Entertainment Life With A Camera

Chapter 179:

Chapter 179

Everyone, gather around.

The guests took their seats in the hall, and after a few minutes, the wedding ceremony of Park Dong-soo and Seo Su-ryeon began.

Following Jung Se-jun’s voice as the host, the members of Awi entered the hall and leaned against the wall instead of sitting in the guest seats.

‘We have to make sure Dong-soo hyung sees us leaving.’

They followed Jung Se-jun’s advice and stood on the side, not at the very back.

Jung Se-jun declared the start of the ceremony and introduced himself, glancing at the Awi members standing by the wall.

‘They’re too obvious.’

Fortunately, the members of Fever, who were wondering where to sit, also discreetly stood next to Awi, making them less conspicuous.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Jung Se-jun from Black Rush, the host for today.”

Jung Se-jun did a good job as the host. After the declaration of the ceremony and the lighting of the candles, it was finally time for the groom to enter.

“Then, we will have the groom’s entrance! Please welcome him with your warm applause!”

“He’s awesome!”

“He’s handsome!”

The members of Black Rush shouted loudly. Awi also cheered and whistled as if they couldn’t lose.

When there are loud voices, other people also find it easier to join in. Thanks to Black Rush and Awi, the guests also enthusiastically cheered. The solemn atmosphere of the hall quickly turned into a festive one.

“Wow, groom, aren’t you coming too fast?”

Jung Se-jun didn’t even need to make any comments in between. Park Dong-soo walked briskly with a stiff expression. He reached the front in no time, thanks to his wide strides and fast pace.

“It’s like he’s been waiting for this moment, right? Married men, how do you feel? Seeing a man facing the upcoming hell?”

The guests laughed.

Then, the bride’s entrance began. Seo Su-ryeon, dressed in a wedding dress, entered holding her father’s hand.

“Wow, I feel weird.”

“Boss, where were you?”

“I was talking to Myung-jin for a while.”

The boss, who had appeared next to Awi, looked at Park Dong-soo and Seo Su-ryeon standing side by side with a touched expression.

The groom and bride only had a faint smile on their lips and a calm expression, but the boss seemed to be acting like he was getting married. Jo Tae-woong said with a smile.

“Anyone would think you’re the one getting married, boss.”

“I’ve known them for so long…”

He had been with Seo Su-ryeon since the establishment of the company, and he had supported the idol group that Park Dong-soo belonged to, helping the company reach its current position.

Lee Byung-heon felt as if he was marrying off his own flesh and blood.

“Ju-hyuk, how’s the surprise going?”

“I’ve coordinated with Se-jun hyung.”


“Boss, you really like this kind of thing.”

Of course, he was also moved by the upcoming surprise. The boss’s wistful expression quickly disappeared and only a mischievous one remained.

“Who wouldn’t like this kind of thing?”

“Yeah, I guess so. We’re also itching to go out.”

“You can do it, right?”

“Boss, it’ll be more than you imagine. Don’t worry.”

Park Jin-hyuk said confidently. Lee Byung-heon narrowed his eyes.

“You guys have prepared something else, right?”

“Huh? No, no.”

Kim Hyun hit Park Jin-hyuk’s shoulder, afraid that he would blurt out the fact that they had made a new song.

Just then, the time that Jung Se-jun had told them came.

‘Go out when they declare their marriage.’

The members followed Jung Se-jun’s instructions and deliberately moved hastily. If it weren’t for Jung Se-jun, the surprise would have been over before they even tried.

“Guys, can you move a bit?”

“Where are you going, hyungs?”

“Us? We have a schedule.”

“A schedule?”

Fever’s Lim No-eul looked at the Awi members leaving the hall and asked Eun Ha-yeon.

“Don’t they usually not schedule anything on this day?”

“Yeah, what’s going on?”

As soon as the seven tall men left the hall, some of the guests turned their eyes to them.

There was no master of ceremonies at the wedding, so the groom and bride didn’t have their backs to the guests. They were facing the guests, so they couldn’t help but notice the Awi members leaving the hall.

‘You guys are too obvious.’

Park Dong-soo held back his laughter as he watched the Awi members act in a hurry.

‘What? Why are they leaving all of a sudden?’

Seo Su-ryeon was a bit flustered by Awi’s sudden action, but she relaxed when she saw Park Dong-soo’s expression.

‘They must be up to something.’

Seo Soo-ryeon chuckled.

The members came out of the dressing room and waited for their turn.

“Don’t you think we messed up a bit?”


“By the look on Dong-soo hyung’s face, I think he found out.”


The members’ faces darkened for a moment, but brightened up again at Kim Joo-young’s words.

“…But Dong-soo hyung doesn’t know that we made the song ourselves, right?”


The members smiled triumphantly. Kim Myung-jin had given them a hint, or the staff handed them the microphones.

“Wow, Myung-jin hyung really prepared well.”

“Do you think the CEO has a stake in this? How did you deliver the MR?”

“I gave it to Myung-jin hyung earlier.”

Cho Tae-woong was twisting his wrist awkwardly with the microphone he hadn’t held in a long time.

“Don’t you think it’s too boring to go in together like this?”

Kim Hyun, who had been thinking about something, suddenly spoke up.

“Let’s split up in the center on both sides.”

Kim Hyun, who was interested in stage direction, had been eyeing the structure of the hall as soon as he entered. Wouldn’t it be better if there was some direction rather than just standing and singing?

“If we bend down like this, I don’t think they’ll see us well from the bride and groom’s side.”

Kim Hyun bent his upper body down.

“Oh, so?”

“Ian will sing the intro first and draw attention, and then the next part, Tae-woong and Joo-young will run to the front with their heads down and stand up when they sing their parts.”

“Good. As expected of Hyun hyung. I knew you would think of something like this.”

The members arranged their movements according to Kim Hyun’s briefing. They listened carefully to Jung Se-jun’s progress, which was flowing out of the hall.

The AWY members, who had been waiting silently for a while, heard Cho Tae-woong’s faint voice in their ears.

“It reminds me of middle school.”

“What is it?”

Ian, who was next to him, asked.

“I was too busy with my schedule to go to my homeroom teacher’s wedding. The kids in my class prepared a congratulatory song and sang it, and they were talking about it among themselves… I was so jealous of that.”


He felt a bit of excitement as he said that. He had also lived his previous life only looking at his debut, so he didn’t have a proper school life. The other members were the same.

“When are we going in?”

“Before the bride and groom’s march, we’re supposed to sing. After Black Rush hyungs’ congratulatory song, about five minutes later?”

Park Jin-hyuk and Lee Joo-hyuk reached out their hands in the air.

“Hey, gather around.”

“It’s been a while since we did this.”

The other members gathered around and put their hands on top. Cho Tae-woong, who put his hand on last, smiled pleasantly.

Kim Hyun and Lee Joo-hyuk said.

“An unofficial stage is still a stage.”

“But don’t forget that the main characters are Dong-soo hyung and the CEO. Let’s not stand out too much.”

“Isn’t our existence already standing out?”


Inside the hall, the parents’ greetings were over and the prelude to Black Rush’s congratulatory song was playing.

“What’s the slogan?”

“Of course, it’s this. We are who We are?”


The members shouted out the slogan so loudly that it seemed like they hadn’t done it in a long time. They shrank their shoulders when they realized it.

“Did we make too much noise?”

“Did we cover up their congratulatory song?”

As soon as they finished speaking, Black Rush’s congratulatory song ended and the atmosphere was set for the ceremony. At the same time, the lights on the microphones that the AWY members were holding came on.

“Wow, if we had shouted the slogan a little later, it would have been heard through this.”

Kim Hyun was startled.

The members moved to the sides, leaving Ian alone in the center. The staff came over to open the door.

“Now, before we finish the wedding ceremony with the bride and groom’s march, there is one more special event!”

Jung Se-jun raised his voice as if he had been waiting. His expression was full of mischief, and Park Dong-soo sighed softly when he saw it.

“This is it…”

“What is it? Do you know?”

“No, I don’t know either.”

Park Dong-soo and Seo Soo-ryeon whispered to each other. In the meantime, the sound that Lee Joo-hyuk had brought in advance flowed through the speakers, and the door of the hall opened. Ian, who was standing alone in front of the door, picked up the microphone.


“Isn’t the congratulatory song over yet?”

As the guests murmured, Ian walked slowly down the aisle and sang the first verse.

“Today, in this moment

I will tell you my love”

Ian’s clear voice and loud sound blended with the atmosphere of the banquet hall, creating a feeling of singing a gospel. The guests shivered at Ian’s voice and cheered. Meanwhile, Jo Tae-woong and Kim Joo-young sneaked in and found their seats while bowing low.


Jeong Se-jun raised his head. It was a song he had never heard before. Of course, he didn’t know all the songs in the world, but he could tell from the music style that it was composed by the members of Awi.

“Ah, this is cheating.”

They composed their own song for the congratulatory song. Jeong Se-jun smiled bitterly.

‘How did they improve so much? They were so timid.’

When Awi debuted, he produced their songs, but now he had to receive their songs. Jeong Se-jun felt his lips dry and took a sip of water.

After Ian’s part ended, Jo Tae-woong suddenly popped out from among the Fever members who were standing blankly on the wall and continued to sing.

“I want this moment with you

To be eternal like our clasped hands”

The cheers of the guests seemed to be louder than before. Jo Tae-woong sang while walking slowly and stood next to Ian.

‘Ah, this is great.’

It was his first stage in a long time. He smiled brightly and looked at the guests who became his audience. Park Dong-soo and Seo Su-ryeon watched him with a warm smile.

Then, Kim Joo-young sang the next verse, and the other four members who were outside the door walked toward the bride and groom while singing.

“Wow, Jin-hyuk is singing all the songs?”

“He’s good, right?”

Lee Joo-hyuk sometimes sang in Awi’s songs, but Park Jin-hyuk was only a rapper. Park Dong-soo and Seo Su-ryeon opened their mouths at Park Jin-hyuk’s musical style change.

“Yes! The last congratulatory song event was Awi! I noticed something, the song they sang for the congratulatory song was the first time I heard it. You too, right? Joo-hyuk, what’s going on?”

Jeong Se-jun, who was curious whether they really composed it, spoke rapidly.

“We made a special song and recorded it for the wedding of the two.”

“Is this not going to be released as a song?”

“We’re not going to release it anywhere and just give it to the bride and groom.”

Lee Joo-hyuk, Park Jin-hyuk, and Kim Joo-young smiled and said. Seo Su-ryeon covered her mouth with her hand, moved. Tears welled up in her eyes.

“Congratulations on your wedding!”

The members of Awi bowed their upper bodies.


After Park Dong-soo and Seo Su-ryeon’s wedding, the guests went to have a meal and the members of Awi headed to the underground parking lot.

“We couldn’t make them cry, damn it.”

“Did you see Dong-soo hyung’s expression earlier? He was so calm.”

“Does Dong-soo hyung have no emotions?”

“Damn, today was our chance.”

They regretfully clicked their tongues.

And the members of Awi didn’t know that Park Dong-soo had sobbed belatedly.

“You almost cried earlier, right?”

Seo Su-ryeon, who had changed into a hanbok, poked Park Dong-soo’s side. Park Dong-soo looked at her with his red eyes.


“Just cry. It was okay to cry in that atmosphere.”

She had already noticed the surprise event, but she was still happy that they prepared it for her. And they even brought a song for them.

Park Dong-soo was touched, but he tried to hold back his tears. He wanted to look cool in front of the kids he had taken care of.

“I’m embarrassed in front of the kids.”


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