact my people." Brax said while picking his business card back up and tossing it to his uncle.

With this the table burst into laughter.

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