Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 72 The Bet

72 The Bet

Jayden looked at the little girl who was lying in front of him, unconscious, giving him a strangely familiar feeling. If nothing was done, she would die within a couple of minutes.

Jayden made up his mind, then said:

" Anna, what do I need to do? " Jayden asks.

" While releasing the poison into her, you need to concentrate on the type of connection you want to... " Anna began to explain.

" Okay. " Jayden nodded and firms his decision.

He closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath, when he opens his eyes again, his pupils glows red and fangs grew in his mouth. He raises the little girl's body and bites her neck and releases the poison into her body.

Her body trembles, fangs grew in her mouth and her pupils turn red. Jayden pulls out his fangs from her skin and the next instant she bites his neck and begins to drink blood.

*Gulp* *Gulp*

Jayden stays still and lets her drink as much as she wanted. He then focuses on the messages that appeared before:

[ You have killed a vampire, level 21,143 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 19,276 ]

[ You have killed a vampire, level 27,083 ]




[ Level Up ]

[ Level Up ]

[ Level Up ]





Jayden was surprised that the credit of all those kills was given to him, maybe it was because of Void Eye, or whatever it was Jayden didn't think too much about it.

With a thought, he opens his status window:


[ Name: Jayden XXXXX ]

[ Race: Blood Vampire ]

[ Class: Vampire Infant ( level 27,825 ) ]

[ Blood Points: 1,665,158 ]

[ Hunger Points ]: [ 107,755/1,554,585 ]

[ Nether Aura ]: {Current level: 31,721}


Jayden observes his stats with satisfaction, he gently strokes the head of the little leech who was sucking his blood intensely.

After over a dozen minutes, she finally removes her fangs from Jayden's neck and then stares at him with her glowing beady eyes, as if implanting his picture in her mind. But after a few seconds, she fells asleep into his lap.

[ New family member, Emma XXXXX ]

Jayden smiles while looking at her adorable face, he wipes her face, and then rests her head on his shoulder before standing up and carrying her in his arms.


Jayden uses the Devouring arts and absorbs the corpses of all vampires, although that didn't help him much in increasing his strength, but it increased his blood points by a lot, raising it to over five hundred thousand.

He looks around and checks the condition of other survivors, most were unharmed, few were lightly injured and just one was in a critical condition.

Jayden gives a few drops of his blood to a middle-aged woman, which instantly heals most of her injuries. Then he begins to walk out of there.

" Why hadn't you used Andrea's poison to kill that vampire? " Anna asks

" Don't ask what you already know, at his level, it was impossible for Andrea to pierce his skin, and his clothes had magic infused in them. " Jayden said while walking outside.

Just after taking two steps outside, he turns his head towards a particular direction in the dark forest, his eyes glows a dangerous red and killing intent seeps out of his body.

In the direction that Jayden looked, the dark space trembles violently, despite his level being a lot higher than Jayden's he felt fear and confusion.

' How could he see me, even more so when it's dark? At night my stealth ability is more than two times stronger, how could he? ' Black thought, he was the vampire that Michael had sent to watch over Jayden.

Instantly he vanishes, but Jayden succeeded in creating a small ripple in his mental strength. Using that exact instant, Jayden activates his 'Vision' skill, which was the upgraded version of Mind Manipulator.

Even so, he was only able to see a small part of his memories, but Jayden was able to get many importance info. And now he knew that he have more enemies, who are much more stronger than him.

" When did I become the fiance of that bitch? " Jayden said while thinking about Amelia, the first vampire princess's, announcement.

" Fucking hell. Xander, Coven, Michael and Amelia. " Jayden names out all the enemies he is aware of, out of which the last three are in a completely different league.

Anger flared up inside him, for no reason Amelia had just turned him into the enemy of so many powerful people.

He wanted to beat someone to death, as after his egos were merged, his emotion became very chaotic. He was feeling all emotions more stronger than before.

*Whoosh* *whoosh*

Jayden hears the sound of someone approaching at a fast speed. Using his Void skill, he scans the area around him. His eyes widens when he saw more than hundred vampires surrounding him from all directions.

From their auras, Jayden found that most were Cannon fodders, but there were 17 adult vampires among them. With the strongest having a level of 69,520.

Jayden tried to find a clear path but failed as vampires had him surrounded completely. His expression turns solemn, as he stares at Big B, who had a smug look on his face.

" Hand her over, and surrender peacefully. " the strongest vampire named, Big A, speaks. He was the best friend of Big B, but a few years ago he betrayed Big B and got himself a promotion to low-level section in Coven.

" And what if I don't? " Jayden asked with a disdainful expression, staring directly into Big A's eyes.

" Kill him and bring the girl. " Big A said.

Jayden was relaxed, there was no panic on his face, looking at Emma he spokes:

" Alpha "

" Yes, master. " Alpha appears out of his shadow and kneels in front of him.

" Take her to home. " Jayden said before handing Emma over to Alpha. Even in her sleep, Emma had her hands tightly wrapped around his neck, not wanting to let him go.

" Yes master, I'll protect her with my life. " Alpha said, and then looks around.

" Do you think you can escape when you're surrounded by all of us? " Big B said, his voice full of mockery. He still remembers the humiliation he had to go through just a few mins ago.

" Fufu, You've so much confidence in your friends? Then let's bet, if they both couldn't escape then I will be your slave for life but if they could escape, then you have to say ' I am a man with five fathers.' what do you think? " Jayden said, provocatively. While in his mind he was trying to use his Void skill to create a portal that would lead directly to his house.

It was the first time he was creating a portal, so it put a lot of pressure on his soul and it was extremely difficult for Jayden to open the portal at the exact location that he wanted.

Big B pondered on it for a while, he and the other vampires were in no rush to kill Jayden, they all first wanted to enjoy seeing him try to defend himself in vain.

" Fine, you can't back out later though. " Big B said, smiling ear to ear.

" Okay, then here goes nothing. " Jayden said, and then closes his eyes.


Silent fell all over the forest as everyone stares at him. Even after trying for so long, Jayden was finding it hard to open the portal in front of his house.

But then a wide grin appears on his face, as he looks at Big B and speaks:

" Whoever backs away from their part of the bet, will have to add 'Gay' in front of their name. " Jayden said staring at Big B with a haughty expression.

Big B had a bad feeling about it, he wanted to back out, but Jayden didn't give him any chance.

" Alright, then let's start. " Jayden said.

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