Every time I get caught during a crackdown on pornography: You call this a side job?

Chapter 446

Everyone was slightly stunned. The old man in front of them, who was still washing his ears by the river, turned out to be the legendary Xu You...

This was a strange man in ancient times, a teacher in the Yao, Shun and Yu eras, the real first hermit, and an outstanding Taoist leader.

In the Yao era....

Yao wanted to give the world to Xu You, saying: "The sun and the moon have come out, but the torch is still not extinguished. Isn't it difficult for it to compete with the sun and the moon? The rain has already fallen, but people are still watering it. Isn't it futile to moisten the seedlings? If you are established as the emperor, the world will be peaceful, but I still occupy this position. I feel ashamed. Please let me hand over the world to you!"

Xu You said: "You govern the world, and the world is already peaceful, but I still come to replace you. Am I doing it for the name? Name is an accessory to the reality. Am I doing it for this mere accessory? The wren builds its nest in the deep forest, and only a branch is enough; the rat drinks water in the river, and only drinks to fill its belly. Please go back! The world is useless to me. Although the chef is not doing his job, the priest does not have to go beyond his position and cook for him."

This is the origin of the idiom - overstepping one's authority.

After hearing what Zhang Sanfeng said, Xu You finally stopped cleaning his ears. He glanced at everyone and said, "Bringing people in again..."

"Yes... The times in the outside world have changed... The spiritual energy has begun to revive, so naturally a layout is needed. Why did you clean your ears?" Zhang Sanfeng asked curiously.

"It's still the same group of guys. The times are chaotic, so they quarrel endlessly. I can only clean my ears. It really pollutes the environment." Xu You said unhappily.

"Okay!" Zhang Sanfeng was also speechless. As a Taoist master, is it really okay for you to do this?

Lin Dong was also speechless. He had heard a little about the masterpiece of this ancient immortal...

Xu You washes his ears

When Yao was about to give the world to Xu You, Xu You was unmoved and thought that this was an insult to him. He went to the river to wash his ears. Fan Jian saw Xu You washing his ears and asked him: "Is there any dirt in your ears?"

Xu You said: "No dirt, I just heard something bad."

Fan Jian asked: "What was it?"

Xu You said: "Yao wants to hire me as the emperor."

Fan said: "The emperor is a noble position, why is this bad?"

Xu You said: "I am ambitious, why do I want to be the governor of the nine mortals?"

Fan Jian was watering the cow at the time. He left after hearing this, ashamed to let the cow drink water under him.

For the ancient hermits, the so-called fame and fortune are nothing but a passing cloud, and it is easy to get lost in it. Naturally, you need to keep your ears clean to truly see the Tao.

The ancient way of practicing Taoism is so simple and unpretentious.

Seeing Xu You still washing his ears, everyone could only continue to move forward and head towards Mount Guye....

Walking along the river bank, there were fish jumping in the water, the sunset in the sky illuminated the world, everything began, the original air, extremely sacred.

After a while, I saw the prospect of Mount Guye, which was really a piece of jade, with birds singing and flowers blooming, wild animals everywhere, beautiful mountains, and endless elegance...

Under the leadership of Zhang Sanfeng, we climbed Mount Guye step by step, feeling a gentle breath all over the body, very comfortable...

"Is this Mount Guye? It's really a place of outstanding people and beautiful scenery. No wonder the ancient sages like it. I want to be a real hermit..." Lin Dong said with emotion.

"Boss... This place is really tranquil and empty, with heaven and man in harmony. It's a real fairyland, which makes people linger and forget to leave. It's really wonderful..." Fatty Zhang Dalong took a deep breath.

"This is the fairyland..." Although Li Shishi is a corpse king, after entering this place, her filthiness seems to be baptized and gradually rejuvenated.

It is only a matter of time before she transforms into Nvba...

"Gushan Mountain is a paradise of caves and heavens, existing in legends, and naturally it is not like the outside world, what thirty-six caves and seventy-two paradises..."

Zhang Sanfeng introduced with a smile that Gushan Mountain belongs to the Five Emperors era before the Qin Dynasty, and it is naturally extraordinary, not comparable to the later Wudang Mountain, Wutai Mountain, and Emei Mountain.

A real paradise, a beautiful place created by nature...

The millions of chickens in the live broadcast room were stunned when they saw the paradise on earth...

"I have been talking about the paradise on earth. Now it seems that this is the paradise on earth. The so-called fairy tale world is just like this..."

"The paradise on earth has always been pursued by the world. Now it seems that everything is true, making people linger..."

"Will living here really be free of desire? I am really curious..."

"Can you imagine the cultivation of real people? They are no longer what we can imagine for people who eat grains and shit..."

"Haha....I wonder if the jade here contains extraordinary spiritual energy?"

"Master Lin is in the live broadcast room, and the title is Searching for Gods. Now I finally understand that they are the gods in the world..."

"Haha...I am more curious, what is on the top of Mount Guye? Is it a Taoist temple? ”

“I’m curious too....”

“Me too....”

Millions of chickens were eager to climb to the top and see the vastness. It was too ethereal and could not be traced by mortals...

Lin Dong and others climbed to the top of the mountain step by step, looking at the mountains and rivers where the sunset was setting, took a deep breath, and the whole world seemed to merge with themselves.

The most perfect person has no self, and suddenly the heaven and man are one. The whole person seems to be merging with the universe, and the universe is merging with you, and you are immersed in it for a while.

This is the happiness of the most perfect person...

This is a kind of feeling the beauty of the universe all the time...

The so-called fame and fortune, the happiness of the seven emotions and six desires, is just a kind of happiness that is criticized, like an illusion of floating in the air after inhaling something, and after waiting, it is endless pain and can’t stop...

Lin Dong finally opened his eyes, and seemed to realize something, but it was ethereal and unpredictable, so he could only give up...

“Okay! Continue to climb to the top..." Zhang Sanfeng shook his head helplessly and headed for the top of Mount Gushan.

After walking for a while, he finally saw a pavilion, surrounded by jade, various plants and spirit animals, a paradise...

Not far away, he saw an old man in linen clothes, smiling at Lin Dong and others, as if he could see through the fate of others at a glance, which was really unpredictable...

There were as many as forty or fifty people in the surroundings, each of them was strange, and there was an even more strange one not far away, with shoulders higher than his head, his head seemed to be shrunk inside, revealing a mouthful of yellow teeth...

"This..." The fat man really couldn't accept it...

"His name is Qizhiqi, and opposite him are Meng Zifan, Zi Sanghu, Ziqin Zhang... and Nan Guo Ziqi, Hu Zi..."

Zhang Sanfeng introduced them one by one, each Each of them was a strange person of their generation, and later returned to their essence, thus achieving enlightenment.

Lin Dong also saw a lot of strange people, and there were also people with strange names. It was really a bit awkward for those who didn't understand them. It was really incredible.

Even so, Lin Dong listened to their names and suddenly understood them. It seemed that they were afraid that their deeds would be generated in their minds. It was really ethereal...

After introducing them all the way, he finally came to the last person. This person had white hair and beard, and a fairy-like appearance...

He lay on a straw mat, with one hand on the pillow, and his eyes looked at the endless sunset. It was very beautiful and made people linger...

"Who is this..." Lin Dong said a little surprised.

"This is Guangchengzi..." Zhang Sanfeng said with a faint smile.

"What? Guangchengzi, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals? Is this true?" Lin Dong was a little surprised, and more exclaimed.

"What Twelve Golden Immortals? These are just some fabricated novels. "Guangchengzi glanced at Lin Dong, looking very calm.

Lin Dong was really shocked...

In the mythology, Guangchengzi was a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the twelve golden immortals, holding the Heaven-turning Seal, and one of the real leaders.

In the ancient official history, it was when Huangdi asked Guangchengzi about it that he was in Kongtong Mountain...

From this period of history, Eastern civilization entered a new stage.

Guangchengzi glanced at Li Shishi and the fat man Zhang Dalong again, and looked beyond the world. The whole person was very sacred, extraordinary, and integrated with the Great Dao.

This trip to search for gods ended perfectly...

"If you can enter Gushan, you should practice well. The ancient world has been opened, and the revival of spiritual energy is a great prosperity..."

After Guangchengzi comforted Lin Dong and the other two, he closed his eyes and seemed to fall into a deep sleep, which made people confused.

"Since Guangchengzi has given instructions, you should practice well, and when the time comes... you can act at will. "After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he found a place to start practicing.

Lin Dong and the other two looked at each other, a little puzzled. Since they were here, they decided to make the best of it. They started practicing...

This piece of heaven and earth was so beautiful. Staying in it, one could feel the extraordinary life from the inside out. There was no happiness or sadness, only a kind of open-mindedness in life.

After Lin Dong started practicing, he got an unprecedented feeling, floating in the air, just one step away from stepping into the sky...

As long as he was given enough time, he would definitely be able to break through the realm of the real person, because the conditions here were so unique...


A burst ofLight footsteps sounded, Lin Dong opened his eyes, and saw Guang Chengzi landing opposite him, wearing a linen robe, with white hair and beard, and a celestial appearance...

"Senior Guang Chengzi..." Lin Dong bowed slightly.

"There seems to be a lot of mystery about you, which I can't see through. According to your original fate, you shouldn't be here today. I really can't understand it..." Guang Chengzi looked at Lin Dong and couldn't understand it, as if he wanted to see him clearly.

Lin Dong didn't explain, did he have a system to tell you?

"I wonder what the senior has to say?"

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