Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 180: Deciding to Stay

The last job was to tell Elara through the Spirit Network about working with Earth people on magic. But who knew, even though it was already afternoon, I still couldn't get into the Spirit Network. I asked Serena and found out why.

"The space portal's been acting weird lately, and things in the empire haven't changed much. So Elara's been busy with stuff in Edenmere. Now she only checks in through the 'Spirit Convergence' magic every three days. You probably can't reach her now!"

Serena led the First Angel Legion to watch the space portal and keep an eye on outsiders. But when she heard what the Earth people wanted and how much they'd pay, she offered to help.

"We don't need to ask Elara about teaching Earth people magic. Edenmere has rules to prevent magic from leaking out, but they're mostly for medium and high-level magic. Low-level magic is okay. Maybe I can help!"

An angel legion has dozens of angels ready to fight! When I heard this, I felt relieved.

Edenmere's low-level magic is about the same as mid-level magic for humans. That should be enough to teach Earth people who know nothing for a month.

We agreed to work together in this unexpected way.

For the angels, this was a great chance to get high-tech weapons from Earth without spending much.

All the free angels in the Ilandra Dominion Empire and Crestvale Republic, including the First Legion and us three - me, Cyra, and Reed - started teaching Earth people light magic.

We taught at the Earth military bases near the space portal entrances on both sides - the Eldoria Continent base and the Shine Metropolitan base. We finished teaching around the same time the Earth military left.

The angels asked for personal high-tech fighting gear, lots of weapons and ammo, and science books as payment. These things were sent over during the month and given to the First Legion.

Next, we had to send everyone from the other worlds back home.

The first version of the "Eye of Galadra" was easy to use, like the one Nicola from world 14 had. You just turn on the mode Galadra set up and touch the crystal ball. Then it sends you back to your own world.

But Galadra said the celestial weapon doesn't have much magic power. So the person has to be on the Eldoria Continent, and their world can't be too far from this one.

"This thing is great! I'll ask Galadra to give me one when I get back!"

World 1, which is most like our world, was last in line. After everyone else went home, it was finally time for Feliciana from World 1.

Before she left, we talked for a long time, mostly about how our worlds are different. But when I found out Feliciana and Adrian from World 1 had already slept together, I was surprised to learn our worlds weren't as close as I thought...

"It's normal, I totally get how you feel! When I fell from New Parristol that night, I couldn't help myself and let Adrian have his way!"

Lucky Adrian wasn't next to me. Feliciana from World 1 saw how I reacted and patted my shoulder like she knew better. "You two are already dating, so this will probably happen sooner or later. Maybe one day it'll just happen naturally!"

After saying this, she put her hand on the crystal ball. Her body started to fade. Just before she disappeared completely, she said goodbye casually.

"Take care! Goodbye forever, other me from another world!"


I quickly raised my arm, but what she said a few seconds ago kept bothering me.

Will that day really come?

To be honest, I wasn't sure! If I think about how I feel right now, I don't think I'm totally ready for that yet.

But we still have a long life ahead, so why worry about it now!

I shook my head hard to get rid of these thoughts and focused back on what's happening now. Feliciana from World 1 leaving marks the end of the space portal problem. Now we just have to wait patiently for everything to end.

For the past two weeks, as the portal entrance got smaller, things were okay on the Eldoria Continent. But on Earth, the world situation changed completely.

Because the space portal was revealed during the mission in M-country, many countries, including M-country after it recovered, asked to send experts to visit and learn from the other world before it's too late.

At the same time, videos, pictures, and information about the Eldoria Continent were shared online. All kinds of news, spread to every corner of Earth. The whole world was watching what the Shine Metropolitan base was doing.

But one post stayed really popular. It had a long title: "About how I begged to learn from a master from another world, but in the end was cruelly abandoned."

The post told almost everything that happened with me and Adrian from when we arrived in M-country to when we killed Camille. I could guess who wrote it.

"Franklin posted our experiences in M-country online! Looks like he's pretty upset we left him behind. Too bad the situation and his background didn't let us have other options. Maybe this ending is best for both sides!"

A lot of information about the other world is public now, and Adrian was Franklin's teacher for a while. After reading the whole post, Adrian just sighed.

Actually, Adrian did teach Franklin some basic fighting methods as a symbolic gesture. But Franklin is on Earth and can't use Battle Qi from the environment like Raydwin, so he probably can't improve much more.

Speaking of Raydwin, he's pretty special! Without Adrian's "Absorb" arrow, the little Battle Qi in his body would've run out and not come back.

But for some reason, maybe because the "Holy Ones" gave him a new body with some special talents, in just two weeks, Raydwin learned how to take Battle Qi from the environment by himself. Now he's a real Battle Qi awakener, and the only one born on Earth!

All these changes in Raydwin made Earth scientists very interested again. He probably visited the base research center the most during this time. Even though Raydwin's Battle Qi ability just woke up and is still weak, and we can't even tell what type it is yet, if it can figured out how he woke up, maybe there will be more Battle Qi users on Earth in the future...

Of course, I probably won't see that day.

As for Cyra, even though Raydwin still bothers her all the time with fancy excuses after he came back to life - like helping the military look for Feliciana from World 14 - Cyra's attitude has clearly changed. She doesn't push him away like before.

Visitors from other parallel worlds have all been sent back, except for Feliciana from World 14, who disappeared right under the H-country military's nose!

The search for Feliciana from World 14 never stopped. One day I couldn't help but ask Cyra:

"What are you planning to do? You should know we angels can't easily find Feliciana from World 14 by sensing light energy! The H-country military is just following orders from above, but what about you? Are you really just doing this to pay back Raydwin for saving your life, like you said?"

Their relationship is clearly getting closer fast. I guessed this might make Cyra not want to leave Raydwin when it's time to go back to our world. So I had to check what she was thinking again.

"I've decided not to go back. I want to stay on Earth!"

After thinking for almost half a minute, Cyra finally made up her mind and said seriously to me.

Just as I thought! At first, I thought she might take Raydwin to the Eldoria Continent, but after hearing this, I wasn't really surprised.

"But will the H-country government agree to let you stay?"

I didn't rush to say no to her decision. The problem is that a six-winged angel is way too powerful compared to Earth humans.

In the long run, someone who isn't even afraid of nuclear bombs would have a huge impact on Earth society! We can see how much Earth people fear this from how the H-country military keeps trying to find Feliciana from World 14. Unless Cyra hides among humans with a fake body like Cyrae.

But Cyra's name is already on the list of visitors from another world. In the end, she'll be sent back like me.

Right now, I really can't see how she can stay on Earth openly.

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