Emperor game: sss difficulty I deduce everything

Page 519

Chapter 355 Reorganizing the Battle Formation

(I caught a cold two days ago, so sorry.)

Li Ye stared at the extremely elite soldiers of the three battalions in front of him. Although he had already looked down upon them, he had another feeling in his heart.

After all, the three battalions that were dilapidated back then have now become such an elite force in his hands.

It would be a lie to say that I am not proud at all.

But you can't be too proud.

Because he still has bigger surprises to show everyone.


Li Ye smiled happily, his eyes flickering with a little bit of bright light.

"The completion of the three major battalions today is a great thing and something worth celebrating."

"The three major battalions are displayed in front of you today. The purpose is simple, and the flames are rising again, and the flames are lingering."

"Some people don't want Daxia to be peaceful, so this time, we have to pay the enemy the worst price, and let them know that we made a mistake, and it was a mess!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Ye made a casual move, and it seemed that some generals would step forward to obey his orders.

In the process of building the three battalions, he not only tidied up all the general equipment and other things, but also innovated the previous tactics of the three battalions!

The so-called innovation is not to change the original basis, but to change all the original tactics.

In the three camps.

The Shenji Battalion is mainly good at firearms, whether it is the bird gun, the three-eyed gun, or the Franji, the general in red, etc., all weapons are rearranged into different formations under his design.

The five army battalions, infantry and cavalry are integrated, and with the help of the cavalry's flanks, the heavy armor can effectively block the enemy and even turn the battlefield into a bunker.

But among the three battalions, the most famous is the [-] battalion.

The three major battalions in the past were indeed only 3000 people, but with the development of history, the three major battalions have long become synonymous with elite cavalry, and Daxia is the Central Plains dynasty.

Cavalry is their lifeblood.

These three battalions are all in a coordinated combat relationship with each other, but in fact, their so-called coordinated operations in the past are only in the combat mode of large corps.

As for the associated cooperation, the soldiers of the three battalions did not fully integrate into one.

The first reform that Li Ye made this time was to completely integrate the soldiers of the three major battalions, so that they could be arranged in the most direct formation and attack no matter what the situation.

"Listen, everyone!"

With Li Ye's permission, the general just now took over the battle flag and waved it immediately.

"The soldiers of the three battalions listen to the order, and the drill begins!"

Whether civil servants or military generals, none of them thought that this time Li Ye would directly start the military exercise. This is not in the agreed script.

But how did they know what Li Ye was thinking.

He personally designed the orders for the three battalions to fight together, as well as the formations that were performed.

However, he did not give false hands to any of his generals. Instead, he handed over these tasks to the junior generals in the army.

The person with the highest official position is the one who currently holds the command flag, and he is nothing more than a general.

The three stinky generals are the best Zhuge Liang.

It's them.

So Li Ye wanted to do this for two reasons. First, he didn't want the outside world to find out about his actions. Second, he didn't want the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs of the Manchu Dynasty to see through his actions this time.

There are times when confidentiality is important.

The three major battalions are now his best weapon against Wolf Smoke!

It is also the most powerful barrier of Daxia in his design.

"Three battalions, take action!"

Following the general's order, the soldiers of the three major battalions at that time immediately mixed into one group, and the cavalry of the three thousand battalions took the initiative to occupy the positions on both sides and the rear of the formation.

The heavy firearms of the Shenji Battalion are arranged in the middle of the array, while weapons like guns and blunderbuss are arranged in the front.

The soldiers of the five army battalions, with the heavy infantry as the front line and the light infantry as the squadron.The crossbowmen were in the form of the rear team, interspersed around the [-] Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to protect them.

Such an array looks no different from the past!

The civil servants who were so shocked just now couldn't help whispering at this moment.

"This is not a new formation, could it be..."

Before an old pedant could say wow, he heard the person next to him push him suddenly, "Don't talk nonsense, I think there is a difference. In the past, the Shenji Battalion was always used collectively."

"But now you see, the Shenji Battalion has been scattered among the army."

"Isn't this innovation!"

What he said was a little yin and yang, Li Ye could hear it clearly, but he didn't give any explanation, it was a sick behavior to reason with an old pedant.

The best way is to use reality and let them slap their face hard.

Only when their cheeks hurt, can they understand how narrow their vision is.

General Pi could also feel Li Ye's fiery gaze behind the scenes.

Taking a deep breath, he didn't dare to neglect. Seeing that the soldiers had finished their preparations, he immediately waved the command flag and started the next move.

The soldiers of the three major battalions mixed together moved with the command flag, and the fifth army battalion was heavily loaded in front, striding forward. Although the speed was not fast, it was as steady as Mount Tai.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion interspersed among them would fire a round of light weapons every twenty steps forward.

Three rounds of shooting had already been integrated into the army by Li Ye.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were able to maintain an uninterrupted attack during the process of marching, and this was completely dependent on this.

"Everyone, how are you doing now, do you think it's still the same as before?"

Li Ye asked lightly. Although he turned his back to the officials, he could still imagine how funny the expressions of these guys would be.

But at this moment, a civil official suddenly said: "Now it seems that although there is a difference, it is only a slight difference. Besides, the [-] Battalion has not yet taken action. The key to fighting the northern captivity and galloping the grassland is the cavalry!"

Looking at his stuff, he learned it from books.

Without any practice at all.

To deal with the north, although the cavalry has an advantage, the horse breeds in Daxia are different from those in the north. Even after improvement, there is still a big difference.

Relying on these war horses to pursue the enemy is not very advantageous. It can only be used to gain some strength advantage when hedging.

Historically, although cavalry has always been the most important thing in fighting against the north, looking at the historical data like Yanhai, it is still the powerful infantry that can completely surrender the foreigners in the end.

Step by step, not moving like a mountain.

Anyway, the cavalry is fast, and besides that, they don't have the slightest advantage when facing the mountain-like infantry.

The prerequisite is like a mountain.

And when Li Ye improved the battle formation, he deliberately incorporated this point into it. After he tried it, General Bi issued the order three times, and the soldiers of the [-] battalion immediately jumped on their horses and swung their whips.

The sound of hoofbeats seemed to tear the earth apart!

Chapter 356

The sound of horseshoes trembled melodiously, and the earth trembled.

But this is just the beginning!

As the soldiers of the [-] Battalion charged, the martial arts arena was immediately divided into several parts by the cavalry. Some of them clashed left and right, and some followed the infantry.

There are also two teams of cavalry, separated left and right, and advance alternately. Every time they cross each other, they can always get stuck in the gap between the archers' arrows.

With such cooperation, the soldiers of the three battalions became one.

Not only was the Three Thousand Battalion, the Fifth Army Battalion, and the Shenji Battalion merged into one, it could even be said that each soldier formed one body with the people around him, and they were no longer separate individuals.

Any movement of one of them will usher in the attack or defense of the entire army formation.

Just as they staggered, soon the soldiers of the three battalions almost swept across the entire battlefield, but just when they were about to push across the martial arts arena.

Suddenly, the soldiers of the three battalions stopped.

Just like when they charged, they stopped so quickly.

That's all for people, but those galloping war horses can also be coordinated from one end to the end.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, all the civil and military officials immediately sighed.

"This! This is the real army!"

A gray-haired civil official, with an indescribable youth and excitement on his face at the moment, kept stroking his beard with his hands: "In the past, we only thought that the three major battalions were eternally invincible because they had Powerful equipment, but looking at it now..."

"In the end, the essence of war is people!"

These words immediately aroused the approval of the people around.

What he said is correct. The key to war is indeed related to weapons and equipment, but weapons and equipment are only one of the keys.

The real core lies in people, whether the soldiers can be of one heart and one mind.

In the past, the soldiers of the three major battalions did not have enough food and clothing, and the days when they were hungry and full, not only affected his physique, but also caused a kind of worry among the soldiers.

I can't even eat, and my family can't take care of me.

On such a day, how could they work for the court without any scruples?

Li Ye grasped this key point at the beginning, before starting to deal with the food and clothing problems of the soldiers, he pre-emptively improved the diet and life of their families.

In fact, Li Ye knew very well that these soldiers, apart from worrying about themselves, were more worried about their family members.

Worry about the future is the real worry.

They eat one more bite and one less bite, and they are not in a hurry. The soldiers themselves have to pay for the people.

If you want to change them, the key is to make everyone feel at ease!

When Li Ye did this in the first place, many people didn't quite understand it, thinking that it would be useless to comfort those family members, and would instead be a waste of money.

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