Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Vol 5/ Chapter 176: Strange Camera Footage

I don't think Cyra knows I have already leveled up to ten wings. When you think about it, for Earth people, a ten-winged angel bringing the dead back to life doesn't sound so crazy.

After leaving, Adrian and I went straight to the base canteen.

Finally I can eat some yummy food. Suddenly all the hard times we went through don't seem so bad.

But halfway through eating, someone I know came into the canteen - it was Wayne Peng!

I remember seeing Wayne Peng get rescued on the security camera in the M-country President's office. But then the vampire ancestor Rasambla attacked, and I didn't see Wayne after that.

I thought Wayne Peng might have died, but he's still alive!

He's not totally okay though. His left arm and half his head are wrapped in big bandages. But his legs are fine and he can still walk.

"Feliciana? You're finally awake! Why didn't you tell the base office? You shouldn't be walking around so soon! Are you really okay?" Wayne Peng came over looking very happy.

"Can't you see I'm starving? Can we talk after I finish eating?" I said with my mouth full of beef and rice. I grabbed another plate of fried noodles.

But Wayne Peng sat down next to us anyway and ordered the same food as me. He didn't bother me but talked to Adrian about stuff happening at the base.

From their talk, I found out Wayne Peng and Chan Layne got knocked out when Rasambla attacked and the warehouse fell on them. When they woke up, the fighting was over and the H-country army rescue team found them.

Most survivors were badly hurt. Adrian looked at Wayne Peng's missing arm and remembered:

"I heard Number 1 Feliciana and some human magician agreed to use magic to heal people hurt in this mission. Can't they fix your arm? Why haven't you gone to see her?"

Number 1 Feliciana is about as strong as I was before the mission. She can control water elements too, so she can heal people easily. Most visitors from other worlds can't do that yet.

"I'm not too bad. There are many friends in worse shape, like Chan Layne! Number 1 Feliciana can't heal people non-stop without rest. I can wait a bit longer!" Wayne Peng explained. But I could see he was having trouble using forks. I started to think maybe he snuck out of the hospital to get food.

"The hospital food must not be very nice, huh?" I sighed. I called him out and put my hand on his broken arm.

If Number 1 Feliciana can heal, of course I can too. Now that I'm stronger, I can control water elements even better. I don't even need magic - I can use the rules of changing elements to heal Wayne Peng.

Luckily there weren't many people around. Blue light went from my hand into his wound. Wayne Peng's left arm, which was only half there before, grew back quickly, breaking through the bandages!

"Amazing! I heard magic in your world could do this, but seeing it is something else... it's unbelievable!" Wayne Peng's new left arm was whiter and smoother than his other arm.

Since I learned how to change elements, I don't need to change to blue wings to use water magic. I don't even need to show my wings.

Angel wings are mainly for taking in elements from outside. If there's enough magic power inside or you can control air elements directly, that's enough to heal this kind of injury.

"This is high-level healing. It's much faster and better than normal healing magic!" I sat back down heavily, breathing hard. I still felt a bit proud and bragged a little.

But really, using element changing rules to heal for the first time took way more energy than I expected!

It's different from just destroying things in battle. Healing means rebuilding matter with elements, which puts a lot of pressure on the body.

If I hadn't become a ten-winged angel, I probably couldn't do something this complicated!

Now I really see how amazing magic is - you just need to follow some rules and formulas and say some words, and you can use high-level element rules very easily. The people on Eldoria Continent might have found out some of the deepest secrets of the world.

"If it's you from a parallel world, can all of you do this easily once you reach your level?" Wayne Peng stopped looking at his arm. He remembered something about other similar people at this base and asked with a frown, "Like Number 14 Feliciana?"

"Feliciana is a bit over streched! But Number 14 Feliciana can do it, even better actually. Too bad she's probably not at the base now." Adrian saw I was tired. He thought Wayne Peng wanted me to help Number 1 Feliciana heal injured people, so he quickly explained for me.

"It's very hard to find out where Number 14 Feliciana is. But I heard you were close to her. Didn't you ever think something was strange about her?" But then Wayne Peng suddenly turned the conversation to me.

"No, why?" I was confused. I didn't know what he meant.

Of course, I knew General Lee was probably ordering people to investigate why Number 14 Feliciana disappeared. Wayne Peng or his people might be working on this, so he wanted to get information from me.

But even if he asks me, I don't know the answer!

"Well, this whole thing is very strange..." Wayne Peng hesitated for a few seconds, then decided to trust Adrian and me. He smiled a bit sadly and told us the weird thing he found out:

"My people checked all the security camera footage related to Number 14 Feliciana. But they found something impossible - there's no footage showing visitors from World 14 arriving. We looked at all the videos from before and after, and we're sure nothing is missing. But there's only footage of people from World 13 and World 15. We don't know how people from World 14 got here!"

"What? That's impossible!" Adrian and I shouted in surprise. We felt a chill go down our backs.

If no one from World 14 really came through, then who were Number 14 Feliciana and Number 14 Nicola who left with some people? Ghosts?

Then Wayne Peng used his phone to show us some security camera footage from when the portal was messed up.

We could see in the video that after people from World 13 appeared, no one else came through the portal! Until the next group of visitors arrived, the soldiers guarding the portal in the video reported to their bosses on their radios:

"Visitors from World 15 confirmed. Visitor number increased to 15!"

That means they skipped World 14! No one in the whole base noticed this weird thing. It's like someone changed everyone's memories.

The later footage is normal. The Number 14 Feliciana and Nicola just showed up at the base like nothing was wrong. It wasn't until everything was over and the portal was back to normal that someone noticed this strange thing at the beginning when they looked at the old footage.

"Could it be..."

I first suspected Number 14 Feliciana herself, who can change reality. But thinking carefully, she didn't need to do this, and changing so many people's memories would be hard with just water magic that can only change reality a little.

But if those "Holy Ones" behind Number 14 Feliciana did it themselves, that might be a different story...

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