Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 57: Game Capsule

Lucan spent 2 in game months fighting in the goblin planes. He had set up a temporary base with formations that had begun to expand over time. He added more and more formations over a larger area. Lucan woke from his sleep in the formation. 40 other people were sleeping, and a few were moving around the hidden tent city. From the outside, everything in the formation was invisible, strong charms made it hard for someone to stay near for too long. Telekinetic walls and dense shadow magic made it a completely detached from the outside world. Hellfire and Lisel's followers treated it as an oasis in the Goblin Planes.

The players had even set up a tent to store food, rations, and bandages in large supply for whoever needed to stop by. It wasn't long after that, a player with the blacksmith profession set up a tent and would spend half his day repairing gear and weapons while he would use the other half to level in the plains.

An alchemist showed up, and then a couple players put the chef skills to use, before long everyone was using their professions to improve the tent city. Lucan didn't mind, having supplies closer meant he could level longer, and there were always players nearby if things got out of hand.

'Hey Lucan, I finished my class advancement and am on my way to Shadowsweep. Do you have time to meet up?'

Silent had just reached out to Lucan. He was happy to hear her voice.

'I will be in Shadowsweep in 15.' He replied immediately.

"See ya, I gotta go." Lucan said to the people inside the formation as he hoped on his broom and shot towards the horizon.

Lucan flew to the exit of the battleground and made his way out of Raze's palace and to the transfer point. He walked to his home to wait for her. He was surprised to see her already sitting on his porch.

"Lucan." She said jumping up. "Your 5 minutes early."

"I didn't expect you to be here already either."

"I'm sorry about everything I said before." She said while staring at the ground. "I didn't mean what I said."

"Why don't we forget about what we both said, neither of us meant it. Right?" Lucan asked hesitantly.

Silent finally looked at him. "Lucan, I want to make a new pact with you." She explained before he could ask. "If you agree to trust me, I will trust you. I like leveling with you, I don't want to fight over stupid things that don't matter. I will watch your back and protect you, if you promise to do the same for me."

Lucan smiled. "I can promise that." He said reaching out his hand to shake on it.

Silent pushed aside his hand and kissed him on the cheek while activating pact magic. "Good, I have to log out for today. Bye." She said before vanishing.

Lucan stood rooted to the ground. His smiled had been etched onto his face as he held his hand over his cheek.

He heard a rustle on the edge of the street. Eventually Lucan turned to see Oar hiding behind some bushes trying to hold in his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Lucan asked.

"Ah, Boss, nothing. HA, ha, ha, it's just that I started thinking about… Ha, Ha, ha, you will be like The King of the Shadow Elves in a year or two. Ha, ha, ha."

"Hey, punk you think your funny. Renia tells me you think you are getting strong. Challenging the guards during training. Come on then, want to spar with me?"

"Hey, Boss, it's just a joke. I don't want to spar."

"What, come on. Weren't you calling your self top dog of the ring yesterday? Show me what you got Top Dog."

"Oh, what, Alasan needs help with errands. COMING!" Oar shout before running down the street. "Sorry Boss, work before play."

The villagers chuckled to themselves as the young steward ran from his Lord. They were pleased to see both Lucan and Oar in a good mood.

Lucan decided to log out early and call it a day.

Brax got out of bed excited and full of energy. He was back in good standings with Silent and she had even given him a kiss on the cheek. As embarrassing as it was, there were several fist pumps and victory laps around his apartment before he used the bathroom and got ready for the day.


Brax put his plate from breakfast into the sink and answered the door.

"I'm here to install your Oasis 2000 Luxury game capsule."

"Right this way." Brax said showing him to the empty room that was going to become his gaming station.

The instillation guy brought in the capsule and got to work. Super had informed Lucan last week that pretty much every player over level 150 was bringing serious money just from monster drops. There were people who played the game as 'Gold Farmers'. These people's jobs were to earn gold and sell it, sometimes in the free market, but mostly they would sell it privately to large corporations that had begun to infiltrate the games economy.

These Gold Farmers would start becoming hirer level in a couple of months. Once a good portion of them crossed level 150 the price of gold would begin to drop. Over the past 2 months in game Lucan had slowly cashed out over half a million in gold. Right now, the price was at 79.3 USD to 1 GP, but super expected the bubble to pop anytime in the next couple of months. Lucan kept 200,000 GP in the bank for the village and decided to sell everything else until the bubble popped.

He would stop at 75 USD to 1 GP. Super expected the exchange rate to drop to 60 USD before it stabilized again, but it was possible it could drop even more.

As the Oasis instillation guy was working Lucan brought in his new top of the line computer. The computer was hooked up to the game capsule allowing Lucan to access it while in the game.

4 hours later and Brax gave the installer a tip on his way out. When he was alone in his apartment, he began to set the preferences on the capsule and signed in his character to Evolution so he would be ready to play when the time came.

Since Brax wanted nothing more than to use his new capsule and play with Silent, the clock betrayed him and began to tick backwards as the day dragged on. Brax endured the slowest day evert to exist. There wasn't a single interesting thing on the internet or the television, nothing would distract him.


The game capsule had recovered his character completely. Lucan shook his head angrily, it had only been 30 minutes since the Oasis guy left.

He sighed and then noticed a new popup on his computer screen.

"Holy Crap."

He could see Lucan's inventory in the game. He clicked on a book. It opened, allowing him to read it on his computer. Lucan smiled; he should be able to keep himself entertained until he could play the game again.

It wasn't long before he figured out how to connect his phone to his new computer. Now he could read on his phone. Formations are great, but the prep work and study was enormous, the materials were also ridiculous. Its definitely a rich man's profession.

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