Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 178: Training Cooperation

I finally saw Raydwin being questioned behind glass in the renovated basement of the office building.

At first, many people thought he might be a Raydwin who snuck over from another world. But he kept saying he was the real Raydwin from this world who came back to life. He even claimed he saw something like God after dying. So the security folks thought he had mental problems and locked him up.

Thanks to the discovery of another magic world, people in the base got used to weird stuff like this. They didn't send Raydwin straight to the mental hospital or cut him open to study.

But Raydwin lost too many memories. He couldn't prove who he was or what happened to him. The questioners almost thought he was part of some unfinished plan of the monsters we destroyed. Luckily Cyra came when she heard the news and saved him from trouble.

Now that they know magic brought Raydwin back to life, they still have to do tests and research on him. As soon as I entered the basement, many Earth scientists came to ask me questions.

"Well... simply put, water magic fixes the body, and light magic guides the soul back. So resurrection magic in our world is actually high-level magic combining water and light elements..." I explained what I knew about resurrection magic when they asked.

Actually, the two types of magic are totally different! Even in Eldoria Continent, it's very hard for one person to do resurrection magic alone because it uses two elements in complex ways. For someone like Raydwin whose body was blown up, making a new body from nothing is almost impossible in theory.

Of course, as an angel, if I said I could do it, no one could argue.

"Anyway, this is the first time we can study what happens to consciousness after death. It might really help research on near-death experiences!" an older professor-type concluded disappointedly after listening.

With Earth's current technology, they haven't even figured out if souls exist. So telling them how resurrection magic works doesn't mean much.

Anyway, it looks like they'll keep studying Raydwin for a while. As for me, I was taken to General Lee's office along with Winslow.

"Miss Feliciana, is it really impossible to use that resurrection magic again soon? Many important officers died in this mission. If not, can we ask Cyra or angels from other worlds to help?" Winslow asked eagerly as soon as the door closed.

"Sorry, I already explained why before! I'm a special kind of angel, so only I can barely use this magic. The me from other worlds hasn't reached that level yet!" I shook my head and crushed his hopes again.

"What about Feliciana from World 11? She's kind of the same person as you, right?" General Lee couldn't help asking.

The higher-ups remembered World 11 Feliciana well because she caused trouble at the base before. They saw her as the next strongest after me among the parallel worlds.

"She's nowhere close!" I sighed. What can you expect from someone who can't even beat Cyrae?

During the mission in M-country, World 11 Feliciana almost caused big trouble by leaving to fight World 12 Feliciana. Good thing Cyrae stopped her and caught her. So she's still locked up now. But because of the information gap, others think Cyra did it.

"In that case, let's talk about something else!" General Lee smiled helplessly, seeing the discussion was going nowhere. He went back to his seat, took out a document, and handed it to me.

I flipped through it. The document had names and info on almost all the parallel world visitors. I could guess why they called me here - to prepare for the next step in dealing with these parallel world "refugees".

The space portal is finally back to normal, so it's time to send troublemakers like World 11 Feliciana back to their own worlds. The problem is, theoretically we need Galadra from our world to do this. Now it seems only I can contact her directly.

"I might need to go back to our world to talk about this," I said after thinking a bit. The Earth situation is finally solved, so after so many days, I'm actually quite worried about Eldoria Continent.

"No problem!" Winslow agreed right away for General Lee. Then he got serious and shared his real purpose. "Next is the cooperation I want to discuss with you. This is why I came to this base on orders from the highest command..."

"Huh? You want to send a group of scholars to our side to learn magic?" I was surprised when I heard their plan. But thinking carefully, it makes sense.

After what happened in M-country, the H-country leaders have seen how powerful magic is. Angel abilities are way beyond what those empire troops could do. Plus, magic can do many things modern tech can't, like bringing back the dead. Of course the H-country government would love to learn magic if they could.

"That's right! Actually, after the space portal was fixed, we already contacted the Ilandra Dominion Empire delegation. Princess Katarina agreed to give us basic magic training. But for higher level stuff, like light magic, I think angels would be better teachers, right?" Winslow nodded and explained more. So they had already started working on this.

"For systematic magic training, you should ask the Sage Council in Crescent City, not angels, right?" I suggested after thinking for a bit.

"We've heard of the Sage Council's reputation. But to contact them and set up cooperation quickly, we probably don't have enough time. We have no choice but to ask you!" General Lee joined in to convince me, looking very sincere as he made his request.

"Not enough time?" Hearing this, I suddenly realized something important. No wonder Earth people are in such a rush to learn magic.

"The space portal is slowly shrinking! A few days ago, after the portal was confirmed fully recovered, our experts discovered this during tests. It's exactly like you warned us before. We estimate the portal will disappear completely in less than a month!"

Sure enough, General Lee hesitated for a long time before finally telling me the truth.

I remember Galadra clearly told me before returning to Earth that the space portal could only last less than a month without the Cycle of Rebirth's support. But when I got to Earth, I found lots of Battle Qi here. Plus the effects of monsters and other problems meant the portal wasn't actually observed shrinking.

Now that the monsters causing changes are finally completely eliminated, the Battle Qi in the environment can no longer break down into earth element to support the portal. The exchange between our two worlds is entering its final stage.

"If you want to cooperate with all the angels, I don't think they'll easily agree based on what I know. Plus, the magic knowledge in Edenmere has rules against sharing freely..." I explained the situation, now understanding the key points.

"As payment, H-country will definitely provide many rare resources your world doesn't have. We can negotiate the specific terms. Is that not enough sincerity?" Both of them looked disappointed, but Winslow still tried hard to convince me.

"I have to ask Lady Elara about the details first. The final decision depends on her!" I had no choice but to pass the ball to the ruler of the angels. After all, I can't decide alone.

Actually, I personally would be happy to teach some magic knowledge to Earth people. There's almost no element on Earth, but don't forget examples like Reed. Who can say for sure that combining Earth tech and magic won't create new sparks?

In the end, that's how we left the negotiation for now.

A few hours later, I went alone through the space portal to the Earth military base in Eldoria Continent.

Coming back to this element-rich environment after so long immediately made me feel energized.

Because the space portal is shrinking, I could see the H-country soldiers at the base here seemed very tense. Everyone was walking fast! Almost no one noticed me arrive.

But the purpose of my return this time was nothing else - mainly to communicate about cooperation.

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