Empress of Otherverse

Chapter 159 - Short stories 4.3>

Chapter 159: <Short stories 4.3>

The empress’ day started with a meeting and ended with a meeting. She also had to take care of many internal affairs involving the castle and Rombrook. If her daughter got sick, the empress also had to find the time to take care of her child.

Luckily, some meetings provided much-needed rest.

As Bina entered the glass greenhouse, she exclaimed, “Liliana!”

Beautiful Liliana, now a beloved wife and a mother, turned around and smiled. Thankfully, she seemed to have fully recovered from the trauma of her mother Katleyanira.

“Greetings to your highness the empress.”

Liliana bowed prettily. She lost a lot of weight after her first child Cullen, which worried many people, but now she looked much better. Bina took her hand.

“How are you feeling? Is Cullen doing well?”

“Yes. Thanks to your and his highness, we have been faring well.”

The man standing beside Liliana interrupted in irritation.

“Greetings to your highness the empress. How come you only greet my wife and ignore me?”

Bina smiled. This was what happened when a husband accompanied his wife to her outing. Even Lucretius was treated this way when Bina and Liliana gathered together.

Bina laughed. “Oh, don’t worry Clodys. I’m not ignoring you; I’m just ill-treating you.”

Two women laughed.

Just then, Clodys asked Bina awkwardly, “Um, your highness, we met an acquaintance on our way here, and he begged us to accompany us to meet you.”

No one could enter the meeting with an empress without her permission, so the unknown man was waiting outside the room in the reception area. If Bina refused, he would have to leave immediately.

“… Really? Who?”

Bina was curious. Everyone knew to insist on meeting her like this was considered incredibly rude. Who could it be?

“It is the second son of Duke Lonensia. His name is Roberto des Lonensia.”

She had never heard this name before, but obviously, she knew the family well. Lonensian family was not someone even she could ignore.

In addition, Bina humiliated the duchess recently; therefore, she felt refusing to meet her son would be like declaring war against Lonensia.

She didn’t want that.

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter. You can let him in…”

Suddenly, Clodys gave Bina a subtle look.

“What is it?”

Clodys looked very concerned. His wife Liliana also looked troubled, making Bina concerned. She ordered her maids and servants to leave and only the three of them were left in the room.

Clodys explained, “Roberto… He isn’t exactly my acquaintance. I guess we somewhat knew each other when we were young, but that was over ten years ago. I haven’t talked to him in years, yet when we were on our way here, he stopped us to ask for this favor… This is too good to be a coincidence. Not to mention, it was unreasonably insolent. It is very strange, and I don’t like it.”

Liliana paled.”Does this mean… Lonensian family is plotting something?”

It had only been three years since the dowager empress Katleyanira’s rebellion. If the Duke of Lonensia was planning something… This could be very dangerous.

Clodys took his wife’s hand to reassure her.

“I don’t think we have to worry about Lonensia rebelling against the royal family.”

Clodys turned to Bina and continued, “But your highness, it would be best to beware of Roberto as a person.”

Clodys looked unusually disturbed, making Bina wonder.

“… Marquis, it sounds like you know something.”

Clodys nodded as he lowered his voice.

“Yes… This is very awkward, but I think I need to tell you this.” After a short hesitation, Clodys continued, “He hasn’t lived in Cransia since he was fifteen, and everywhere he traveled, he left bastard children in many places. Apparently, Duchess Lonensia has been cleaning up after him secretly.”

Liliana became even paler.

“T, that… how…”

Clodys tried to lighten the mood.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t dare to try anything to your highness the empress, but there is a rumor that he did try to seduce many princesses and wives of other nation’s kings.”

Bina smirked. “So he has a bad playboy reputation. Well, his highness is alive and well, so I’m sure he would never try something stupid. Thank you for letting me know though. Unfortunately, I can’t flat out reject a member of Lonensian family. After all, he is the grandson of the former chancellor.”


“Let him in.”

At the empress’ order, the maids headed out to get Roberto while the servants started to prepare another set of tea.

Clodys sighed worriedly.


“Roberto des Lonensia from the Lonensian family greets the most honorable empress.”

He was definitely handsome, but Bina had the most gorgeous looking husband and was acquainted with the equally good-looking Izid, Prince of Genoa. To Bina, Roberto was just another ordinary man.

Bina greeted politely, “Nice to meet you, Roberto. You come from a good family that has helped this royal family in the past.”

When Bina gave him her hand, Roberto elegantly kissed the back of it.


Suddenly, Bina flinched in shock. He kept his lips on her hand a moment too long, and the way he looked at her was too seductive. When Bina tried to take her hand back, he let her go easily. He grinned when he noticed how uncomfortable she became.

“I have heard rumors of how exotic and beautiful you are, but the rumors don’t do you justice, your highness.”

It was very subtle, but the way he spoke and behaved was very unpleasant and forward. Bina became angry, but she couldn’t show her feelings at this point.

She calmly replied, “You flatter me. Everyone knows rumors are always exaggerated. Now, let’s be done with formalities and go to our table. The servants have prepared us tea.”

It was a beautiful warm day with tea and cookies. Only if she was with the people she liked… But that man was here, and it made her frustrated.

The way this man looked at her made her skin crawl.

Bina had compared Lucretius to a snake before because his stare was cool and sharp. She actually liked it because it was dry and calm.

However, this man was different. He was cold and wet. It felt like he was dragging her down to a very unpleasant place.

Bina glanced at Roberto, who was sitting beside Clodys. Before he turned towards her, she quickly looked away.

‘I don’t like him.’


Bina patted her personal horse Lorelai with her gloved hands. She was a healthy brown horse with a beautiful white mane.

“Hello, Lorelai, would you like some sugar cubes?”

The horse couldn’t understand actual words, but she was smart enough to realize what her owner was offering. Lorelai affectionately licked Bina’s hand.

Agnes opened a silver bottle and handed Bina a few of the cubes. When she showed them to the horse, Lorelai licked her hands clean.

“Oh, my hand is all wet now.”

When Yulia was about to grab another pair of gloves, Bina shook her head and took her gloves off. She then started to feed the horse with her bare hand.

‘It’s strange. This feels okay.’

All Roberto did yesterday was kiss the back of her hand, yet it felt so horrible, especially compared to the feel of horse’s lips on her hand.

‘He… is dangerous. I better be careful around him.’

Clodys was a very smart and cautious man. If he told her to be wary of Roberto, it was very likely a sound piece of advice.

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