Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 76 Emma

Chapter 76 Emma

Inside the forest, after a couple of minutes since Jayden left, two figures appear before the piles of dead bodies. It was a gruesome scene even for both of them.



One of the men reads the characters written on the ground with the flesh, blood, bones and organs of the dead Vampires.

" Do you think the Remington family is responsible for this or is someone trying to frame them? " the second vampire named 'Zilly' asks.

" Let's see the memories from the 'Shew ball' first. " the first vampire replies.

" Ok, Billy. " Zilly nodes.

Both of them approaches the small red coloured ball that was buried under the corpses.

" Should we bring it back and show it to our General? " Zilly asks, as memories from the magical items could only be seen once because witches failed to provide a continuous source of energy.

" No need, I'll copy it to my shew ball. " Billy replies and takes out a similar red ball.

Zilly takes out the red ball and after wiping the blood off it, he squeezes it lightly twice. Then a 3D hologram appears in front of them, presenting all the events that happened, after the activation of the Shew ball.

[ " Noooooo, capture this bastard and find the location of that kid. "





*Showing middle finger* ]


Zilly crushes the Shew ball in anger after seeing Jayden show a middle finger towards him.

While Billy stayed calm and said: " Did you notice something about the cannon fodder he killed at the last? "

" What about him? " Zilly asks with a frown.

" Till the end, he kept repeating a word, I think he was saying 'RAVEN'. " Billy said.

" So, his name is Raven? And do you think he is related to the Remington family? " Zilly asks, inspecting his surroundings.

" There's a high possibility that it's true, Raven used mental attacks just like members of Remington family, and there was a small Remington emblem on the mask above his eyes. " Billy concluded.

" Let's report it back for now, our top priority is to find that human girl. If she really has that stone in her body, then Coven will be able to create a whole new world. " Billy said, his eyes glowing red.


Four days later,

Jayden has been unconscious since the day he fought with the coven. He was completely exhausted, even his soul was slightly injured due to over use of Void Eye skill.

" Mmmm " Jayden wokes up, his body slightly aching, and his mind a little confused.

*wriggle* *wriggle*

He felt some weight over his chest, at first he ignored it but then he felt something wriggling over him.

Jayden opened his eyes slowly, and raises his head, then he saw a cute little girl lying over his chest and staring at his face with her big watery eyes.

" Emma, is that you? " Jayden asks, rubbing his eyes.

Emma was startled, she quickly moved away from him and stared at the bedsheet.

" H-Hello, I'm E-Emma," she replies, looking flustered.

" I'm Jayden, you can address me however you like, we're a family now after all. " Jayden said with a smile.

" Th-Then, can I call you brother? " Emma asks.

" Of course, you can, my princess Emi. " Jayden pats her head and looks at her adoringly.

" Ah, E-Emi? "Emma's cheeks turned red slightly, ' My Emi, he said My Emi. ' she thought.

Then suddenly her expression turns sad and she asks in a quivering Tone:

" I-Is my father dead? *sob* Wh- What happened *sob* to that fat bad guy? "

Tears rolled down her rosy cheeks, as she began to cry. Jayden hugged her while caressing her head and back, as she cried, her arms wrapping around his neck and her face buried into his chest.

" I'm sorry, I was a bit too late. Don't worry about that bad guy, I have already sent him to apologize to your father. " Jayden said, calming Emma down.

" D-Daddy, please don't *sob* leave me, Emma will be a good girl. " Emma cried, addressing Jayden as daddy. He just stroked her hair and let her cry.


After a while, Emma finally stopped crying but remained seated on Jayden's lap.

" Do you want to eat something? " Jayden asks with a charming smile on his face.

" Mmm " Emma nods.

Jayden picked her up and made her sit over his arm, carrying her like a kid, Emma's face turns red but she stayed quiet.

Jayden walks out of the room and strolls over to the hall, where everyone was present.

While walking he opens the messages that appeared when he was fighting the vampires.


[ You have killed a vampire, level 32,890 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 18,536 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 41,644 ]



[ Level Up ]

[ Level Up ]

[ Level Up ]




After going through them, he opens his status window:


[ Name: Jayden XXXXX ]

[ Race: Blood Vampire ]

[ Class: Vampire Infant ( level 46,728 ) ]

[ Blood Points: 1,673,629 ]

[ Hunger Points ]: [ 818,419/2,500,160 ]

[ Nether Aura ]: {Current level: 57,432}

[ Fate Points ]: [5/10,000]


Jayden was slightly stunned after seeing his stats, he was just a little away from reaching level 50,000. But he felt that as he got closer to level 50,000, he was reaching a bottleneck.

Then he looks at his Nether aura, while fighting the vampires, he stole the killing intent of many of them, so it's level has increased by a lot.

The last was Fate Points, ' They should have been 200, why are there only 5 left? ' he thought.

Sensing Jayden's confusion, Anna spoke:

" You must be confused about the reduction of your Fate points, so let me explain... "

' Wait!! Let me guess ' Jayden interrupted Anna, ' I found it really strange that while I killed most of the members in his group, Big A just observed everything with a disdainful expression. '

' So, it must be due to these Fate Points, then it means that, they changed the future events slightly, resulting in the current situation, and increasing the chance of my survival greatly. ' Jayden concluded.

" Exactly " Anna said, astounded.

' Then, this Fate skill not only have the power to predict the future, it can also influence people's mind and bend the future in a way, suitable for me. Awesome!!! ' Jayden thought.

Just as he entered the hall, another message appeared before him, and it was one of the the biggest surprise yet.


[ Quest: Surving in Apocalyptic Murim ]

[ Task: KILL BAEL and Obtain the ****** ]

[ Time Limit: none ]

[ Location: Murim ]

[ Difficulty level ]: [8++/10]

(A/N: 8++ represents that the difficulty level is going to be much more higher than a normal 8 level. )

[ Reward: ???? ]

[ Penalty: Death ]

[ Time till quest starts: 5 days ]


Emma stared at Jayden's dazed expression:

" Dadd- Brother, what's wrong? " she asked in her cute voice, with a flushed expression.


" Emi, if I kill an orb, does that make me a bad guy? " Jayden asks.


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