Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 100: Traveling Around

Dear readers,

Author here, with this being my 100th chapter I have a few things I wanted say. I know not many people will bother with a story that has less than 100 chapters, but I have been lucky to have you read my work and give it a try. Thank you for following along, offering encouragement, and showing me how I can make my story better. I truly appreciate the fact that you have taken the time from your lives to come on this journey with me, and I hope the next 100 chapters will not disappoint. I sincerely thank you for your support.


Lucan and Silent entered the gates of Avalon while the Elite elves guarded the wagon. When they entered the royal estate, Grand Magister Faylen was already waiting for them. One of the benefits of having acolytes was that it was easy to pass messages along.

"Lord Quilldrake, I hear you have business to discuss."

"Mmm, yes, I have some resources to sell and as I mentioned in my message, I am in need of more bodies. Do you think you can help me?"

"Sure, that shouldn't be a problem. Am I able to see what you have brought?"

"Of course." Lucan pulled out a few pieces of platinum, quick silver, and copper. "I have much more in a wagon just outside the city, everything is of this quality."

"Let me call a craftsman, I don't know as much about ore as I do mana crystals."

"Sure, that is no problem."

"Good, good, good. It will only be a few minutes." Faylen said while an attendant ran to go fetch one of the royal craftsmen.

He returned followed by a stout dwarf. He took the ore from Faylen and began to look it over.

"Hmm, not bad, not bad. We can definitely make use of these."

"Good, that's just what I wanted to hear. Shall we go see how much you have brought?"

Faylen, the dwarf and several royal guards followed Lucan and Silent out of the city.

They entered the cave and the dwarf hopped up into the wagon and took a look.

"Yeah, they are all good quality, not too many impurities." The dwarf said.

"Good, good. For all this it shouldn't be a problem to get you 3,000 able bodies still at fighting age."

"Then I will have to trouble you." Lucan replied.

Once again, he was getting ripped off. The wagon full of ore should have been able to purchase 4,000 slaves, but Lucan knew this would happen which was why he only brought this amount and left the majority behind.

"Alright, I will call the slaves over to move the ore from inside the cave to our wagon outside, then they can leave with you."

Lucan nodded and then waited.

It wasn't long until the slaves arrived and begun to transfer the materials.

When Grand Magister Faylen's wagon was loaded he said his goodbyes. "Lord Quilldrake, it was a pleasure doing business with you. If you ever need anything in the future, let me know."


The magister soon left. Silent and Lucan led the slaves into the shadow gate and passed them the keys to their chains.

"Okay everybody, I am Lord Quilldrake of Shadowsweep. At the other end of the tunnel is the shadow realm. If you go there, you will no longer be slaves. Feel free to turn around and head back to the material realm, but you will be branded as a runaway, and there is nothing I can do about that. If you want a chance at a fresh start, you can head back with these shadow elves. I still have business in the material plane, goodbye." Lucan said, wrapping up his speech quickly and heading towards the exit of the shadow gate.

His footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned to a particular slave.

"Are you sure you don't have a quest to be a slave?"

"Ha, ha, I really don't." The player said.

Lucan recognized this man from the first batch of slaves he bought. He later saw him in the tunnel when he left Shadowsweep, the man was sitting down still deciding what to do. After that he had never seen this player again, until now.

"Well, the shadow realm really isn't that bad, think about it." Lucan said. He then turned and left without saying anything else.

"Do you know that guy?" Silent asked.

"Sort of." Lucan said before explaining it to her. His first batch of slaves was bought when they were previously fighting and not hanging out together.

"I got some news from Super, I am not to sure you want to hear about it though."

"What is it?" Silent asked.

"The Fallen Sanctuary instance, near Mt. Troy, is in the territory and under the control of Cloud Saint City. Your sister's guild. It looks like we need to go have a chat with them."

"Ugh, do we have to?"

"Nope, we can just bust our way."

"Eh, I guess we should go talk to them."

Lucan and Silent began their walk towards the teleporter.

"Do you and your sister not really get along?"

"Umm, well… It has actually been better this past week but… I just hate how when people look at me, they are thinking about her exposed body since we are the same. So when I see her, I just get mad, but at the same time she is my sister and I love her, so then I feel guilty about being mad. But then I see what she is wearing, and I get mad again, then I feel guilty again. It's just so… tiring."

Lucan nodded, not sure what to say. Silent kept talking and Lucan kept listening. Ultimately it came down to the fact that she didn't like the attention she received from her sister's idol career, but at the same time she hoped her sister could succeed with her dream. If they weren't identical twins, she probably wouldn't be having these issues, but that wasn't the case.

Lucan finally said something. "You can believe me or not, but I think she is as ugly as a fart while you are as beautiful as a swan." He said while putting his arm around her shoulder. "Even if you two stood side by side with the exact same clothes and didn't say a word, its easy to tell you apart, you're completely different. The air around you both is almost the complete opposite."

"Pfft. Ha, ha, ha." Silent had a good laugh. "My parents actually say the same thing, not about the swan and the fart but the other part."

"I guess we just have good eyes while everyone else is a dumb turd-head."

Silent let out another chuckle as Lucan kept the conversation lighthearted.

Soon enough they stepped into Cloud Saint City and started to head to the Cloud Saint guild.

Silent took the initiative to contact Her sister.

She frowned. "I guess we should have called first. She is out running a dungeon with her guild."

"That shouldn't be too big of a deal. We are just trying to get permission so as to not step on their toes."

"Well… She asked us to wait. She said she would send someone over to receive us."

After a few minutes, SpicyPumpkin came to let them in. It was a person that Lucan had seen with Heaven's Kiss a few times.

She scowled at the sight of Lucan and ignored Silent. Lucan guessed that she picked up on the vibes that Heaven's Kiss had always thrown towards the warlock and it appeared that she didn't know that Silent was Heaven's sister.

Without saying a word, she led them through the compound and stopped before a room.

"Wait here. Don't think about wandering off or you will be finished faster than you can blow out a candle."

She then stomped away before either of them could say anything else.

"I'm sorry." Silent said. "I didn't think we would be held up like this."

"Don't worry, it's not your fault. Let's just go in and wait."

Lucan opened the door and walked in. To his surprise it was not a meeting room, but… a bedroom.

"How long are we supposed to be waiting?" Lucan asked.

Silent messed around in her interface before coming back with an answer. "She will be back in the morning…"

"Alright. Sigh. Let's just call it any early night. You can take the bed. I will crash on the floor."

"No, it's alright, this is my sister's guild. You are more of a guest than I am. I will sleep on the floor."

"No way, that's not happening." Lucan said, putting his foot down.

"Then… we can share it. The bed is big and we have slept in closer proximity out in the woods, only separated by a thin tent flap."

"Are you sure?" Lucan asked. He liked the idea a lot, but he would never suggest it.

Silent nodded. "But don't try any funny stuff, I mean it. Just because I put you in the privilege section of my safety system doesn't mean you can go crazy."

"Safety system?" Lucan asked.

Silent explained. "All players have a safety system, you do too. But for female players, it comes turned on when you start the game. Your clothes don't rip, and you can't be touched in certain places unless you put the person on the privilege list."

"Oh, I get it. Is there anyone else on your list?"

"Of course not." She said slapping his arm. "But don't get a big head. If you do anything besides kissing me or grabbing my butt I will get mad, I am serious. Our relationship isn't to the point where you can let your hands wander freely. You should know the areas to stay away from."

Lucan nodded but then he gave a sly grin.

"What are you grinning for?"

"What about nibbling and kissing on your ears and neck? You seemed to like that a lot on our ride to Avalon,"

"That, that's fine too." She said with red cheeks and looking towards the ground. "Let's go to bed. Heaven will get back early so we should be up early."

Lucan agreed and they started to remove their armor but kept on the cloth clothes they wore underneath. He shut off the lights and they got under the covers, still keeping their distance from each other.

Lucan's worst fear was that he would make her uncomfortable and she would run away from him, never to return.

After twenty minutes he heard Silent whisper. "Are you still awake?"


"Pour me a drink, I don't think I will be able to fall asleep while in a bed with you unless I have a little help."

Lucan did as she asked. With the on and off drinking the had done all day it was true that after a few drinks they would probably be tired out. They both sat up and downed a few drinks in the dark room. And then Silent took the initiative. She moved closer to Lucan and wrapped her arms around him as they enjoyed themselves until she started to get tired.

When Lucan felt her movements start to become sluggish, he laid her head on the pillow looking away from him and then pulled her close with her back up against his chest as they laid under the covers.

A minute later he heard her breathing slow down as she fell asleep. Lucan listened to the calming sound, two minutes later he was asleep.


Lucan's eyes snapped opened and he held Silent close to him. It was morning. The bottle that had been on the nightstand had shattered against the far wall and liquor was running down it.


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