Everyone’s job change: I am a world-destroying berserker

Chapter 98

Su Yi sat on the moving train.

Look at the world with only your right eye.

This means that Su Yi is already in the inner realm.

This time there was no Lawrence with Su Yi.

Because the track of this shuttle bus was paved by Su Yi himself with shadows.

Angelia's contract allowed Su Yi to close his left eye and enter the inner realm.

And gave Su Yi the guidance of other imprints.

At this moment, the train is running perfectly under the guidance given by Angelia.

Under the moonlit night, Su Yi saw that he was driving over a twisted jungle.

It is not known who the second brander is who is going to be hunted by himself.

Suddenly, Su Yi's injal trigger pinned to his waist made a slight vibration.

It seems that this area has something to do with it.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, then turned over and jumped out of the car window.

As Su Yi jumped out, the train running in the air broke through the space.

Disappeared into a black hole.

It went back to the underworld.

Su Yi stood in the middle of this twisted jungle, looking around at the situation.

The Hellflame trigger ignited a faint flame.

The flame stretched out and pointed in a direction.

Su Yi is only looking at the world with his right eye at the moment.

The direction of the Hellflame trigger is the same as the direction given by Angelia.

The sound of rustling came from around, and Su Yi frowned.

Step out.

As Su Yi stepped out of this step, the blade storm was triggered instantly!

With Su Yi's step as the center, countless sword qi roared towards the surroundings!

In an instant, these twisted trees around them were instantly cut down by Su Yi!

A terrible cry was heard, and black liquid erupted from the stump.

This forest is alive!

But Su Yi's sword qi didn't kill these trees.

The trees that had been cut down because of Su Yi's sword qi were still wriggling towards Su Yi.

In other words, Su Yi's sword qi allowed them to be free!

See this situation.

Without half a minute of hesitation, Su Yi directly pulled out the Prison Flame trigger on his waist.

He has no head, and he can't die after being cut off.

Then burn them all to ashes!

The terrifying explosion shattered all the trees in front of Su Yi to pieces.

In Su Yi's hands, this weapon simply exerted his performance to the limit!

It may have even been far beyond its limits long ago!

Basol's level is probably already the limit of the Prison Flame trigger.

But in Su Yi's hands, it was enhanced countless times for some reason!

The raging flames flowed through Su Yi's sides, and every bullet from the Hellflame trigger was a devastating blow.

Looking from above, the entire twisted forest was constantly being blasted out by Su Yi.

Because of Su Yi's bombardment, the entire twisted forest let out a wail.

As a whole, all the woods shrank their branches.

Then it came to a complete standstill.

Su Yi stopped pulling the Prison Flame trigger in his hand.

It seems that these trees are scared by themselves.

Su Yi's figure was slowly lifted, and he wanted to sit on the shadow whale as usual and continue to move forward.

Suddenly, his figure froze.

He suddenly realized that it was not a shadow that lifted himself.

It's the branches!

Su Yi aimed the Prison Flame trigger in his hand at this branch in an instant!

But before Su Yi could pull the trigger, another branch rose from the ground!

As Su Yi pulled the trigger, a bullet formed in the Prison Flame trigger.

Then the hammer fired the bullet, and the flames filled the entire barrel of the Hellflame trigger!


A bullet came out of the muzzle of the gun accompanied by a tongue of fire.

Shoot towards Su Yi.

At this moment, countless tree dragons had already rolled up around Su Yi.

These tree dragons covered the sky and the sun, and they were almost about to engulf Su Yi!


The terrifying flames soared into the sky the moment the Hellflame trigger touched the tree dragon!

All the tree dragons that swept Su Yi were all burned to ashes by the flames of the Prison Flame Trigger!

A black dragon bursts through the flames.

Su Yi rode the shadow dragon and rushed out of the encirclement of those tree dragons on the ground.

Su Yi, who was on a high place, looked at the ground in the distance.

The entire ground of the twisted woods is churning at this moment!

But if you look closely, you'll find out!

The so-called ground is no longer the ground!

Rather, it is the staggered trees that churn over the earth!

Because of Su Yi's escape, angry voices sounded from the earth!

But soon countless flames swept the land again!

Su Yi almost frantically pulled the Prison Flame trigger in his hand!

The picture at this moment is like a carpet bombardment!

Large swaths of trees were burned by Su Yisheng!

Until the real ground is exposed!

Su Yi originally wanted to leave, but he found that the direction of the Prison Flame trigger had changed!

At first, it was the same as Angelia's guidance.

But after ascending into the air, the guidance of the Hellflame trigger is completely staggered from Angelia's guidance!

Angelia's guidance still pointed to Su Yi's front.

This means that there is a brander ahead of you.

And the Hellflame trigger is completely pointed at the ground!

This means that there is something under the ground that the Prison Flame Trigger wants Su Yi to get!

So Su Yi didn't leave directly to find the brander.

Instead, he used the Hellflame trigger to blast the sea of trees away.

Until the real ground is blasted!

With Su Yi's bombardment, the exposed ground area continued to expand.

The abyssal blade on Su Yi's back was revealed.

Then it disintegrated on its own, revealing the shadow within.

With Su Yi in charge, Chengying flew into Su Yi's palm on his own.

Then it started to spin continuously.

Su Yi is charging a foot of cold moonlit night with one hand!

Countless sword qi and sword light continued to condense in Su Yi's single palm.

And Su Yi's other hand was constantly shooting with the Prison Flame trigger.

As long as Su Yi stopped shooting, then the ground that was blasted out now would be immediately submerged by the sea of trees!

Finally, a completely charged one-foot cold bright moonlit night took shape in Su Yi's hands.

I saw Su Yi shoot at the ground.

Then immediately beat out a foot of cold light and moonlit night in his hand!

A bullet blasted towards the ground with a furiously spinning shadow!

After them was Su Yi, who jumped off.

The sound of explosions sounded again on the ground.

Then came the sound of countless trees being crumbled.

Su Yi constantly controlled the rotation of the shadow under him.

The drill bit formed by the sword qi and sword light drilled a hole in the earth!

As Su Yi descended, countless trees behind him stretched out in the dirt behind Su Yi.

Trying to catch up with Su Yi.

But Su Yi descended faster!

At this moment, Su Yi's retreat has been sealed by countless tree roots.

But Su Yi didn't care about these at all, but kept declining.

The Hellflame trigger was still pointing straight at the ground.

The sound of the rock collapsing was heard.

Su Yi fell into a cave.

As soon as he entered, Su Yi felt that he was shrouded in red light.

And the temperature around it instantly increased countless times!

Even Su Yi, who could eat the Prison Flame trigger several times, felt the burning sensation.

It was precisely because of the temperature here that the tree roots that were chasing after Su Yi stopped.

It circled at the entrance of the cave where Su Yi fell.

Didn't catch up again.

This is a slightly uncomfortable temperature that Su Yi feels, not to mention them.

At this time, the direction of the Prison Flame trigger has finally changed.

It was no longer pointing straight at the ground.

Instead, he pointed behind Su Yi.

Following the direction, Su Yi looked back.

A red gem is floating in the middle of this cavern at the moment.

The red light emitted made Su Yi a little unable to open his eyes.

The Prison Flame trigger in Su Yi's hand vibrated and broke away from Su Yi's hand on its own.

It slowly flew towards the red gem suspended in the air.

A moment later, a pillar of flames blasted open from the ground of the twisted woods.

Then a black shadow dragon burst out of the ground.

In that shadow dragon

seemed to be shattered.

Su Yi's body began to have cracks scattered in all directions from his right hand.

And within these cracks, blood flows like lava.

Unexpectedly, the Hellflame trigger in Basol's hand before was not in full form.

It seems that because the power is too terrifying, the core of the Hellflame trigger is buried here.

But think about it.

Even if it was as strong as Su Yi, he was still held out of the crack by the force of the Prison Flame trigger.

At this moment, these cracks on Su Yi's body were caused by the power of the Prison Flame trigger.

A boundless burning pain came from Su Yi's right hand.

But Su Yi was used to the pain.

Although it was a bit loaded, these did not affect Su Yi's ability to use the full body of the Prison Flame Trigger.

At least Su Yi didn't feel the damage to his body.

These cracks are then stitched together with a shadow.

Su Yi has already died, as long as his body is not 'destroyed'.

Then no problem.

Su Yi fired a bullet at the ground.

In an instant, Su Yi felt the change in the trigger of the Prison Flame!

The terrifying recoil instantly made Su Yi's hand slam back!

Then, like the end of the world, the ground under Su Yi instantly exploded into scorched earth!

The sea of trees above it was directly destroyed by the beating.

A terrible wail came from beneath the ground.

The earth began to tremble violently, and a giant twisted tree dragon rushed out from beneath the ground!

It was made of twisted trees all over, with a faint deer head peeking out at the tip.

Countless black, blurry, twisted figures began to emerge from the tail of the massive creature.

They slowly climbed up like mud.

It's like pollution.

The deer-headed tree dragon, aware of this, let out a painful wail.

One appeared on the head of the deer-headed tree dragon.

She looks petite and wears a long black dress.

With her appearance, the speed at which the deer-headed tree dragon was polluted suddenly accelerated countless times!

Almost instantly, it was completely blackened.

Su Yi frowned, and he closed his left eye.

At this moment, one of Angelia's directions has also changed.

It pointed directly at the little girl on the head of the deer's head tree!

It seems that this little girl is a brander.

As the pollution was complete, the deer-headed tree dragon fell backwards.

It slammed into the ground with a thud.

Then, as if disintegrating, the countless trees that made up its body all flowed into the earth.

Seeing this situation, Su Yi hurriedly shot at the head of the deer-headed tree dragon!

This shot was not fired for the deer-headed tree dragon.

It's for the sake of the mysterious brander!

Not for anything else, just because Su Yi felt that the imprint was leaving!

The terrifying explosion blasted a huge crater out of the ground.

The earth, which had already been reduced to scorched earth, was shattered by Su Yi's shot!

But Su Yi still didn't succeed in killing the brander.

Angelia's instructions did not disappear, but changed direction.

Su Yi looked at the distance that Angelia was pointing to.

The aftermath of the explosion whipped up a violent wind that blew Su Yi's hood away.

It seems that these imprints are developing well during this time.

Su Yi pinned the Prison Flame trigger to his waist.

The crack that had begun to spread from the right hand gradually 'cooled'.

Traces of blood spilled from Su Yi's right hand.

But it was immediately forcibly closed by Su Yi with the shadow in his body.


Su Yi walked in front of a huge church.

The church towers into the sky.

Su Yi, who was at the door, felt as if he was in front of a high mountain.

Angelia's instructions indicate that the brander is in there.

Su Yi picked up the Prison Flame trigger on his waist.

In an instant, the crack instantly spread to Su Yi's left hand.

The flames of lava flowed through the cracks.

This church Su Yi didn't know what it was doing in this world.

His prey.

A brander is here.

He just had to know about it.

As Su Yi's fingers caught the trigger of the Prison Flame Trigger.

Just as he was about to buckle down, the doors of the church opened.

An old woman stepped out of it.

She was dressed in a black robe and held a twisted staff in her hand.

"I didn't expect to see someone who could use the full Hellflame trigger before I died."

The old man smiled at Su Yi.

A loving smile appeared on his face, wrinkled with old age.

"Come and sit down."

"The witch will welcome you."

That's right, this church is the Witch Society that did everything to make the Hellflame trigger.

At the beginning, they predicted that Su Yi would plunge the world into darkness.

So he forged the weapon of the Hellflame Trigger to allow Basol to kill Su Yi.

Unfortunately, Basol failed, and the world began to rush into darkness as prophesied.

The leylines erupted, and the evil gods were released.

And the Prison Flame trigger went to Su Yi's hands instead.

Until now, Su Yi hadn't figured out why Prison Yan chose to follow him.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be hostile to itself?

Su Yi closed his right eye, and the church was still a church.

The old woman is still the old woman.

But strangely, Angelia's instructions to those who are branded in it have disappeared.

Su Yi frowned and put down the Prison Flame trigger in his hand.

The old woman pushed the door open even more.

The building inside is revealed.

"I'm the manager of the Witch Society."

"In the apocalypse of the Shadow Tide, only the witch will be considered a pure land."

Su Yi looked inside along the gate, and there were many children and women among them.

is living in it.

This church of the Witches Society is huge, ridiculously large.

I'm afraid it's enough to accommodate the population of a small town.

"Luckily, I continued to build the church of the Witch Guild as prophesied."

"It's about protecting these kids."

Su Yi was silent.

His voice in the present world has been taken away by Angelia.

Although he could use the Shadow Soul to communicate with others, Su Yi had no interest.

"Come in and see, this Pure Land in the Last Days."

The old woman turned her head and walked into the church.

And Su Yi picked up the Prison Flame trigger in his hand.

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.

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