Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 78 Showing Off

Chapter 78 Showing Off

Topo's POV

I am Topo and I'm a beta wolf, when I was a toddler my father decided to leave his pack and start his own. Over twenty years have passed since then, and now there are more than 200 members in my father's pack.

There are only nine members in my pack so far, A year ago I met a human girl, her name is Ivy. I have always thought of humans as weaklings and lesser beings, but she was different.

Her beauty instantly caught my eye, she made me experience what true love feels like. Today is my birthday and I brought her to a famous club, my father had made some arrangements in advance there.

I, along with Ivy and a few of my friends entered the club, It was lively inside and I was in a great mood. But in the next moment, I saw some kind of liquid flying towards me, before I could move I was already covered in it.

And then it suddenly caught fire, burning more than half of my hair and completely removing my eyebrows. I was enraged, I wanted to annihilate whoever made me look like this in front of my Ivy.



" How dare you, I'm going to rip your head off- "


" Don't move, just stop right ther- "


" I'm going to kill- "


" Stop- "




" I didn't even speak- "



After receiving a slap from Jayden Topo tried to punch him again, but Jayden was just too nimble for him and was able to dodge him easily. Whenever Topo tried to say something, he would get a slap on his face.

Topo's face was swollen, and he glared at Jayden with hatred. After taking a few steps back, he shouted:

" Why are you all just standing there, Go and beat him up. "

Jayden stayed calm and observed his surroundings, ' Three on the left, five on the right and one behind. ' he thought, as he looked at the men who were ready to pounce on him.

All of them were werewolves, and most probably belonged to Topo's pack. Among the werewolves the more members there are in a pack, the greater will be the strength of the pack leader.

The level of most of them was under 50,000 only Topo's strength was comparable to a vampire adult. But even he can't exhibit his strength completely in his human form.

All nine men charged towards Jayden at the same time, most of them threw punches while two kicked him. Jayden's figure became a blur for a second, everything seemed to have stopped, and in the next moment, Jayden appeared behind the 'DJ' of the club.

" Play the music. " Jayden said, his smile distorted. Just the bloodlust being released from his body, unconsciously, was enough to scare the shit out of all the Topo's pack members.

After the last fight, Jayden felt his mind go crazy whenever he thought of fighting someone again, he wanted to kill, annihilate, and slaughter whoever dared to stand against him.

The DJ was scared shitless, and without thinking he played a song, 'Enemy'.

*I wake up to the sounds~

of the silence that allows~

For my mind to run around~


Jayden closed his eyes and began to move his body in rhythm with the song. A punch came flying towards him aiming at his head, before the punch could connect, Jayden jumped high into the air and did a back flip, landing a heavy kick on the head of the man.

Blood spurts out of his mouth and nose and, the sound of bones breaking was drowned into the music, before he fell to the ground, unconscious. Jayden feet were moving fast on the beat, and before the others could react, he appeared in front of another man.

Jayden rotates his body 360 degrees, before landing a Swift punch at the stunned man's neck, he was sent flying before colliding into the wall. Everyone watching was taken aback, by how easily Jayden was beating them, and his moves were alluring.

*Oh, the misery~

Everybody wants to be my enemy~


The song continued to play, as Jayden moved from one person to another, his every move rhythmic and enticing. Before the song finished, Jayden had beaten all of the members of Topo's pack. They couldn't appear in their animal form in the public, and after taking just a single strike from Jayden, they were sent flying with broken bones and unconscious.

Jayden finally opened his eyes, a big smile plastered on his lips, as he looked at Topo, who was seething in anger. Jayden then ignored him and instead approached the girl standing behind him.

" My, my, what is a beautiful lady like you doing with a beast like him? " Jayden said while pointing at Topo.

Ivy was ashamed and angry, she stared at Jayden with hatred and said: " He is my fiance and we're going to marry soon. " She avoided looking at the pitiful state of her fiance.

" Believe me when I say, you two... " Jayden pointed at Ivy and then at Topo: " are a horrible match. Why don't I treat you to a satisfying meal today, you know what I mean, right? " Jayden said winking.

" How dare you- " Topo thundered in anger.


" So, what do you think? " Jayden said while rubbing the palm of his hand.

" I'm not that kind of woman, I love him for who he is, not for his appearance or his money. " Ivy said proudly, acting defiant.

Jayden smirks, and in the next instant, a phone appears in his hand. He looked into Topo's eyes, before unlocking the mobile, then he stared into Ivy's eyes and began to type something into the mobile.


The sound of the message echoes in the empty club, confused, Ivy takes out her mobile and is flabbergasted by what she sees.

[ You have received 100,000$... ]

Ivy was so stunned that she didn't even read the message completely, She stood for a few moments not knowing what to do, and then a look of anger appeared on her face, as she shouted:

" Do you think I'm a prostitute? You think that you'd throw money at me and I would sleep with you? You're disgusting. " Ivy said, her expressions ugly.

Topo watched this, he was angry and relieved at the same time, he was angry at Jayden, while he looked at his future wife with even more love and affection. When they had just met, he thought she was with him just for his money, but as time passed he saw the genuine love in her eyes.

Jayden stayed silent, a playful smile on his face, he looked back at the mobile and again began to type.


[ You have received 400,000$... ]

" Stop it!!! No matter what, I'm not going to- "


[ You have received 500,000$... ]

" Can't you understand? No matter how much money you send- "


[ You have received 1,000,000$... ]

" Why do you keep sending me money- "


[ You have received 3,000,000$... ]

" I'm not- "


[ You have received 5,000,000$... ]

" STOP, OR I'LL- "


[ You have received 10,000,000$... ]

" I-I am... "


[ You have received 30,000,000$... ]

" N-No, I shouldn't do- "


[ You have received 30,000,000$... ]


Jayden had sent her over 80 million dollars, but he wasn't the least worried about the money, after all, neither the phone in his hand was his nor was the money. Among all the chaos, Topo hadn't noticed that the mobile currently in Jayden's hand was actually his mobile.

" So, will you give me the pleasure of treating you to a tasty dinner? I promise, I fill your stomach, completely. " Jayden said, his voice seductive.

Now, Ivy looked troubled, there was a blush on her face after hearing Jayden's words. She stared at his face and was instantly mesmerized. After he got the Void Eye skill, Jayden's charm have increased to another level, with his appearance alone he could capture the hearts of most women.

" Baby, don't listen to his nonsense, I've more money than him and- "


" So, what's your answer? " Jayden asked, a mysterious smile on his face.

" I-I-I... wil- " Ivy was having trouble forming sentences, she glanced at Topo and shut her mouth.

" Why don't the three of us go somewhere more private? " Jayden said and began to move towards a private room.

After taking a few steps, he stops and looks at the bartender: " I'm still going to pay for those ladies, so give them whatever they want. "

After saying that he starts to walk again, followed by Ivy and a reluctant Topo.

After entering the room, Jayden sat on the sofa, while Ivy stood in front of him fidgeting her fingers and a bashful expression on her face.


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