Evil Samurai In Cultivation World

Chapter 57: Opening Up

"You said that we have to be careful of the Royal Family, but not everyone in the academy has an enmity with them. Does this mean that if an attack does happen, we have to be careful of the students and the faculty as well?"


At that moment, a heavy silence fell over the disciples, as they glanced at each other.

'What should I do in this situation?' 

The awkward atmosphere continued as the Second Elder began thinking of how to answer Esmond's question, worried about what to say.

He hadn't planned on revealing the fact that they may have to fight against fellow students right now. He wanted his disciples to deal with one problem at a time so that they have enough time to process things, instead of bombarding them with information until their anxiety reaches its limit.

However, it seemed that he had to deal with the problem earlier than expected. 

Nevertheless, the Second Elder managed to calm his mind. 

'...No, perhaps this might be a good thing. The Monarchy has been quite unpredictable lately, and it's better for the students to adapt to the situation as quickly as possible!'

"That is a very good question, Esmond," The Second Elder said, nodding his head politely, "You may be right!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Esmond's eyes widened with surprise. Even though he had asked the question, he wasn't expecting a direct answer from the Second Elder. However, the Second Elder heartlessly told them the bitter truth.

Was this the right move?

With his eyes still shaking, he asked the Second Elder to confirm again, "Master, are the words you just spoke the truth?"

The Second Elder calmly replied, "Yes, Esmond. As it stands, we have to be careful. Although we may be part of the same academy right now, once the battle begins, you'll have to start picking sides."

As the sound of the Second Elder's voice faded, the countenances of everyone underwent a drastic change.

"No way... we can't even trust our own peers?"

"Are we alone in this fight?"

"Isn't this way too unfavorable for us?"

Each reaction was different, but they were all shocked. They were already unsure about fighting the Monarchy. However, now they hear that they may have to fight their own peers as well? Dismay, horror and disbelief filled the eyes of the people in the room.

The Second Elder waved his hands, and the whispers created by the students died down.

"I know what most of you are thinking right now. You must feel helpless. Afraid. Anxious. You feel like you're at a disadvantage, which is true; you are at a disadvantage," The Second Elder calmly spoke, and there was silence in the air once again as everyone attentively listened. 

"But you have to realize one thing. Our enemies, the ones that you're afraid of, are making a move because they're afraid as well. They're afraid of us. They're afraid of the academies, and the power we might hold in the future, and they're desperate."

Claude calmly listened to his words. No one knew what he was thinking. Senior Beldon stood beside him, staring at the Second Elder with an emotionless expression.

"The Golden Avarice Academy, similar to the rest of the academies in Argria, has a rich history of hundreds of years. And throughout these years, we have experienced countless obstacles and faced great opponents, but regardless of whatever problems that came our way, the Academy has always stood at the peak, enjoying years of glory. Which is why I'm telling you all; you may think that this is an unfavorable situation. But you have to understand one thing; overcoming unfavourable conditions is what made the academy one of the greatest academies in Argria. Years have changed, but our roots have not." The Second Elder spoke with no fluctuations to his expression, causing his disciples to blink in wonder. 

He continued, "I understand everyone's feelings. However, we no longer have a choice; the Academy and the Monarchy can no longer exist together. Despite this, do not be disappointed, all of you currently standing here are more than talented. So o ask you to persist. Stand your ground, and stand by the academy, and all of you will definitely have a better future." The Second Elder smiled as he finished his words, and all his disciples had despondent looks and lost expressions on their faces.

"I am ready to support the Academy from whoever; be it the Royal Family or someone from the Academy itself!"

After a moment of silence, a loud, high pitched voice broke the silence, and the gazes of the spectators all shifted onto the person in question. It was Ashley, who stepped forward from the crowd and stared at the Second Elder before continuing, "I am blessed to have been able to enter under master's tutelage, I would fight to the death alongside master with no regret." Ashley knelt down, causing a smile to appear on the Second Elder's face. 

"We are willing to fight for the academy as well, Master!" Immediately, the voices of the disciples echoed out one after another as they bowed their heads to pay respect to the Second Elder.

"This junior is willing to fight alongside master as well," Claude also joined in and paid his respect, and so did Senior Beldon.

The Second Elder stared at his disciples with pride and clenching his fists tightly as warm currents flowed in his heart.

'Let's see who wins this fight, Royal Council.. I'll make sure you regret your actions!'

The Monarchy was simply too arrogant! The Academy has existed for hundreds of years and yet the Royal Family had the audacity to declare war on them?

What did they take this place as? This was the GOLDEN AVARICE ACADEMY! If a war is what they want, a war is what they'll get!


Hargrow Forest, a few miles north of Canteburne City.

The sound of horses cantering could be heard, the dry summer earth rising into the summer fragranced air. About a dozen men rode the horses wearing dark colored clothes with hoods covering their heads. 

"Men, it'll take us about 2 hours to get to Canteburne city. Remember, do not bring any attention to yourself once you reach the city. Be extremely careful of your surroundings. Keep an eye out for danger."

Carlos Nunez, who was leading the group, spoke loudly for the others to hear. The men nodded their heads, but didn't respond. Carlos didn't seem to mind, and turned his head forward to face the dirt road.

Dadak! Dadak!

The horses ran at a dizzying speed, carrying them onwards as their surroundings sped right past them. 

'Navaz had told me before that they were still using the Crust and Bread Inn as the meeting place..' Carlos stroked his beard a few times as he thought to himself.

Carlos and his men were on their way to meet with some of the elders of Trinity Academy, which was situated in Canteburne City.

These were elders who were part of the Reformation movement, who were secretly in an alliance with the rest of the academies in an effort to replace the monarchical system once and for all. Even though the academies were constantly producing talented cultivators who directly contributed to the country - sometimes even more than the Monarchy - they were still chained to the age-old system of Monarchial rule.

As such, they felt that in order to reach their full potential and gain more power, they needed to remove the Royal Family once and for all. With the infamy surrounding the King and the Queen, Hannibal and Isabelle Bancroft, and the public's negative perception of the Royals, the academies felt like it was the best time for them to join hands and strip down the system.

The 'Crust and Bread Inn' was a secret meeting place in Canteburne city used by the alliance. Looking at it from the outside, the 'Crust and Bread Inn' looks like any other inn that you'll find in a highly populated city. However, what most people didn't know was that it also had a hidden room underneath it, which was used by the Alliance members who would usually be disguised as travellers or merchants.

'Haa.. I really hope we get there quickly. I can't stand this forest...' 

It usually would've taken at least a day more if they were a normal unit, but Carlos, who was known for his speed, was confident that they would take less time to reach their destination.

The problem wasn't the journey, but the route they took. 

For him to be able to reduce the duration of the journey by a day, Carlos had to take a different route, one much different and less preferred, which involved passing through the Hargrow Forest, which was rumoured to be cursed, as many travellers who passed through the forest were met with great misfortune.

As if they had also become anxious, the horses ran like the wind through the hard dirt road without much difficulty. 

Right then…


A groan emerged from Carlos' mouth, as he looked in front with a confused expression. The dirt road, which was visible to him just a second ago, was now completely covered by a thick white fog, spreading all across the forest at a rapid pace, approaching Carlos and his unit in a matter of milliseconds!

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