Ethereal Ascendance: A Journey of Transformation

chapter 10: my name

It seems for safety's sake, it's better not to get too close to that so-called church.

"So which church are you from?" I asked tentatively, trying to get to the key question casually.

"Which church?" Selene looked a bit confused. "There's only one True Church across the continent!"

Huh? There's a True Church here too? I frowned slightly, this was too much of a coincidence. But I was quite certain everything that had happened to me so far was real, so this was the only explanation.

Although I still didn't understand why, based on the information so far, I likely had become an angel of this so-called True Church. From how Selene had addressed me as "Lord Angel" earlier, it seemed angels were her superiors.

I was suddenly very glad I hadn't appeared to them as an angel last night. Selene might not dare harm me, but if the Church found out, I'd probably get conscripted.

I didn't dare dig further into this issue, in case she became suspicious. She was already wary of me.

"So what's your plan for today?"

I saw Vivianne take out a pot from somewhere and start cooking over the fire with some ingredients. I realized there were no backpacks or luggage on the ground. They must have some kind of storage items, pretty advanced stuff.

The legendary space manipulation I'd heard about back on Earth was nothing compared to this.

"Of course, we'll go check out the battlefield we mentioned yesterday. It shouldn't be far from here, we can reach it today." Vivianne told me their plans while making breakfast. "Our mission is to investigate. We can't leave without seeing the site."

She gave me an apologetic smile, "So you'll have to come with us for now. We can only take you out of the forest on our way back."

"That's alright," I said.

At least now I knew we were in a forest called Elara Woodlands. My goal in joining them was to get them to lead me out of this forest, and then go to the city of Norvale where they had accepted the commission. I heard it was the capital of a human nation, very prosperous.

Since I couldn't leave the forest for now, I may as well get more familiar with them. Who knows what problems I might run into once we reach crowded areas.

After breakfast, we rested a few more hours before Brennan and Adrian were woken up mid-morning. Despite still having eye bags, they looked much better.

The atmosphere was far livelier than last night. Perhaps because they were certain I wasn't a threat, everyone had lowered their guard. Conversation flowed more freely between them.

The redhead Brennan was especially spirited, completely different from his sullen silence before. He told jokes nonstop, though I didn't get any of the humour. Still, it got giggles out of the two girls. Adrian was much more steady, telling stories of odd happenings in this world's places, seeming quite learned.

Honestly, from my experience, the team dynamics of these two men and women had some issues. There was likely some romantic drama mixed in. I just couldn't tell who was interested in whom after studying them for a while. If it were Reilly here, it would be a different story. I wondered how he was doing now.

Speaking of which, maybe I was already dead back on Earth? If so, people might think I drank myself to death. Dying from a few drinks would be pretty lame. I wondered if anyone would be sad, and I suddenly thought of Quinn.

She already had a boyfriend...I felt oddly downhearted.

"What's wrong?"

Vivianne looked concerned when I didn't speak for a while.

"It's nothing. I see you all get along so well, I don't know how to join in."

I threw out a random excuse. Honestly I had no idea what to say, knowing almost nothing of this world. Just listening to their conversations taught me a lot already.

"I understand how you feel without even remembering your name." Vivianne gently comforted me. She seemed to really believe my amnesia story now. Though it couldn't be helped lying to her, I felt a tinge of guilt deceiving such a simple girl.

"It's alright, I don't mind much anymore." I quickly told her not to worry too much over this.

"But not having a name must be so inconvenient?" She pondered a moment before asking, "What about Feliciana? I think you'll like it!"


I didn't expect her to just give me a name like that. It sounded nice but felt too feminine for me. Yet I didn't know how to decline either.

"Don't you like it? Then how about Mirellia? Or Stephany?" She tilted her head and came up with more.

I really wanted to ask if she could pick a more masculine name, but I didn't know how to say it.

"Patricia? Tifany? Thetis?"


I cut her off before she could continue. I looked defeated.

"Feliciana is fine."

It really was inconvenient not having a name. I couldn't have people calling me "hey" or "you" all the time.

And what did it matter what name I used now? Based on my experience, the odds of returning to my original body were virtually zero. Even if I could cross back over, whatever name I used here wouldn't matter.

"Then we'll all call you Feliciana!" The others had overheard and voiced their agreement too.

"Feliciana, how old are you?" Selene seemed very interested in my age.

"Uh, I don't remember..." I continued the amnesia story. Telling my real age probably wouldn't be believed anyway. Comparing our heights, I was the shortest of the five, even though Selene who claimed to be sixteen was much taller than me.

Sixteen? I should've still been in high school at that age, just starting tenth grade. Yet they were already out here fighting monsters. The children in this world grew up fast.

"I think Feliciana is around your age at most." After comparing me to Selene, Brennan concluded. Did I really look that young? I suddenly wanted to see what I looked like now for the first time.

I hadn't thought about it before, being alone without a mirror.

"Since I helped pick such an important name for you..." Vivianne spoke hesitantly, as if treading carefully.

"Could I hug you?"

"Hug me?"

I was a bit shocked. So this was premeditated? I didn't know why she suddenly wanted to do this when we just met.

"Vivianne loves anything cute. She has no resistance to them." Brennan explained, lest I misunderstand.

He was already used to this, watching with amusement.

As expected, Selene and Adrian weren't surprised either. They seemed to have anticipated this.

Physical contact wasn't necessary, was it? I was going to refuse, but when I looked at her chest area, I couldn't tear my gaze away. They really were big. I couldn't help swallowing.

The benefits of becoming a girl came quickly, didn't they? Though a bit shameless, I definitely wasn't unaffected.

"So you agree?"

Seeing I didn't immediately refuse, Vivianne's eyes lit up as she approached me.


As she drew closer and closer, I suddenly felt uneasy.

Before I could react, she pulled my head into her bosom. She had succeeded!

So soft! That was my first impression. I blanked out, quickly intoxicated.

But soon I couldn't stand it anymore because I couldn't breathe at all!

They were just too big, leaving no space. I was smothered, becoming more and more uncomfortable. Vivianne was surprisingly strong too, not easy to break free from normally.


At my limit, I used all my strength to push her away.

Too frightening, to experience the legendary face wash. An unforgettable memory.

But most deeply imprinted was the suffocating feeling, nearly passing out from lack of air.

"Your face is so red!" Though Vivianne said this, she was clearly smiling.

Wasn't she just pretending not to know?

"I think Feliciana may actually be older than she looks." Adrian suddenly gave his opinion. Had he noticed something after all? I felt I'd finally met a kindred spirit, worldly wise.

"Huh, really?" Adrian's words did have some effect. Vivianne looked me over carefully again but still couldn't figure anything out.

"Nevermind, as long as you look younger than me!" Vivianne moved to hug me again.

"Can I have another go?"

"Please don't be so childish!"

I really couldn't stand it anymore. Face red, I rebuffed her and dodged aside. Thrilling yes, but never again.

"Shy girl." Selene hid a smile behind her hand.

I was a bit speechless. Anyone would be shy!

The journey was quite cheerful overall, everyone chatting happily.

The forest remained devoid of animals today, other than us five there wasn't a single sound. Just like when I had wandered alone.

I blindly followed behind them, having no idea which direction to go otherwise. I couldn't even tell if we were somewhere I'd been before. At least they seemed far more professional in this regard.

"Based on our destination..."

Adrian took out a compass-like device, checked it and gauged the sun's position.

"That way."

He pointed to the front right. "Should be close."

No one disagreed, unanimously picking up the pace in the direction he indicated.

Perhaps because we neared the target, everyone's expressions gradually grew serious. The atmosphere seemed heavier.

After walking steadily in one direction for a long while, as the sun neared setting, we finally arrived at a vast clearing within the woods.

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