Everyone: Control the element of water, and the millet can make a difference.

Chapter 150 National Selection, Void Exploration Team!

It was clear that life was born in the void, but she seemed to long for it to be destroyed.

Is this the habit of void creatures?

"No, not destruction, but salvation!"

"Save the void that has sunk in malice and purify it into a normal world!"

Jiang Yuan was amused: "You don't like how things are now? If the void is purified, can you continue to survive?"

"No one likes to live in a world of brainless monsters. Monsters from all over the world are crowded together. It makes people sick just thinking about it."

Jiang Yuan probably understood:

"The void is vast and boundless, how can I alone purify it? Even if it is possible, it will probably take countless years..."

Although Jiang Yuan is powerful, he is self-aware and is not omnipotent yet.

What ability does he have to solve the world that has been maliciously deposited for hundreds of millions of years?

"You can definitely do it!...Sooner or later, you will become the most powerful existence in the world!"

With confidence that came from nowhere, the Queen of the Void unconditionally believed in everything Jiang Yuan had to offer like a fanatical believer.

Maybe this is what void creatures are like, extreme and often high-pitched health benefits

There is a woman beside Wang Tielong who is good at making jewelry and equipment.

A purple necklace hangs on her chest, which contains alluring light.

"Boss, please look at it. Although its power is not as powerful as the Demon God's armor, it..."

As the words fell, a profound power emerged around the woman, and the space was suddenly torn open by it!

Like a big purple mouth containing void energy, it swallowed her whole body instantly.

The next moment, when she appeared again, she had appeared in the distance on the other side!

"It has the power to cross space, allowing users to travel freely even in harsh environments!"

Jiang Yuan immediately applauded. "Queen of the Void, is this also the design you brought?"

"It is not the owner, its birth is indeed the result of unremitting research..."

With its help, exploring the void becomes much easier for Discovery Company employees.

Jiang Yuan is very satisfied, but....

"What are the side effects of it?"

The woman was in great spirits.

In the depths of her eyes, a depth like nothingness flashed.

"It allows people to adapt to the void and feel like a fish in water."

"But if you wear it for a long time, you will... You will become obsessed with the void, and you will gradually be unable to leave, until you completely lose your mind..."

The Queen of the Void interjected:

"Maybe some of the creatures in the void that are good at traveling through space have this origin?"

Jiang Yuan ignored her words and just said:

"You did a good job this time and deserve a reward."

"Don't slack off from now on. Discovery Company will never treat anyone who truly contributes to the company!"

After saying that, Jiang Yuan left.

Before leaving, take away two samples of void equipment.

A few people were left looking at each other:

"We may have started a new era of mankind with our own hands!"

There was only a long silence, and the excitement and fear in the eyes.

In the human world, in the conference room where the fate of China is decided.

Many people took turns looking at the things in front of them with serious faces - two pieces of terrifying equipment.

"This... embracing the void is really the right choice?"

"Jiang Yuan, I don't doubt your ability, I just feel uneasy!"

One person said, with deep worry on his face.

Can mankind afford...the price of emptiness?

In response, Jiang Yuan replied: "As long as I still exist, there will be no danger in the human world."

After hearing such arrogant words, everyone just took it for granted.

Because Jiang Yuan has this qualification.

Let’s just talk about the invasion of the ghost world not long ago. If Jiang Yuan hadn’t existed, it would have been impossible for humans to resist it!

"I think it's feasible! If you want to gain great power, how can you be timid?"

There was a man with firm eyes, it was Commander Wang whom Jiang Yuan was familiar with.

As someone who leads an army, he knows the power of equipment best...

Powerful equipment that can be mass-produced is exactly what humans dream of!

"The opportunity is right in front of you, how can you miss it so easily?"

“All the heavens and worlds are exploring the void, why should we humans lag behind?”

A new world, a world that is unprecedentedly vast and vast, no one is not moved by!

Everyone looked at each other:

"Jiang Yuan, do you think now is a good time for humans to officially open up the void?"

In the world of demon frogs, there is a war with the armies of various countries, and the aftermath of the ghost world is not over yet...

"I will choose an elite team to explore deep into the void with me!"

Everyone gasped, what does this mean?

An unprecedented opportunity!

Follow you by Jiang Yuan's side, explore a new world, and get countless opportunities!


"Now is not the time to open up the void on a large scale."

"But it's time to gather the human elites, follow me to see the new world and broaden your horizons!"

This is of course a big deal, and one must be a true human talent to be qualified to follow Jiang Yuan.

A nationwide selection will begin, and the final winner can join the exploration team!"

All the senior executives were very excited and quickly discussed the general charter.

"I plan to bring six people with me, give you three places, and use the remaining three employees from the exploration company."

The senior executives had no objections, but all praised Jiang Yuan's generosity.

In this way, the country started this unique selection with extremely fast efficiency!

Just three days later, the selection has reached the final stage.

Somewhere in the wilderness, many top human beings have gathered together, just waiting to decide the final three winners!

But the way the last game was played didn't seem simple...

Jiang Yuan stood on a water dragon and looked at a dozen people in turn:

"Compared to you before, you all know some news."

"The final game is a harsh survival test!"

Listening to Jiang Yuan's words, everyone's expressions did not change at all.

These people, both male and female, are all top human beings, and there is no one with weak will.

Everyone (Li Ma's) only guessed in their hearts, are they all going to be put into a restricted area?

But that would be too simple. They might not be able to destroy the restricted area like Jiang Yuan.

But if the condition is just survival, it is definitely not that difficult...

Jiang Yuan saw their doubts: "The place of survival this time is not in this world, but in... the void!"

Everyone's expressions moved slightly, this was a place they had never heard of.

But one thing they are sure of is that it must be very dangerous!

Jiang Yuan waved his hand, and the space suddenly began to turmoil, tearing a crack from the inside.

That kind of terrifying and evil aura made everyone's hearts skip a beat.

Instinct reminds them that it is extremely dangerous!

"That world has all the filthiness you can imagine. It is the most dangerous place in the world..."

Jiang Yuan said slowly: "You have only one goal, which is to survive and survive as long as possible!"

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