Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

Chapter 19: Another Experience

It seemed that following the path of the carriage was the fastest way out of this forest. Everyone was walking quickly, so there were far fewer opportunities to talk to each other.

But even so, it couldn't stop the chatterbox Brennan with his red hair. He never gave unsolicited opinions when there was something to do, but when there was nothing to do, he talked a lot. He either told jokes to make everyone laugh, or discussed martial arts issues with Adrian. I'm not a talkative person either. I feel that if it wasn't for him livening up the atmosphere, the whole team might have been much more dull.

It's the second day on the road now. Along the way, Nicola and I tried our best to keep our distance. Last night, since we couldn't find suitable lodging, we could only camp out in the forest. Due to the fatigue from the journey, we fell asleep early. I didn't talk to her much.

"Flynn...uh no, Feliciana, can we make up?" I don't know when, Nicola found an opportunity to run over to my side and pleaded in a low voice in our native language, "Okay." Hearing this, I nodded lightly in agreement.

In fact, I had already calmed down. Nicola can be said to be an important partner who crossed over to this world together. She often helped me before, so it’s no good for either of us to always be cold to each other. And I'm also partially responsible for the whole thing. If I hadn't been blinded by lust at the beginning, I wouldn't have been tricked into bed so quickly.

Sigh, thinking of this, I feel so ashamed, and my face can't help but flush slightly.

"So can you tell me what happened on your side during this crossing?"

Of course I'm curious. We're both crossers, but the differences in experiences and strength between Nicola and me are too great. She obtained the blessing of celestial weapons and killed countless monsters. As for me, I almost didn't even see any animals along the way. I walked halfway before running into Vivianne and the others, and I didn't have any particularly great power myself. Overall, it felt plain and unremarkable without any highlights, which made me feel bad.

"Okay." Nicola pondered for a moment and replied, "Actually, even if you didn't ask, I would have asked too...there are a lot of things I don't understand either..."

"At the beginning, when I was still singing in the KTV room..."

As she recalled that magical night, her eyes gradually became blurred.

"Suddenly my vision became blurred, and my whole body felt like floating in the air, surrounded by a white scene."

I nodded. It seems the situation here was similar to what I experienced.

"Later, I gradually heard many strange sounds, like another language. I didn't understand at first. I just saw a group of angels in armour fighting with monsters, while I floated in the air together with many naked angels. It wasn't until a lot of knowledge suddenly poured into my head that I suddenly understood what they were saying, including the method to make the Condensation Sword..."

"Wait, the beginning is the same as me, but are you sure you got the method to make the condensed air sword at that time?"

I suddenly interrupted her account with an envious expression, doubting as I asked. Why didn't I get any weapon creation methods and only she got it? Could it really be the power of money?

"It must have been at that time, although I only discovered it later." Nicola was very certain about this point.

"Also, did you see everything that happened at that time?"

Because at that time I could only force my eyes open a little, I didn't know much about the surroundings. But it looked like her situation was much better than mine, and she could even see that the voices around her were from angels.

Nicola nodded and continued, "Later, huge meteors fell, interrupting the knowledge transfer. I saw many naked angels get hit. It was chaotic. Some surviving armored angels flew over to hug their naked companions and began to retreat. I was also grabbed and caught among them..."

Speaking to this point, she couldn't help but reveal a pained expression on her face.

"But the enemy's pursuit did not stop. The vast majority of angels were shot down by a dragon-like monster flying in the air, along with their companions in their hands. Similar to me. The six-winged angel protecting me was soon hit by a beam of light and turned into a pile of glittering dust drifting in the air, leaving only the armor falling to the ground. While I was falling, I was still being chased by those monsters. At this critical moment, I suddenly felt my wings behind me instinctively start to move on their own. Then I finally managed to stop in mid-air by my own power. At that time, at least more than ten monsters were surrounding me, and even a group on the ground that couldn't fly, like the minotaurs, were glaring covetously at me."

"What happened next?" Although I already knew that Nicola would be fine, I couldn't help asking.

"Then something strange happened," Nicola also seemed unclear about what was going on at the time, with a confused look on her face. "Very far ahead of me, an extremely dazzling blue light suddenly erupted, illuminating almost the entire forest and sky to the point where they almost melted into a sea of blue. Then I saw that many of the monsters surrounding me were attracted to it, suddenly reducing the number of enemies by a lot."

"Although my strength and stamina suddenly became much stronger than before, I still wasn't a match for the few monsters in front of me. I could barely hold on with my fists and feet. In my opinion, this was completely useless, because my whole body felt very uncoordinated. Because of this, I almost got hooked by the scorpion-lion monster's tail several times. If it wasn't for that I can fly fast in the air..."

She seemed to be grateful for the situation at the time.

"Just as I felt I couldn't hold on any longer and desperately needed a weapon to defend myself, I suddenly thought of the method to make the condensed air sword, as if it naturally popped out of my head. I understood how to do it without needing much understanding. "

"......Then I quickly got the condensed air sword in my hand. From that point on, the tide of battle turned around. Those monsters that tried to attack me were all chopped into several pieces like cutting watermelons. To vent my anger, I even chased after a group of cyclops for a long time. They scattered in all directions as they lost their leader. And the monsters that went to check out the blue light didn't come back either. In the end, it seemed like only I was left in the forest."

"It wasn't until then that I had time to check my condition and found that I had become an angel, and also turned into a woman..."

Nicola's expression became somewhat gloomy.

"But I had no other choice. I could only wander around aimlessly hunting down stray monsters to vent my frustration. My wings on my back even grew another pair where they originally were, I don't know if it was from killing too much...Later I thought of going back to where it first started to take a look. That's when I met you guys..."

After hearing her finish, I was speechless for a moment, and reached out to gently pat her shoulder.

I could empathize with her later experiences. Being alone walking in this vast endless forest, I can still recall that feeling of loneliness and fear. So this is how angels rank up? I wondered if I could also rank up in the future, but then felt I wouldn't have much confidence killing so many monsters.

"So this armor you're wearing was picked up somewhere?" I looked at her current attire. I actually didn't think much of it at first when we met because I didn't know her identity, just that it looked amazing. But now it seems she should have been naked initially like me.

She nodded.

"This belonged to the angel who grabbed me. I found it later in the forest."

I understood a bit. From a certain perspective, that angel had also saved her life.

"Actually, the clothes I'm wearing were also given to me by Vivianne and the others later. So if we were both among those naked angels at the time, then we can basically confirm that the battle was related to our crossing over. Even..."

I suddenly had a guess, but at the time I felt it was a bit hard to accept.

"Could it be..."

Nicola thought of it too. Her complexion became very ugly.

"The number of naked angels was about twenty, close to the number of people attending the reunion..."

"It's possible everyone in our KTV room crossed over." I didn't want to utter this astonishing speculation. Because it meant that most of them may have already died.

"How could this be!" Nicola angrily clenched her fist, even the wings on her back couldn't hide their manifestation due to her emotions.

But at the time she also didn't know who to blame. She wasn't the one who started the reunion in the first place, and even if she did, she couldn't blame herself since no one could have known this would happen. Now it seemed that before getting to the bottom of the whole truth and the real mastermind behind it, the only scapegoat that could be found were those monsters. But she had killed enough of them already...

"We can only hope that other classmates have managed to escape too."

I could only comfort her helplessly. However, I couldn't completely calm down myself either, because among those classmates was a figure I couldn't forget. I hope she's okay...

Why did we cross over?

If it seemed like we were summoned here based on personal experience, who was the mastermind behind it?

If it was the armored angels who summoned us, what did they summon us for?

Were they friends or foes to us?

There were too many unanswered questions now. I felt there were doubts everywhere. Of course Nicola must have thought of these too, but neither of us could answer these questions.

"You two have fallen too far behind! Hurry up!"

Vivianne's voice came from ahead, as if urging us. Due to the conversation, we had unknowingly fallen very far behind the others.


I responded aloud. After Nicola flapped her wings a few times and then hid them again, we hurried to catch up together.

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