Everyone’s job transfer: This Berserker is too calm!

Chapter 26

On the grassland, Ou Hua, whose body was wrapped in blood mist, wielded his twin swords and fought with a giant wolf with a shoulder height of three meters and a body length of more than five meters.

However, the giant wolf has the ability to tear through armor and bleed a lot when attacked.

However, the negative effect of bloodshed is completely useless to Ou Hua, who has a "Bloody Ice Heart".

These negative effects were stored by the "Bloody Ice Heart" after a portion of its mana was consumed, and returned to the giant wolf in Ou Hua's next attack.

The fight lasted for a minute, and as the 50% HP "Blood Engine" blood mist shockwave erupted, the giant wolf fell in response.

After a blur of vision, Ou Hua returned to the altar again.

"It doesn't feel like it's as good as the elite monsters around Lv.40.,It seems that these bosses have been weakened according to my level at this time.。 After

fighting with that giant wolf, Ou Hua also discovered the problem of the boss's weak strength.

It's not that the boss is weak, but that he is too fierce.

Not to mention the boss snake that was stabbed by himself, let's just say that this giant wolf that can tear armor and bleed non-stop with basic attacks, ordinary Lv.30 professionals must deal with it carefully, and if they don't pay attention, they will be bleeding to death.

However, he can rely on the "Crazy Blood Ice Heart" to fight each other, and even use the bleeding effect to kill the other with his own way.

This time, Ou Hua also saw how terrifying the bloodshed effect of his "Bloodthirsty Call" was.

As soon as the wound was cut, the boss wolf's wound was bleeding as if it had a water pump, and the blood that flowed out turned into blood balls floating beside him.

This boss wolf's blood volume is tens of thousands, right? hundreds of hundreds of dollars in a second, and his own attacks are still stacking bleeding damage, and he will be dried up in about a minute.

After replenishing his HP with a recovery potion, Ou Hua pressed onto the bear stone pillar and teleported to a lonely island in the sky covered with dark clouds.

After arriving at the isolated island, Ou Hua heard a hoarse and piercing roar from his side.

After raising his twin swords and turning to be on guard, Ou Hua saw a monster with the body of a bear with a scarlet head and a blue electric current wrapped around the bear's claws rushing towards him.

The owl bear was four meters tall at the shoulder, several times stronger than the previous giant wolf's sense of oppression.


the owl screamed strangely.

After approaching Ou Hua ten meters, he jumped up violently, dragging the rolling thunder and smashing it towards Ou Hua.

Ou Hua naturally couldn't be stupid enough to make a hard connection, he immediately turned on the "Blood Engine" and relied on the extra agility to evacuate the area where the owl was smashed.

In the flash of lightning, Ou Hua rushed directly into the lightning, and while receiving the lightning attack, he stored the paralyzing effect through the "Crazy Blood Ice Heart", and then slashed at the butt of the owl with a sword.

The electric current surging on the giant sword's body made the owl wail, and it was difficult to move in the paralysis.

And this owl with a high attack, thick blood, and a thunder magic attack is easier to solve than a giant wolf.

It was like a target in Ou Hua's eyes, and the owl was killed by the bleeding effect of "Bloodthirsty Call" in one fell swoop.

It didn't hit Ou Hua even once, only the lightning attack during the ground attack caused some magic damage to Ou Hua, and the paralyzing effect of the lightning actually harmed itself.

"The last one..."

After returning to the altar, Ou Hua looked at the last stone pillar, this was just a golden-beaked eagle, and this thing could fly.

If it is also playing high-altitude bombing like the stinky vulture, then Ou Hua feels that this is definitely the most difficult boss, and may even be consumed by it.

After briefly considering the pros and cons, Ou Hua pressed the giant sword against the stone pillar, and in the blurred vision, he appeared in a grassland.

Looking up, a black dot in the sky was flying back and forth around him.

It seems that the black dot should be the golden-beaked eagle.

Ou Hua discovered the golden-beaked eagle, with a wingspan of twelve meters in the sky, and the huge golden-beaked eagle also discovered Ou Hua's existence at the same time.

After locking on to its prey, it folds its wings and swoops down like a peregrine falcon.

Ou Hua was overjoyed when he saw the boss eagle swooping, what he was most afraid of was that the boss was playing air superiority with him, and the eagle boss was so upright that he was a little embarrassed.

When the golden-beaked eagle swooped, it was wrapped in a hurricane and formed an extremely sharp wind armor on its body, and with the blessing of the power of the dive, it crashed towards Ou Hua with a piercing whistling sound.

Ou Hua turned on the "Blood Engine" and moved sideways to dodge with the blessing of agility, but even if he blessed an additional 125 agility points at this time, he still couldn't avoid the dive of the golden-beaked eagle.

"Damn! it's really the hardest one!" Ou

Hua, who had been tossing and turning, had no choice but to turn around and face the golden-beaked eagle that was swooping down in wind armor.

Ou Hua, who couldn't avoid the lock, was hit by the head of the golden-beaked eagle, and his feet rubbed two deep ravines on the ground.

The sharp wind armor rolled around Ou Hua's armor, and this was the first time that Ou Hua's HP dropped rapidly in the enemy's attack.

At this time, Ou Hua's HP had dropped below 30%, and his strength and agility soared, and he swung his sword and slashed, slashing at the golden-beaked eagle with his staggered twin swords.

Its wind armor, which had excellent defensive effect, was as brittle as tissue paper in front of Ou Hua, and was shattered by Ou Hua's sword.

The golden-beaked eagle with its head slashed pushed Ou Hua all the way, making a loud cry in the sharp pain above his head, but was swabbed by another giant sword.

The golden-beaked eagle, whose throat was swabbed by the giant sword, retched and coughed up a mouthful of blood, and the momentum was no longer as terrifying as it was at the beginning.

When Ou Hua's HP dropped to about 21%, his attack speed was no longer visible to the naked eye, and the eagle of the golden-beaked eagle that had not had time to raise was slashed by Ou Hua in less than a few seconds.

As his vision blurred, Ou Hua returned to the altar, and the equipment on his body was in tatters with only 21% of his HP at this time, and he was gradually repairing it by consuming durability, and his appearance looked a little embarrassed at this time.

Ou Hua looked at the one-man high-blood flame that ignited in the middle of the altar, raised his head and drank three bottles of healing potions, and then sat on the ground to rest, recovering the physical strength he had consumed in the battle just now.

After resting for an hour or so, Ou Hua actually walked towards the one-man tall blood flame, and then reached out to touch the transfer flame.

After Ou Hua touched the blood flames, those blood flames rushed in from Ou Hua's arm as if they had life.

The warm feeling made Ou Hua's limbs feel as if he was soaking in a hot spring.

The blood flame completely wrapped Ou Hua's right hand, and after the blood flame completely poured into his right hand, Ou Hua's arm was burned by the blood flame, leaving a blood-colored flame pattern.

In the end, it is only the second transfer, and the momentum of the job transfer is far from that of the fourth and fifth transfers.

Ou Hua looked at the blood flame pattern on his arm and nodded with satisfaction.

This pattern is very handsome, mainly because the location is very secret, if you are afraid of being recognized as a profession, wear long sleeves and wear gloves to cover it.

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