Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 66 Nether Lord

66 Nether Lord

Jay stood in front of a tall building, he counted and found out that it had 35 floors. Impressed by his office he entered it wearing casual clothes. Jay wanted to test whether the things he have seen in dramas and s would happen in real life or not.

But his plan failed as Sasha had already shared his photo with all the employees and staff, with a sour mood he went up to his office which was located on the 30th floor and then calls for his assistant, and after a few minutes, a man wearing blue suit enters the room.

" Hello sir, I'm Kate. Now you would ask why I have a feminine name, well the reason is simple. My parents were die heart fans of the movie Titanic, and they wanted a daughter, so they named me after the heroine- " Kate started talking nonstop and stopped only when Jay spoke.

" Enough! you really think I'm interested in your name, tell me about the deal with the Langston group. " Jay got to the point.

" Of course, you can count on me. I'm one of the best assistants in this whole country to the point that I'm feeling jealous of you for having someone as talented as me- " Kate said acting like the God himself.

"sigh" Jay sighed and rubbed his brows.

" Oh, you seem to have a headache, let me tell you a joke, ' My girlfriend dressed up as a policewoman and told me I was under arrest on suspicion of being good in bed...' " Kate paused and after a moment continued.

" But after two minutes all charges were dropped due to lack of evidence. " Kate finished his joke with a cheeky smile and began to laugh.

" You know this morning, while I was reading a newspaper. I came across this horrible news... " Jay paused and looked at the eager expression of Kate.

" A boss threw his own assistant from the 30th floor for being incompetent. " Jay finished with a kind smile. But cold sweat dripped down Kate's body and he instantly ran to grab a file and passed it to Jay.

After reading through the file, Jay find out that the 400 million deal was to get parts of vehicles from the Langston group. Jay pondered for a moment and then said.

" Call the Langston group and set a meeting for today at noon, and don't reveal anything about me. "

" I don't think the Langston group will agree to such a sudden meeting, the Langston group's boss is quite arrogant. " Kate said, now acting like a diligent and hardworking assistant.

" Don't worry about that, just pass on the message. " Jay said, he knew Xander will definitely agree to the meeting thinking that it would be Sasha who will be representing the Night corporation.

" Don't worry, with an assistant like me- hieek " Kate began to praise himself but seeing Jay's glare he shrieked and ran out of the door.

Sitting alone in the office Jay decided to try his new skill, the Nether World. With a thought, he activated the skill after which a message popped in front of him.

[ Entering Nether World ]

In the next moment, Jay was teleported to another world, he observed his surrounding and saw only Nether Fire surrounding everything, dried trees, wild animals, mountains, everything was engulfed in purple flames.

" Try to absorb the energy here. "Anna's voice rang in Jay's ears.

Without saying anything Jay sat cross-legged on the floor that was burning with purple flames, he tried to absorb the energy surrounding him. The moment he began to absorb, purple flames engulfed him.

He felt a burning sensation all over his body, his skin, his organs, veins, blood, bones everything was surrounded by purple flames. He was going to stop immediately because of the excruciating pain but he changed his decision when a new message appeared in front of him.

[ Starting transformation to Nether Lord ]

[ Current Progress: 0% ]

He sat there for a little over 10 minutes, and when he couldn't resist the pain he stopped and looked at the progress bar.

[ Current Progress: 0.01% ]

" What, is that all? After all that pain, just this puny progress. " Jay yelled, feeling irritated.

" Obviously it's going to be slow, did you think you can just transform into the Nether Lord? But once the entire process is completed, you will gain immense power. For now, it will only enhance your physical abilities. " Anna said.

" Whatever, it's not my problem, Jayden could absorb all the energy he wants here. " saying that he exits the Nether World.

Jay was back and saw his assistant talking on his phone, with his back facing Jay:

" Alright sweety, I'll take you for shopping at the weekend. Oh yeah, today my boss came to the office for the first time... yeah, he looked a little handsome, though not more than me, but his attitude, it was totally shitty- " At this point, Kate turned around and his expression turned to horror.

" where was I, oh yeah his personality... his personality is reaaally great. I have already become his no.

1 fan- " Kate tried his best to cover-up, but failed miserably.

" Did you finish your task? " Jay asked with a calm voice.

" Y-Yes, sir. He instantly agreed to a lunch at 11. " Kate replied.

" Okay, now go and write I'm sorry ten thousand times and only then could you leave today. " Jay said with a smirk. And so Kate found out that his new boss is extremely petty.

After sending Kate away, Jay checks the time and saw that it was already 10.

" Hmph, how horny is that wet dog to cancel his other plans and set this lunch. " Jay said.

After that, he turned on his computer and began to play games. When it was 10:30 am, he leaves his office and heads towards the hotel the meeting was planned in.

He arrived at the hotel a few minutes after 11, after parking his car, he walked to the private room. Upon entering he saw a middle age man wearing expensive clothes and a diamond watch, sitting alone in the room.

The moment Jay saw him, he knew the reason why he dressed like that was because he wanted to impress Sasha. Upon seeing only Jay enter the room, he questions:

" Where is your boss? "

" Hello, Mr. Langston I'm Jayden, owner of the Night Corporation. " Jay said with a sweet smile.

For a moment, Xander showed an expression of disappointment and irritation, but the next instant he put on a forced smile.

" I'm Xander Langston, may I know why you called me? " he asked, trying to act polite.

" Straight to the point, I like that. Fine then, I want to make some changes to our deal. " Jay said.

" But we've already signed it, you can't back out now. " Xander said, with a slightly angry expression.

" I'm not trying to cancel the deal, instead I want to turn this deal into something even bigger. " Jay said with a mysterious smile.

" Elaborate " Xander said, a little interested.

" We've already signed a deal worth over four hundred million dollars, but I want more parts and the new deal will be of four billion dollars. " Jay said, and Xander stared at him with wide eyes. But Jay wasn't finished.

" I've heard you're also in the beauty business, I've decided to enter that section too, so I would like to make a deal of another 5 billion for beauty products. " Jay concluded and looked at Xander's expression.

For a few moments, he just stared at Jay, not uttering a single word, and then he spoke:

" Listen here, if this is a prank or something, then I'm warning you, don't take me lightly or your will regre- " Xander began to speak but was cut in between by Jay.

" I'm not joking, I'll even pay you an advanced amount of 2 billion dollars. " Jay said.

" Are you sure you aren't joking? " Xander asked again

" Absolutely. " Jay replied without hesitation.

Xander's expression turned to joy, as he even forgot about the disappointment he was just feeling.

" When can we sign the deal? " Xander asked in an excited tone, it was going to be one of his biggest deals ever.

Jay looked at the werewolf sitting in front of him, he felt a headache after seeing his level which was over 3 lakh.

' Why is his level so damn high? ' Jay thought.

" Werewolves get most of their strength from their pack, if you could remove the members of his pack then his level will decrease significantly. " Anna said.

" I'll send my team today to your company to sign the deal and complete all legal procedures. " Jay said.

" Okay, now that you're here, why don't you eat something? " Xander asked with a wide smile on his face.

" Sorry, I'll have to refuse the offer, I have somewhere else I need to be. " Jay rejected and stood up to leave. After shaking hands with Xander he walked out of the room.

Outside Jay saw one of his slaves, Leo, Jay then used his ability Mind Manipulator and got an useful info. With a smile, Jay walked out of the hotel and after getting his car he drove off towards the airport.

In Leo's memory he saw that Xander's wife was going to arrive at the airport soon, at first Xander was planning to go to the airport himself, but due to the sudden lunch, he cancelled his previous arrangements and ordered his men to go in his instead.

Jay arrived at the airport after driving for an hour, after reaching there he first removed the men sent by Xander, Jay used his skill and orders them to venture into the city aimlessly for a few hours and turn their phone off.

Jay parked his car at the entrance of the airport and waited patiently. After a few more minutes, he saw a woman who looked to be in her mid thirties walking out, though her actual age was higher than that.

Jay waves his hand towards her.

" Are you new? I've never seen you before. " Lisa asked Jay.

" No, I don't work for Xander. We're friends, I was passing by here and received a call from Xander to pick you up. " Jay explained with a smile

He observed the woman standing in front of him, she has short black hair, her skin was white and smooth, and her bosom was huge rivalling that of Eleanor's and a charming face. ' I see, this is the reason why milfs are so famous. ' Jay thought as he looked at her figure.

" Okay," Lisa spoke in her usual cold voice and sat inside the car. The car only had two seats, so she sat beside Jay.

" By the way, you look even more beautiful than I had heard. " Jay said while driving.

"... " Lisa stayed silent and just stared out of the window.

Jay wasn't worried and he continued: " I met Xander just a few months ago, when I saw him he was dead drunk. He was dancing with beauties in such a way that even a eunuch would get excited- "Jay was stopped in mid-sentence by Lisa.

" He was with other girls? " Lisa asked with an angry expression.

" Oh that isn't the worst part of it, I was shocked when he started to make out with a boy who was dressed up like a girl, well I guess he was too drunk to distinguish. " Jay continued.

" What? " Lisa was shocked as she received news after news about her husband, she knew he drinks a lot and many years ago she found out that he cheated on her, but everything Jay said was just too shocking.

" I'm Dr Jay, although I'm telling you all this after considering you as a friend, I don't want you to snitch about it to Xander, he is one scary bastard. He even kidnapped many girls he found attractive and made them submissive by threatening their families. " Jay said with a frightened expression.

"..." Lisa was speechless, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

With a frown on her beautiful face, she asks:" And why should I trust you- ahhhh " Lisa stopped her questions as a painful cry came out of her mouth, as she clunches her stomach with a painful expression.

Jay stops the car at the side and asks in a worried tone: " What's wrong? "

" ahh My-My stomach, it hurts. " Lisa said in between her screams.

" Let me take a look I'm a doctor. " Jay said as he took her hand and began to take her pulse.


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