Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 69: Graveyard Cleansed

All the loot from the necromancer was given to Lucan, as per the agreement in the contract. Unfortunately, the rods only buffed necromancy spells and it was the same for the cloak. The only thing that interested him was a few books on blood formations.

Although blood formations were normally used in evil acts that didn't mean it was always that way. He was confident that if he read the books it would only help his formation abilities.

The group spent the next hour clearing out the reaming ghouls. Without the backing of the necromancer the paladin brigade only needed time to deal with the remaining undead.

While the paladins and priest began their work of cleansing the graveyard and the church, the others took the opportunity to look around.

Lucan quickly found a room in the church that hadn't been desecrated by the necromancer. As soon as he opened the door and walked in, he felt a warming presence. There was a holy arura protecting this place. Presumably, that's why the necromancer didn't touch it.

Inside the storeroom Lucan started to open up the crates. The first was filled with scripture. It wasn't something he was interested. He opened several more boxes to find they were all filled with bottles of wine.

Since the bottles were identical, he had no problem getting them into his bags. His new bags could hold stacks up to 100 units in a single space. Emptying all four boxes of wine only filled 2 slots of his inventory.

Pushing aside the now empty crates, Lucan found a small ornate chest sitting in the back of the room. Tilting open the lid he found where the holy aura was originating from. Inside the chest was a decorative silver cross and a set of prayer beads.

With nothing else left in the room he picked them up and headed back out into the main hall.

As he approached the group, the paladins and priest immediately felt the holy aura.

"What did you find?" Asked Holy Willow with excitement in his voice.

Lucan didn't hide anything and showed them the cross and prayer beads.

"If you let us have these, I will let Shifty know and you will be properly compensated." Said the paladin.

"Sure, it's not like I can use them anyway." Lucan said while handing both over.

Holy kept the cross for himself and passed the prayer beads to the priest.

"Ha, ha, great. Now all my holy abilities will be a notch stronger." Said Holy Willow.

The priest was equally excited as he wrapped the prayer beads around his wrist several times.

"Since this area is taken care of, we should get back." The hunter said. "Shifty will chew us out if he knew we were slacking off instead of helping the others."

Holy nodded and led the group out of the graveyard.

When they returned to the main gate, they found the ground painted red. Both sides were behind their defensive barricades as the fight continued. The only change was at the entrance to the fortresses main hall stood a draconian man with two wingless drakes. One on either side of him.

The draconian wasn't going the fight, only watching and growling orders to the kobolds.

"I assume everything went well?" Shifty asked as they took cover behind an earthen wall.

Holy proceed to tell him and Sturdy about their trip to the graveyard.

"Hmm, I don't like that the Plague Baron has a warlock here." Sturdy said. "Isn't he one of your enemies?" The level 170 knight asked Lucan.

"Yes, but we aren't at the point of open hostility yet. I informed my master and he promised to let me know if the Plague Baron moves people in our direction. I have also informed Duke Hellfire. If the Plague Baron interferes then Hellfire will move to cut him off before he arrives."

Silent spoke up. "As long as the players under his control don't get involved it shouldn't be a big deal."

Sturdy nodded in agreement.

"I don't think the Baron and the others are ready to openly move against my Master yet. They can only pull out their people or let them die while I claim this fortress."

"If there even are any others." Silent added.

"Right, there may not be any others here."

"Alright, we won't worry about it for now but if anyone comes across a hostile warlock make sure to report it." Shifty said to his commanders.

"What's up with that guy?" Lucan asked, motioning towards the draconian.

"He showed up an hour ago and hasn't made a move." Shifty replied.

Lucan took a closer look and saw that the draconian was a level 130 Rare Elite.

"I think as long I don't make a move, neither will he." Said Sturdy.

"I am just thankful he hasn't sent out any of the wingless drakes." Said Shifty before giving out more commands to his subordinates.

Lucan and Silent helped with the battle for the rest of the afternoon. Wave after wave of Kobolds kept coming form the fortress as if there was no end to them while the Draconian only watched. As night fell, Shifty gave the order to retreat.

Fighting at night would give the advantage to the kobolds who could see through the darkness just as well as Lucan could. It would be pointlessly wasting the lives of the Willow troops if they were to continue.

After making proper arrangements, the Willow troops left through a shadow tunnel that took them into the woods before they entered the tunnel that Lucan created last night.

Although the draconian didn't follow it never hurt to be careful.

After arriving at the basecamp, they met up at the command tent.

"I am worried that we will be stuck outside fighting the kobolds for too many days." Shifty said. "Tomorrow I want to make a push for the main hall and start to take some bigger enemies down. The scout team was able to gets us the layout of the front half of the fortress today so let's put that information to work."

"We will need to come up with plans to deal with the wingless drakes, it won't be impossible, but it won't be easy either." Sturdy said.

"Alright people, speak up if you have any ideas."

After a few hours everyone dispersed from the command tent. That included Lucan and Silent who went back to their own tent.

"That was so awesome today." Silent said when they were alone. "I got almost a level and a half of experience. You should consider making arrows for me full time." She teased.

"Yeah you were the main attraction today. At least I know I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

Silent blushed. "I am going to go take advantage of the bathtub again." She said, leaving without teasing him further.

Lucan pulled out one of his new formation books and began to read through it.

The night progressed without issue, there was no kobold raiding party or any dragons causing chaos. When Lucan woke in the morning, he gathered his gear to find Silent in the living room sitting at the table.

"Morning. I got some food for you." She said. "It's not as good as Lisel's but the buffs are better than nothing."

"Thanks." He said, taking a seat next to her.

They ate for a few minutes in silence before Lucan spoke.

"Would you be opposed to getting to know each other better?" He asked while maintain eye contact with his food. He was afraid to be looking at her if she rejected the idea.

"Umm, no. I wouldn't mind." She answered, not looking up either.

"Good." He said as they continued to eat. After another minute he spoke again. "My real name is Brax."

"I'm Jenna."

Lucan nodded while still not looking up.

"Do you have any hobbies?" He asked awkwardly.

"Not really. I used to spend all my time studying, now I spend it playing Evolution. How about you?"

"Same, ever since I got laid off, I just play Evolution. During the day I usually go to the gym and then read books on my phone that is connected to the game."

"Oh, you're unemployed? Uh, I didn't mean it like that. I just know you spent a lot of money in game and I remember you saying your parents weren't around."

"Yeah. I sell gold."



"I usually work out too during the day. It's a lot easier to play with a healthier body."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I really need to start eating better. My aunt is always telling me I eat too many cup noddle's but its hard when they are so easy and tasty, plus I am a lousy cook."

"I can cook a few things but usually I just have the staff prepare something, it's easier that way."

"You have staff at home?"






"This is awkward."


"Want to go kill some kobolds?" Lucan said while putting his plate away.

"Sure. If things go well, I should be able to level up before lunch."

"Nice, I am not too far off either."

"He, he, once you level you should just stay back and make arrows for me."

"I don't mind, if you remember our deal."

'What deal?"

"I will make you arrows, but I get to stare at your curvy parts."

"I don't mind… only if it's you." She said with a wink before heading out the tent before Lucan collected the rest of his things.

When they met up at the command tent Shifty made an announcement. "After talking to Sturdy, we decided to not try and infiltrate the main hall today. We will instead focus a full force attack on the kobolds to see if we can lure the draconian or any wingless drakes out. We will infiltrate the hall tomorrow."

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