Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 93: God And His Conquest

As soon as Claude reached his room, he hurriedly locked himself inside and then placed the White Dragon's teeth on his table.


The gigantic monster of a tooth landed on the table with a loud noise, and Claude began carefully examining it.

"Oh? Now this is even more interesting..." On the uppermost section of the teeth, Claude could see a variation in the colour and softness, and came to the conclusion that the upper part of the teeth was the root of the dragon's teeth. 

It's extremely rare for a spiritual beasts' teeth to be found with their roots in a natural circumstance, as the roots of their teeths are said to be really sturdy. As such, the only way that the spiritual beasts' teeth were found with their roots were when a cultivator defeated them and extracted their teeth.

"Did this mean that the White Dragon's teeth were extracted by someone?" While thinking, Claude could not help but be extremely curious about the situation. 

Of course, he didn't have reliable information to support these claims. He didn't know if the White Dragon's teeth were similar to the spiritual beasts' teeth in present time, and he certainly didn't have enough information about the White Dragon's dental anatomy to form a conclusion.

But nevertheless, Claude thought of the folklore about the crazy tribesman who took down the White Dragon all on his own, and couldn't help but wonder if the folklore really was telling the truth.

After thinking for a long period of time, Claude felt both slightly satisfied and dissatisfied. He was satisfied because of the possibilities that this idea brought forward, but was dissatisfied by the lack of evidence and information he had to come to any sort of conclusion.

He shifted his gaze back to the White Dragon's teeth in front of him and continued examining it. As he studied the enormous teeth, he figured out that the actual material comprising of a White Dragon tooth was pretty similar to the teeth in spiritual beasts' of the present day.

However, for whatever reason, it was much harder and heavier than the spiritual beasts' teeth, which just puzzled Claude.

"I feel like I'm not qualified enough to figure this out myself.." Claude said in a gloomy voice and slightly exhaled. 

He knew that he wasn't knowledgeable enough in the dental anatomy field to completely understand what the hell was so special about this teeth. However, he also knew that he couldn't just show this to any expert without expecting to be bombarded with a barrage of questions either, so he didn't know what to do about it.

Now what to do?

Claude placed his hands on his chin and thought back to the incident in the Gryfino forest, and the conversation between the injured woman and the man wearing the luxurious clothes.

"Elizabeth and Endre of the Azure Lion Clan..." Claude whispered the names of the two to himself as he thought about the bizzare conversation that he witnessed. He knew that he could've gotten more information from the lady named Elizabeth if he had stepped up to help her escape from Endre, but he had decided to not do that.

Claude had been keeping an eye on the henchmen surrounding the injured Elizabeth, studying them. He had figured out that although the man named Endre was on the eight rank of the Earth realm, most of his henchmen, to his surprise, were all either on or above the first rank of the sky realm! And one of them were even on fifth rank of the sky realm!

Claude couldn't have taken them on all alone. He wasn't going to risk his life for a women he didn't even know just because the lady spoke of something interesting. 

"From the part of the conversation that he heard, the man named Endre was planning on betraying them from the start…" Claude decided to retrace the part of the conversation that he heard from the very beginning, to get a clear idea of the situation. He continued, "And remembering how he talked about the White Dragon's teeth, it was clear that he wasn't surprised at all about the presence of a mythical artifact that, up until today, was part of a simple folklore…"

Claude walked towards his window and opened it, letting in the cold breeze. "Did that mean the White Dragon's teeth was part of the - if not the entire - reason for his betrayal?"

Arriving at this conclusion, Claude couldn't help but frown; this implied that the existence of the White Dragon's teeth was already known to both the injured Elizabeth and the traitor Endre before they embarked on their journey to the Gryfino forest.

Just where did this information come from?

Claude thought about it. This could mean that the information related to the White Dragon could be present within the Azure Lion Clan that both Elizabeth and Endre wad part of. Of course, he couldn't be sure, and this could all be a secret endeavour planned by Elizabeth and Endre along with a seperate group of people. But even if that was the case, then it could still mean that there might be some information about the White Dragon's teeth inside either Elizabeth's or Endre's clan rooms.

Whatever the case would be, Claude felt that he needed to investigate and if possible, infiltrate this… Azure Lion Clan that these two were speaking about. Claude felt that it would be worth a try.

"But where exactly is the location of the Azure Lion Clan?" Claude soon found himself in a pickle, as he had never heard of a clan called Azure Lion Clan. 

In the end, Claude had decided to rest first as it was already night time, and then ask Senior Beldon for help during the day to find out information about the Azure Lion Clan.


City of Trivonte.

The Emperor of the Dazearyn Empire and the newly crowned King of Argria entered the Destiny Church alone, leaving their soldiers behind, who stared at the backs of their respective rulers with concern in their eyes.

King Blake Bancroft opened the door to the Destiny Church, stepped back and motioned the Emperor to step in first as a sign of courtesy, and the Emperor complied.

The moment Emperor Gilbert Gottfried stepped his foot inside the Destiny Church, he realized just how enchanting and breathtaking this building could be. Its fantastic architectural designs didn't simply extend to the exterior of the building, but to the interior as well. 

They moved forward, stepping on the beautiful marble floor and reached the front of the church, and King Blake slowly walked towards the left side of the inner walls, turned a flower vase that was next to him, and all of a sudden, a hidden door opened up from the walls, revealing a staircase that went downwards.

"Shall we?" King Blake pointed down the staircase as he asked his question, and the Emperor nodded his head. The two descended down the long staircase that led them to a small hall with two chairs and one round table, and a blind man wearing a long white dress and standing still, as if he was waiting for someone.

"Shall we begin, watcher?" King Blake asked as he entered the small hall, and the blind man turned his head towards the King and the Emperor, greeted them with a small bow of his head and stroked his beard, replying; "Of course your highness. Please, sit."

The blind man pointed towards the two chairs, and both the King and the Emperor complied with his request.

The blind man walked towards the cupboard which was to their left and grabbed the pile of documents that were stacked on top of each other. He then slowly walked back towards the King and the Emperor, carrying the documents in his hands and gently placed them on the table.

The blind man then lifted his chin toward them and said. "May god bring the both of you peace. Now, if the both of you could raise your right hands..."

The two men did as they were told, and the blind man took out a long dagger from one of his sleeves, and very carefully, cut a line across both of their palms before placing the dagger back into his sleeve. 

The blind man then raised his head, mumbled a few words, cleared his throat and spoke once again: "You may open the sacred texts, your highness."

The Emperor nodded his head and grabbed the document on top and opened it, studying it carefully. Minutes passed, and after finishing the first document, the Emperor grabbed the second one. After that he grabbed the third one, and then the next…

After a few hours, the Emperor flipped through the last of the documents, placed it back on the pile, turned towards King Blake Bancroft and said, "So the Pope did recognize you as a legitimate heir for the throne."

King Blake nodded his head, "As you can see, I am in fact, a messenger of God. I hope you're happy to know that, Emperor Gilbert Gottfried."

Emperor Gilbert Gottfried narrowed his eyes as he spoke. "Very well. I, Emperor Gilbert Gottfried of the Dazearyn Empire recognize you, Blake Bancroft, King of Argria as a messenger of God, and I am asking you to help me and my men with my conquest to fulfill god's wishes."

"Of course, I won't fail you, Emperor Gottfried," said Prince Blake Bancroft.

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