Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 233: Swordsmanship

Adam sneered at the incoming demons and flew next to Neith and sent her in the Blood Tower. Then, he waited for the demons.

They came right when he needed them, they would be the little push he needed to open the 5th Gate. And escaping wasn't really much of an option, Adam could feel an array had been activated around them.

He didn't really know exactly what it did, but with such a powerful line-up, they couldn't just be here by coincidence.

The old demon, Kriar, said "I never met any Northmen before, I only heard of you in our books. Just like they said, you really are an arrogant bunch of fools. You don't even realize the danger you are in, do you?"

Adam had spent a million of his Aura to kill that demon, so he was just fine with earning himself some time. He said "I just killed one of your strongest people, and only two Level 200 remain among you. Am I the one being arrogant?"

Next to Kriar, the succubus, Sultra, said "You think killing that bull will make any difference? What a pity, I would have loved eating you, but I'm afraid there won't even be a body a left when we are finished with you…"

Adam grinned and said "I would like to see you try. Don't worry, I won't be so terrible to destroy your bodies, you should make great fertilizers."

Adam could see many of the Higher Demons standing behind the two generals get riled up, and even the Succubus' gaze turned cold, but Kriar remained impassive, much to Adam's disappointment. An angry opponent was generally much easier to face, especially in large numbers.

Kriar asked, a little curious "Do you honestly think you stand a chance against us? Do you think you are as strong as a Legend?"

Adam replied "This is a vast overestimation of your capabilities. There are barely 40 of you. Do you think a Legend is necessarily needed to kill such a force?"

Kriar finally frowned, not because he was enraged, but because he could here the disdain in the other's voice. Were there really Heroes strong enough to kill them all? Although they didn't have any incredible battle array that allowed weaker beings to challenge stronger ones, they still represented a major force that would endanger anyone.

Adam scoffed "You really believe that! Oh, no Legend must have ever appeared in this dimension… Well, there is no point in trying to explain to you bumpkins, let me just show you I am perfectly capable of crushing you."

Although Adam hadn't recovered all his Aura, he still had more than enough to fight. His max Aura approached 4.5 Million, and he was currently at 4 Million.

Adam flew up toward the demons, and targeted the weaker ones. Demons did not have anything like the Gates, and so they didn't possess the perfect equilibrium Adam had.

Although they wouldn't be as clumsy as a human like Zeus would be, Adam still dominated them in term of movement in the air.

Adam only activated his [Sword Aura], which allowed him to multiply his sword damage by 5, and intended to only use his Swordsmanship.

He did this for two reasons. First, the skill only used 1000 Aura per second originally, which was ten times his recovery speed in passive mode. However, understanding the Concepts also allowed one to use skills with less Aura.

Understanding 10% of the Sword Concept allowed Adam to use C Rank Skills without any Aura, and rely only on the power of the world.

Meanwhile, understanding 50% allowed Adam to lower the cost of B Rank Sword Skills by 50%, and 90% by 90%. As thus, [Sword Aura], a B Rank Skill, only used 100 Aura per second. In other words, even while using this skill, Adam didn't lose any Aura, nor did he gain any.

As for the second reason, it was because of the Fifth Gate. Adam needed a good stimuli to open it, but it remained hard to achieve, and so he decided to use a medium, his swordsmanship. When Adam had opened his Domain back in the alternate Earth as Old Adam, he only used it for his Swordsmanship, and he had even created his Sword Art based on it.

Here, his idea was to use only pure swordsmanship to deal with those demons, and break through his limits. This was originally how he had opened it any way. The moment Adam managed to recreate his Sword Art of old, Eternal Rest, would be the moment those demons would die.

In front of Adam, the demon mages had already prepared several large scale spells to deal with the terrific skills of Adam, which he had shown in their city. All the spells he had used were incredibly powerful and dealt damage on large areas.

However, when they saw him rush at them like he did, they felt lost. They couldn't use their large scale spells now because they would hit their allies. Initially, those spells were prepared to cancel those of Adam, so the nullification of the two spells would make it so that the demons wouldn't suffer splash damage.

Now however, if they launched those spells at Adam, then they would injure many of their close range fighters.

The mages and their commander, Sultra, were frustrated, but Kriar kept a straight face as he ordered his unit and Eranan's unit, the two tanks and damage dealers, to attack Adam.

The bulkier demons in the bunch surrounded Adam quickly, forming a meat wall all around him, while the thinner, more agile one flew in circles around him, trying to confuse him. Meanwhile, the mages cancelled their large scale spells and began firing more concentrated spells.

Adam didn't let himself get bothered by their plans though and began swinging his sword. Anyone who was skilled with the sword would be astounded by what Adam was doing. Each and everyone of his strokes were useful, and would damage some of the tanks, and defend against projectiles at the same time.

Moreover, Adam's sword proved to be deadly as even Sultra, a Level 200, had her spells cancelled by the might behind Adam's sword. As for the tanks… while they tried to attack, they were reduced to nothing but mere meat shields.

They were powerful, but their strength was far below Adam's. They had powerful defence, but Adam's sword tore through their bodies with ease. As for their speed… not only were they countless times slower than Adam, it didn't even mater, with the level Adam's technique had reached, it was impossible for them, who mainly fought on instinct, to dodge.

Quickly, Kriar gave another set of orders, and the meat shields began changing positions with the damage dealers. Although they were faster, they didn't seem to care about death as they forgot all defence and focused on offence.

This put a greater pressure on Adam as no matter how much damage he dealt to them, the mages behind would be able to heal the demons, turning them into near immortal beings. Although it wasn't really the case as they were losing HP over time because of the numerous bleeding effects as well as Adam's skill that halved the efficacy of healing spells on his enemies, with their massive HP bars they could hold on for quite some time.

After a few minutes of intense fighting, Kriar once again frowned as he wasn't content with the current situation. Although Adam hadn't managed to kill another demon other than Eranan, they hadn't managed to even deal damage to him even once.

At their level, their stamina was monstrous, and Kriar doubted they would outclass Adam in term of stamina.

After a moment, he sighed. In the end, he had to take things into his own hands. A big blade, even bigger than Adam's sword, appeared in each of his hands, and he rushed at top speed toward Adam.

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