Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Chapter 60 Death

60 Death

<nulli>Jayden looked at Lucas calmly while making invisible symbols filled with qi into certain patterns, creating a large array.

<nulli>In the last four months, after he was able to create different arrays, Jayden started to deploy various attacking arrays that he would use in his final battle.

<nulli>Lucas had a smirk on his face, as he ordered: " Kill that bug and bring his corpse to me. "

<nulli>After giving the order Lucas maintained the same smirk for a whole minute, but none of the zombies standing behind him made any move. Confused and angry, he turned around and shouted:" Do you all want me to kill you first? Stop standing there and attack him. "

<nulli>But no matter how much he shouted, all zombies stood in a daze.

<nulli>" It's no use, they are already caught in my illusion array. " Jayden spoke, as even if Lucas knew what happened he won't be able to break their illusions.

<nulli>" Then I would just need to kill you first. " instead of wasting time on his underlings, Lucas started to walk towards Jayden.

<nulli>Lucas's main aspect was his speed, but just after taking a couple of steps, he found that something was halting his movement. He looked down and saw strange symbols appearing on his legs.

<nulli>" Trying to stop me with such a cheap trick? " Lucas snorted with disdain.

<nulli>' Step-Bounding array will only last for at most four seconds, then the next step is... ' Jayden thoughts with a calm expression on his face, as he waves both his hands diagonally from top to bottom toward Lucas.

<nulli>*WHOOS* *WHOOS*

<nulli>Two projectiles launches toward Lucas from behind the clouds at an incredible speed, one was red filled with fire and the other was blue made of ice, both with a size of more than 10 meters.


<nulli>A large explosion occurrs at the place where Lucas standing, creating a large hole in the ground, as dust flew everywhere.

<nulli>" @##+$¥#/&%..."

<nulli>Jayden began reciting strange incantation, as he waited for the dust to settle, after a dozen seconds Jayden was finally able to see Lucas's figure, standing straight with his hands in front of his face, placed in a protecting posture.

<nulli>There were two shallow cuts on both his arms and a slight burnt mark on his right hand. He slowly moves his hands down and stares at Jayden.

<nulli>" Is that all you've got? " but before he could speak more than a sentence, two wild beasts appeared behind Jayden, one was a wolf and the other a Cheetah. Their sizes were at least six times the size of normal animals.

<nulli>' Let's see how this Animal Killing array works. ' Jayden thought while ordering both animals to attack Lucas.

<nulli>" Do you expect these puppies to kill me? " Lucas said before running towards both of the animals.

<nulli>Jayden kept taking small steps back, while planning for the next attack, as he stared to Lucas with a calm expression.


<nulli>Both beasts growled before lunging toward Lucas, the wolf bares his fangs into his shoulder while the cheetah slashes at his neck with his sharp claws.

<nulli>*Booom* *Boooom*

<nulli>" Hahahahahhaha, this is fun. "

<nulli>Lucas punches both the beasts away, before roaring out a wild laughter. Even with the combined attack of both breasts, there were only small scratches on his body.

<nulli>*slash* *slash*

<nulli>Both beasts threw their bodies towards the zombie king, increasing their strength by adding their weight to their attacks. Lucas didn't even try to dodge their attacks but let their paws connect to his body.

<nulli>Lucas only took two steps back by the onslaught of both the beasts. He takes his sword out and slashes off both the beasts' heads off within a blink of an eye, destroying the array instantly.

<nulli>" What more tricks do you have? " Lucas shouts at Jayden with a wide grin on his face.

<nulli>Jayden watches Lucas fight silently, still with a calm expression and then raises his right hand towards the sky while pointing his forefinger upwards. Then with a fast motion, he brings his hands down and points his finger towards Lucas while shouting in his mind.

<nulli>' Eternal Electric Cage array '

<nulli>In an instant large bolts of lighting rains down towards Lucas, trapping him between what seemed like a cage made of electricity.


<nulli>" Ahhhhhhhhh "

<nulli>Electric bolts as thick as a branch of a tree, began to strike Lucas continuously, and this time it seemed like he was experiencing some pain for the first time.

<nulli>Jayden instantly starts to launch his next attack, as electric bolts burned Lucas's skin, and with each passing second various wounds appeared on his body.

<nulli>" Stooooop iiiiiiit " Lucas roars as he brokes the cage into countless pieces. With bloodshot eyes, he shoots himself towards Jayden.

<nulli>' Mud Trapping Array ' Jayden speaks in his mind and in the next moment all the land in front of him turns into slimy mud liquid, forming a large circle that instantly traps Lucas as both of his legs get stuck in the ground.

<nulli>' Nether Fire, blood arrow. ' a large blood-red arrow appears from behind Jayden which was completely engulfed in purple flames.

<nulli>" Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooom"

<nulli>Within a split second, the arrow shoots towards Lucas, who was still stuck in the mud and directly hits his chest, resulting in a deafening explosion.

<nulli>Purple flames start to devour everything in their path and before anyone could react most of the zombies brought by Lucas were dead, and Lucas's whole body was still surrounded by flames and dust.

<nulli>Jayden kept reciting different incantations while waiting for dust and flames to settle, after a couple of minutes, Lucas could be seen in the middle of a large crater, with a big hole in his chest, yet he stared at Jayden without caring about his injuries.

<nulli>' Lion's Roar, Blinding light array. ' Just as Jayden activates the arrays, a deafening Roar of a wild beast was produced with its centre being Lucas, and before he could react a white light directly collided with his pupils, causing irreparable damage to his eyes.

<nulli>" Arggggggggghhhhhhhh " Lucas screams in pain, as streams of blood flows out of his eyes and his ears.

<nulli>' Stone dragon array, Moon blade array. ' A huge dragon made of rocks appears in the sky, dancing in the air, and preying on Lucas with its stony eyes.

<nulli>In the next second, a creamy colour blade appears behind Lucas and chops off his left arm, which then pierces into his stomach. Then the dragon opens its jaws and moves towards the beaten zombie, who looked as though he was taking his last breath.

<nulli>But before the dragon could even touch Lucas, he disappears from his position, with his speed it was nearly impossible for Jayden to even follow his movement, much less catch him.

<nulli>Lucas takes the opportunity and thrusts his own sword into Jayden's heart. Before Jayden could even react the sword pierces his heart and creates a hole in his chest.

<nulli>" Uggghhhhhhhh " Jayden mouth was instantly filled with blood but instead of throwing out the blood, he swallows it back, before taking out the sword from his chest.

<nulli>Taking a step back he spokes: " I can't be killed by such attacks. "

<nulli>" Did no one teach you to never underestimate your opponents? If you think that's a simple attack then you can't be any more wrong, as I have placed the world's most potent poison on this sword. " Lucas said with a smug look, despite his own battered condition.

<nulli>" What? " The veins in his body begin to turn black and starts to bulge like they were going to explode.

<nulli>Jayden kneels on the ground and coughs out a mouthful of dark blood, which instantly corrodes the ground.

<nulli>" You're dead. Hahahahaha " Lucas burst out laughing after seeing Jayden's pitiful appearance and his last moments.


<nulli>Thanks for reading and have a great day.??

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