Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 216: Safety Measures

Right now, the only thing that could hold Adam back on Earth was his family, as if he was away when he beat up the gods then they would attack them.

Adam had a simple solution for that though, and that was to let them hide. When he first told them, they obviously weren't glad, partly because hiding in a remote place far from all civilisation was boring, but most importantly because they didn't want Adam to go fight against the gods.

Imagine one day your son came up to you and told you he was going to fight against literal gods, which parent in their right mind would accept that with a smile?

But even if they didn't like the idea, in the end they decided to trust Adam. They didn't really have a choice anyway, as he was a grown man already and could make his own decisions.

Speaking of his family, since the gods had made their comeback, Adam's parents had been chilling at home. At first they would still go outside because unlike in the rest of the world, New York was free from the tyranny of the gods, but they soon had to stop.

It was because basically everyone in the city had informed themselves about Adam, and his closed ones, and everytime they would go outside they would be swarmed by people trying to please them or who would beg them to ask Adam to help a certain city where they had a relative or something like that.

Anyway, it was a really bad experience, so they decided to just stay at home. They didn't really have any friends anyway because of Matt's previous condition so it didn't matter much.

As for Matthew, Adam had been preparing him for cultivation. Since Matt had slightly less than two years before he would enter Epoch, Adam wanted to help him set the best foundation in the real world so he would be able to level up as fast as possible in the early period of Epoch.

Other than training, he would be spending most of his time with his girlfriend, much to Adam's distress. He liked her, she was sweet, but the two were 16 and they were discovering themselves. And everytime Matt would bring her over…

Let's just say that with his strength, Adam's senses were refined to the point where he could form a mental image simply by listening to something, like the sonars of bats. And god he heard quite a lot he didn't want to.

Back to the situation at hand, Adam had Matt warn his girlfriend they would be moving for a short period of time so she didn't panic, but he didn't tell anyone where.

It wasn't that he feared betrayal, but against a weakling like Matt's girlfriend, anyone who mastered even a little of the Spirit Concept would be able to read her memories, and Adam was certain there were such people among the gods.

Although Adam wouldn't let them enter the city that easily, he didn't want to take any risk with his family, so it was at night that he took them away to a location only he knew.

That location was deep in the Himalayas, where he built a cave quickly, and set many traps. Anyone who approached the cave would receive a full powered attack on their mind, which was strong enough to kill most or severely injure Heroes.

This was the real world after all, where the rules of the world were different from Epoch. In Epoch, because of the system, every attack was related to stats, and so even Spirit Attacks were related to Adam's Strength attribute, which didn't make sense.

But here, on Earth, when Adam used his Spirit Concept he would use his spirit for real. Adam had already long recovered from splitting in two halves, and his spirit for both halves had even become stronger than it used to be. As such, unless they were proficient in Spirit skills, even a Legend would be injured.

And the Spirit trap was only the first layer. It would stun or kill the enemy but also warn Adam. If the intruder tried to force further in, then they would have to go through five other layers of traps.

And if they finally managed to bypass all the traps… Adam's family would simply be teleported elsewhere. The Space Concept was quite useful.

All of that was possible thanks to Adam's profound understanding of Concepts, but it would be even stronger and more dangerous if he had learned runes.

Enchanters were the ones who could make arrays, and an array could be exceptionally powerful. For example, in Epoch, the last line of defence of the various Racial Powers weren't strong experts, but instead arrays.

Unfortunately, Enchantment was a difficult art to pick up and Adam didn't have the time to learn it, so he had to make do with his current abilities.

He also set a few layers of protection around New York, which would be activated if a Golden Idol were to appear. They weren't too dissimilar from those he used to protect his family, except that they were less powerful because of the large area they occupied.

When he was sure his family was safe, Adam finally could start his plans. Since he now had the power, he not only wanted to find treasures for his cultivation, but also put the gods back in their right place.

And what better way to start off than attack one of the most famous and powerful pantheons in the world, the Olympians?

They were recognized as one of the most powerful forces in the world, and Zeus was one of the strongest gods, tied with a few others such as Odin, Amaterasu, Yahweh, Allah… Well, he wasn't going to list them all, but it was a fact they were recognized as the strongest.

As for why he chose the Greeks among all the ones of this level, it was because he was pretty sure they had treasures that would please him. Ambrosia and Nectar, the food of the gods. The gods probably only had them for their taste since they couldn't advance anymore, but they certainly were Spiritual treasures.

So Adam flew toward Greece in a good mood. He would get to eat the food of the gods and thrash them a little. Who didn't dream of putting an almighty god back in his place?

Well, maybe not as many people as he thought, but he definitely was going to have fun.

It was a matter of minutes for Adam to arrive in the air, not far from Athens. From where he was, he could see thanks to his superb vision a lot of things.

First, below him were the 'mortals', the normal people who had been living here for most of their lives. He could see that most of them didn't look good.

Apparently, Olympus had spread their men through the city when they took the country over, and they acted as the law now. But they were ruthless and full of tyranny, so the living conditions of the people had become much worse than it used to be.

If nothing changed, then it wouldn't take long for a large scaled revolution to take place. Unfortunately, even if it did, they probably wouldn't be able to do anything in the end.

Adam's gaze then went to the middle of the city, where stood a hill and on top of which there used to be the Parthenon.

However, the old ruins had been razed to the ground and were replaced by a big stairway that led to the clouds. From the ground, one could slightly see a golden temple in the clouds at the end of the stairway, but it was quite far away.

This was Adam's goal, Olympus.

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