Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Chapter 3: High school memories

About ten minutes later, he and I were standing in an elevator of a skyscraper.

"Hey, is this really okay? Aren't rooftops usually off-limits?" I asked uneasily. I was surprised when Reilly said the "good spot" was this building near my home that I passed by countless times but never went in. Supposedly it has 80 floors.

"Don't worry, my dad is a shareholder here." Reilly waved the key he got from a manager downstairs. I guess rich people can do what they want.

Soon the elevator reached the top floor. We went through a hallway and were met with a locked door. Reilly used the key to open it, revealing stairs upward.

At the top of the stairs, we naturally arrived at the building's rooftop.


The howling wind rushed past my ears. Standing at the railing, I immediately felt a sense of openness in my chest. Spread before my eyes were endless urban views. Cars on the ground looked like ants crawling slowly in the distance. As far as I could see, the whole city was within view, nothing obscured.

"Look over there, those birds are as high up as us now!" I pointed at a flock of pigeons flying by, a little excited since this was my first time seeing such a sight.

"What do you think, don't you feel much better now?" Reilly smiled knowingly.

"When I'm in a bad mood I often come to places like this. There are many tall buildings near my home I can access." He looked up at the sky, his expression seeming distant, very different from his usual self.

"I have a feeling I was floating midair, looking down at the vast earth, everything so tiny, it's wondrous..."

Is that how it feels? Hearing him speak, I couldn't help but become curious, gripping the railing to look down.

"It's true, it looks so high!" I said excitedly, the first time looking down from such a height, everything felt fresh and new.

"Hey, be careful..." Seeing me leaning over the railing, Reilly panicked and rushed over to grab me. But he accidentally stepped in a puddle on the rooftop, slipping and grabbing my pants instead...

"Ah!" He yanked me to the ground, pulling my pants down to my knees.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Reilly grimaced as he got up, also falling hard. He quickly apologized.

"Pfft..." But seeing me in just my underwear with bare legs, he couldn't help but want to laugh, puffing his cheeks trying to hold it in.

"You..." I turned red and pulled my pants up, but the button was ripped off, liable to fall any moment.

"What are you laughing about, this is your fault!" I was already so embarrassed, and seeing him like this made me angry.

"I'll buy you a new pair of pants...hahaha" He completely broke down laughing.

"Pink panties cute."

What was so funny about this? It's not like I bought these underwear myself, I'm a student without money for that. Seeing him look at me strangely, I was even more annoyed, though it was admittedly embarrassing for a guy to be seen in pink underwear.

Oh well, I was humiliated again.

Despite these seemingly unpleasant incidents, we still lingered on the rooftop for a long time that day.

After this experience, I felt I had an initial understanding of Reilly, but still saw us as two people from different worlds. In later school life, he continued dating different girls, surrounded by different lackeys. We didn't interact much. But strangely, whenever I encountered problems, he would jump in to help, including once when I was chased and beaten by delinquents on the street.

That was mainly because of my girlfriend at the time.

That's right, I had a girlfriend in high school. It was our class beauty, Quinn. I was shocked when classmates said she liked me, but things progressed beyond expectations and we inevitably became a couple, secretly of course since relationships were prohibited at school.

While out shopping with Quinn during a holiday, she was eyed by some delinquents. The situation was dire, I was almost desperate, but Reilly suddenly appeared and resolved the crisis. I was surprised he knew martial arts, quite impressive to beat multiple opponents alone, though he ended up badly injured too. But in my eyes, this was already very cool.

I don't know if it was because of this incident, but Quinn broke up with me not long after.

I always lacked confidence, feeling unworthy of her and that the beautiful class idol being with me would end someday. But the things falling so quickly still left me depressed for a long time. Perhaps that day she realized I couldn't protect her at all, completely disappointing her. Whenever I thought about this, I blamed myself. I was so useless. From then on I deeply felt my powerlessness.

High school life went by quickly. After the college entrance exams, we all split up. I entered into a local average university, not great but not bad either, while Reilly went abroad to study per his family's arrangements.

When he returned, I had just graduated. On the day I left campus, I got a call from an unknown number, it was him. I wondered how he got my number, but after a simple greeting, he hurriedly hung up.

Until today...

I anxiously waited at the roadside, though still a few minutes before the agreed time, I couldn't help but worry Reilly might stand me up. After all, we hadn't seen each other in a long time.


A sudden roaring motor approached, and a flashy sports car slowly pulled up before me.

My mouth twitched. This must be the legendary XXX. I wasn't too familiar with the emblem on the front, not paying much attention to cars, but being able to drive this around recklessly plus that flamboyant personality, it was likely him.

Sure enough, the window rolled down revealing a handsome face. Though more mature than my high school impression, I could recognize him instantly from that irritating expression.

I had an urge to punch that smug face.

"Hey, long time no see!" Reilly smiled and greeted me. I hurried over only to see a scantily clad woman in the passenger seat.

"This is my high school classmate, Flynn." Reilly introduced me to her.

"Oh, hi!" I awkwardly returned the greeting, very uncomfortable with this situation.

"Ooh, your classmate is a cute hottie too!" A coquettish voice called out from the backseat. So there was another girl back there!

As expected from you!

I was at a loss for words at this point, just wanting to take the money and leave quickly.

"How much do you need, just say it!" Reilly generously took out his wallet. I saw it was stuffed with hundred dollar bills and various colourful cards.

"Uh, not much, just $300 is enough." I had calculated this amount could tide me over until next month along with my part-time supermarket job.

"That's all? Are you sure?" Reilly looked doubtful like he misheard. "How about a few more bills? We're all bros, don't be shy! Or just take this card for now..." He tried to force a card on me.

"No, no, no!"

That far exceeded what I could repay. I quickly pushed his hand back and snatched out three notes before retreating.

"This is good, since we're bros, $300 is enough and I'll pay you back!" I waved at him.

Seeming resigned at my refusal, Reilly didn't insist further, just sighing. "Alright, if you need anything else remember to call me!"

The window had risen halfway when it suddenly dropped again.

"Oh right, the high school reunion is tomorrow night, you know that?" He popped his head out to ask.

Really? I had long lost contact with high school classmates, unable to spare time for such things under living pressures.

"But I'm working tomorrow night..." I said somewhat awkwardly, recalling I was scheduled at the supermarket job. "But maybe I can get off early and still make it?"

Reilly thought for a moment and indicated it should be fine. He raised the window again. "If any issues just call me!"


I waved at the departing luxury car. Suddenly I felt strangely heavy, a high school reunion huh...

Unconsciously, Quinn's figure surfaced in my mind again.

Time does fly.

When I returned to my senses from work fatigue, it was already close to 10 pm.

"Crap! It's so late, what about the reunion?"

Leaving the supermarket job, I hurriedly called Reilly.

"What's the matter, Flynn!" Reilly picked up complaining. "I called you so many times with no response!"

"Sorry, sorry! I was busy with work until now, no time to check my phone."

I wiped my sweat, repeatedly apologizing. I was also shocked to see 5-6 missed calls. They must have finished eating by now and probably went home already at this point. I felt deeply guilty about standing them up, wishing I had declined the invitation.

I thought I could get off work early, but who knew business at the normally dead supermarket would be crazily good tonight? Starting evening, the checkout line formed a long queue that lasted hours, incredibly busy without a moment's rest, not even time for a drink of water. Was the earth moving or something? I wanted to complain.

"So what should I do now? You all..." I timidly began to ask again.

"Dinner already finished long ago, you're too late! Not even a chicken bone left!" Reilly impatiently cut me off.

I see, looks like I could just head home then.

"But everyone is still here, not willing to leave yet. We're at Aurora KTV now. Only the teachers went home early."

As expected, from the sounds I sensed something was off. Playing so crazily? They must be quite drunk already.

"Anyway, come over now! It's Aurora Entertainment, call me when you get here."

Reilly was already sounding impatient.

"Oh! Wait a minute..."

"Remember to hurry and take a taxi over, don't drag your feet and waste time!" He added one last line before hanging up.

I was left speechless, just about to use the bus not running late as an excuse to escape.

No choice then, I had to go. This was my fault today after all. So I ran to the curb and flagged a taxi.

"Aurora Entertainment please."

After giving the driver the location, I leaned against the door pondering.

In the years since, many classmates must be better off than me, right? Not like rich kids like Reilly, but many should have good jobs now, in state-owned enterprises, institutions, foreign companies, and even working abroad...things I don't even dare dream of now! I often heard that reunions were just venues for classmates to compare achievements. If you were successful it was fine, but me...just imagining those mocking gazes from classmates made my scalp tingle, wishing the taxi would crash and kill me. And Quinn would be there too right? If she knew the mess I was now... My fingertips unconsciously dug deeply into my flesh. I suddenly had an urge to yell for the driver to turn around, getting as far away from Aurora as possible!

But that would be too unfair to Reilly since I already promised to come. And I still owed him money. I should have declined yesterday! Too late for regrets now.

What must come will come.

Standing outside the KTV room, I hesitated half a day, carefully checking my outfit again for any issues. Confirming there were none, I quietly opened the door.

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