Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 186:

Chapter 186

Will he be able to see Jin?

“Where are we going this time? Is it a church?”

“This time, we’re going to see a shaman.”


The members opened their mouths at the PD’s words from the passenger seat.

“That’s… interesting.”

“That sounds fun.”

The comeback preparation was not over when the album work was done. There were also self-produced contents that would be released after the comeback.

The Awi members got on the van to shoot their own content after finishing the music video.

The theme of this content was fortune-telling.

Awi had already visited a famous tarot house and a monk who was known for giving good fortunes. The last destination was the house of a shaman who was said to be powerful.

“But don’t we have a shaman among us? The clapping shaman Choi Ian.”

“Ian-nim, will our comeback go well?”

“Uh-huh, I have to do a ritual, so give me some money.”

“Okay, here you go.”

Kim Joo-young grabbed Ian’s wrist as he shook his hand for money, and slapped his own hand hard on Ian’s hand. Ian let out a short scream and tried to keep his expression under control.

“You have a lot of bad luck.”

“Ian-nim, please tell us quickly.”

The members prayed to Ian with their hands clasped. Ian decided to play along with them and straightened his back and closed his eyes slightly.

“They say there’s a high chance of being a scammer if you just ask for a ritual…”

“Ian-nim is receiving a divine message.”

The members also followed suit and opened their eyes wide as they waited for Ian to open his mouth.

“It will go well.”

“Ian-nim said it will go well!”

“Career high, here we come!”

The members shouted and raised their hands to the sky and danced a weird worm dance. Kim Myung-jin, who was driving, shook his head slightly. He was used to this kind of ear torture.

The PD, who was waiting for the members to calm down, added a comment.

“The shaman you’re going to see is a famous person who even the corporate CEOs visit.”

“Really? How did you get them to agree?”

“We thought it wouldn’t work, so we just contacted them as a joke, but they accepted.”


The members looked excited. They wondered if someone who was so powerful that even the CEOs visited would be different.

“I’m curious what they will say.”

“Right. Didn’t the people we saw before seem to know us too well?”


Everyone nodded at Kim Hyun’s words. They had visited places that were rumored to be good, but they all recognized Awi and told them good things like they would do well and prosper.

They felt good to hear only good things, but they also felt a loss of momentum.

“They say everything will go well because we’re Awi.”

“It did feel like they were flattering us a lot.”

“Oh, PD-nim, this is for editing.”

Kim Joo-young made a scissors gesture in the air as if to cut the scene, and the PD silently raised his thumb as if to say don’t worry.

“But maybe they only said good things because the camera was recording.”

“I agree with Ian-hyung.”

There must be some fans who would bash them and say they were not that good and the person they saw was not that great.


“But I want to hear some bad news now. So I can prepare in advance.”

“Maybe they will say something bad if they are that famous.”

“Can’t we just hear good things?”

Lee Joo-hyuk protested softly.

The PD who was listening to them swallowed his laughter. They were so immersed and followed whatever they did, so the scenes came out very well.

“Guys, just take it as fun and don’t worry too much.”

Kim Myung-jin, who was listening to their conversation, looked at them through the rearview mirror. One of them had a burning look in his eyes.

“Ian, do you believe it too?”

“Of course.”

He expected Ian to not believe it, but he looked serious, so Kim Myung-jin sighed.

Ian had a reason to believe in his own way.

‘There are grim reapers, so maybe there are really people who receive divine messages.’

There are ghosts, too… Ian glanced at Jin floating in the air and then raised his eyebrows as if he realized something.

‘Wait a minute.’


Will the shaman be able to see Jin?

[This place is expensive. It’s as rumored.]

‘Do you know this shaman?’

[I know of him. I’ve heard about him.]

Is he really famous? Ian felt his anticipation rising.

“Wow, this place is amazing.”

“They said this is where the chairman comes, but it’s actually his house?”

The members who stood in front of the gate looked around the well-decorated garden without a break. A single house with a yard in this expensive land. He must have made a lot of money.

“Are you here?”

A person who looked like a disciple came out and greeted them warmly. The PD shook hands with her nervously.

“Thank you for accepting our difficult request.”

“Not at all.”

“Thank you!”

The members bowed their upper bodies and greeted her loudly. She was surprised and then laughed.

“You are all very energetic. The shaman has agreed to see each of you.”

“Yes, but can we really film here?”

They had permission to film, but they had to get their edited version checked later.

There were quite a few people who had refused to be filmed when they heard that a famous idol group was coming to see them.

They were grateful for this condition.

“By the way, I heard he is very famous, but is it okay for him to see us, a small idol group from the countryside?”

“Hey, what’s wrong with us!”

“That’s right, hyung!”

Six of the members pointed their thumbs down and booed at Jo Tae-woong. The disciple smiled slightly and said.

“I thought you were worthy enough to be accepted. He also had some free time.”

And he also wanted to see someone…

The disciple’s strange gaze lingered on Ian for a moment and then disappeared. Ian didn’t notice her gaze and was happily hitting Lee Joo-hyuk’s back, who was going in first.


“Next, last. Ian.”


The six members went in one by one to get their fortunes told, and it was finally Ian’s turn.

“Hey, he’s going to say some creepy things, right?”

“Get a taste of Korean shamanism.”

The members knew that Ian was looking forward to it since they were on the van, so they teased him with laughter.

‘Hey, aren’t you curious?’

[About what?]

‘Whether the shaman can see you or not.’

[…Yeah, maybe?]

Jin answered with a trembling voice, and goosebumps rose on Ian’s arm.

“Please come in.”

The disciple opened the sliding door, and Ian swallowed his saliva and entered the room.

There was a shrine behind the shaman, and the shaman had an extraordinary look on his face.

[He looks strong.]


Ian bowed his waist and greeted him, then sat on the cushion opposite him at the shaman’s gesture.

“What is your date and time of birth?”

The shaman wrote down what Ian said on a paper, but he fixed his gaze on something behind him with a strange expression.

The shaman thought. ‘He has a ghost attached to him, a rare one.’

Ian tried hard not to look at Jin’s direction. He felt like he shouldn’t let anyone know that he knew about Jin’s existence.

‘Can you see him?’

[…Uh, we made eye contact?]

Jin said with a nervous voice, and Ian felt a chill on his arm.

“You were born abroad, so you don’t have a Chinese character for your name…”


“First of all, you have a very good fortune… This is a fortune that you can do anything with.”

The shaman took his eyes off Jin and wrote down Ian’s fortune on a blank paper.

“This kind of fortune… People often say that you saved the country in your previous life, right? That’s the kind of fortune you have.”

Ian flinched his shoulder. It was a familiar phrase that he had heard a lot.

The shaman didn’t say anything bad about Ian. He felt a little better when he heard that he would be lucky until his old age, and he ended the conversation by asking about the future of his members and group.

“That’s it if you don’t have any more questions.”

The shaman’s words made Ian jump up.

“Thank you for taking your time for us.”

“No, I enjoyed it too. It’s been a long time since I met such a rare person.”

“Do I only have good things?”

“Of course, and…”

The shaman stopped mid-sentence and stiffened. Ian had to pretend he didn’t know Jin’s true identity, so he couldn’t turn his head to follow the shaman’s gaze. He just rolled his eyes and whispered.

“What’s behind me?”

The shaman didn’t answer. She slowly got up and bowed politely towards Ian, or more precisely, towards something behind Ian.

‘What is it? What is it?’

Ian looked at the camera that was filming him and mouthed silently.



“Did it take long?”

Ian opened the sliding door and came out with a blank face. He walked shakily and stood in front of the members.

“How was it?”

Park Seodam looked at him with anticipation in her eyes. She stared intently at Ian’s mouth as he opened it.

“It was amazing, amazing…”

The members laughed at Ian’s dazed words.

“Did you get that scared?”

“He must have heard only good things.”

“Let’s ask the PD to show us the video later. Are you all okay with that?”


The members who had gone in earlier had heard both good and bad things without any sugarcoating, so they were curious about the other members’ results.

“Please take a look.”

“Thank you!”

They bowed to the shaman and her apprentice who had spared their time and got on the van.

“She asked me if I had any last questions, so I asked her what would happen to our group. She said it was very good.”

“Wow! I asked that too! Hey, Ian, what did you hear?”


The members chatted excitedly and shared their fortune-telling results with each other. Ian was about to say that he only heard good things when.



[Do you need any information?]

[You were so reluctant to tell me anything before, but now you’re suddenly proactive? Why is that? Ian tilted his head.

‘What’s up with you?’

[No, I just remembered the story you had with the lawyer. Do you want me to tell you something? Stocks? Real estate?]

‘Well, I wouldn’t mind if you did…’

But he couldn’t help but be suspicious of someone who suddenly acted like this. Ian narrowed his eyes and stared at Jin. Jin seemed to avoid his gaze and turned the lens in another direction.

‘Are you sure there’s nothing wrong?’

[It’s just that I wanted to do you a favor. If you don’t like it, forget it.]

‘No. Tell me.’

The shaman had suddenly looked at someone, but Ian had mistaken it for looking at him. But behind him was the grim reaper who had returned his soul to his body.

The reason why the shaman couldn’t finish her sentence was because the grim reaper, who had suddenly appeared behind Ian, put his index finger on his mouth and gestured for her to be quiet.


Time passed and it was four weeks before their comeback.

It was the day when AWY’s individual teaser photos for their comeback were released. The first one was Jo Taewoong. His photos had already been widely spread through SNS as he visited the company, so they couldn’t delay it any longer.

AWY Concept Photo – Taewoong (Tae Woong)

-OMG Taewoong’s concept

He looks like a game characterㅠㅠㅠ

└He has long blue hair, are you kidding meㅜㅜㅜㅜ

└The outfit is crazy, it smells like money, thank you Byunghun fatherㅠㅠㅠ

└This is it

Two hours after Jo Taewoong’s concept photo was uploaded, the agency posted an announcement on the fan cafe.

Hello, this is BHL Entertainment.

We would like to express our gratitude to AWYDOM who have been waiting for AWY, and inform you of the legal situation that you have been waiting for.

…We are pursuing legal responsibility both civilly and criminally for the ongoing cases.

In addition, we have already filed additional complaints and there will be no settlement or leniency.

We sincerely thank you for your support and reports, and we ask for more reports in the future.

Below are the statements from Seo & Woo Law Firm and Ayul Law Firm.

The fans celebrated this day as a special day with Jo Taewoong’s shocking concept photo and the agency’s sincere legal notice.

Since supporting the members was prohibited, AWY’s fans instead donated to the vulnerable groups or put up advertisements in the downtown areas, actively creating a comeback atmosphere.

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