Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 6 (You have to feel it in the air)

I had been forced to share the baby room with the little Ginny for two years before I was able to convince my parents of my ability to not fall out of my bed and break my neck. Due to this I was able to get my own room and unlimited access to blissful sleep, uninterrupted by my often screaming sister.

It was the room right under the attic and had a window looking out to the forest near the Weasley home. I enjoyed sitting on the circular window still and trying to continuously emit magic from my hands. Even if I wasn't having much success, it was still a fun activity.

When Bill got his Hogwarts books I often went to his room and read them with him. Bill and I got along very well. I enjoyed his maturity (for an 11-year-old), and he liked how I stayed quiet when I had nothing to say.

Me saying something was a rare occasion by the way.

It wasn't that I didn't talk with my other brothers, they just didn't really care about me, the twins had each other, charlie thought he was too awesome for me and Percy was occupied with his new pet Scabbers.

I didn't really care much honestly, they were children, Bill was the most mature one and the one I liked most, so I hung out with him mostly.

After a while, of course, Bill was gone, Hogwarts had started. Without the one person who I regularly spent my time with, I could finally start sensing magic in earnest. I had said to myself that I would grind the skill on everything magical I could find in the house first before exploring the outside world.

I had decided to start with my own room, sure there wasn't much there, a bed that was way too big for me with dark brown covers, a beanbag chair, a half filled closet and a table with a chair.

But almost all these things were magical, some of my clothes were enchanted, the chair was only being held together by magic and the bed covers could change their colour by command.

Apparently one of my ancestors had been a very good enchanter. Which spoke well for my ancestry since being an enchanter was difficult, being a good one even more so.

The house itself was magical as well, if it wasn't, the crooked and impossibly expanded thing wouldn't be standing.

I started by running my hands along the walls as I slowly traversed the room. It was enlightening feeling the surface of the enormous amount of magic being used to hold this house together.

Whoever had done this must have been a very powerful wizard.

After few weeks of sensing every nook and cranny in my room, I went over to the chair.

Any Exp I could have gotten of the bed covers was already gone since I slept with them, same with the clothes I had.

"What?" muttering to myself I ran over to the nearest wall and touched my hand to it, then I went back to the chair and did the same.

"YES!" I had known I would be able to discern types of magic, but I hadn't even dreamed of it being this soon. I could seemingly only discern the specific type of magic that lingered in magically repaired things of course but this was a huge step.

Magical sense (passive) lv. 3 Exp: 68%

Sense the magic around you

-range 3 inches

I was a bit miffed that it took almost 3 months to level up the skill twice and that the fact I could now detect different types of magic wasn't noted in the skill description. But otherwise I was just genuinely happy

"One small step for wizardkind, one giant step for Ron Weasley."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, the happy hormones still dancing in my head.

All in all, I had just finished with my room by the time Bill came back from Hogwarts for Christmas.

Once we sat in his room he in his chair me lying on his bed listening to some weird jingle about dragons and rainbows on the wizarding radio. We finally starting talking.

"So what's been happening while I was away getting detentions?" he asked with an interested expression.

He knew how much I wanted to go to Hogwarts and was trying to make it not seem as fun as we both knew it was.

My big brother couldn't possibly be this cute.

"Oh nothing much, dad got promoted, the twins have started speaking at the same time and charlie decided he wants to be a dragon tamer."

Watching Bill spew water out of his mouth after hearing that was pretty funny.

"What? a dragon tamer really?" he leaned in suddenly interested.

"Apparently he got a book about dragons for his birthday, finally read it, he's been completely taken with the idea ever since." Bill was looking at me funny, damn, right vocabulary.

"Err, book dragons, dragons cool." I watched as his funny look quickly turned into a deadpan.

"You know you don't have to play stupid around me. Why the act anyway?" I noticed by the gleam in his eye that he really wanted to hear the answer to that one, he was just trying to look casual.

I scrunched up my face as if in deep thought, opened my mouth, closed it again and finally said.

"what does act mean?"

Bill glared. I started laughed, he joined me soon after. The attack of the giggles completed, he gave me a look that said he would stop prying. Or at least that's what I interpreted his look as, he could have been trying to say that the pancakes he'd eaten today had given him indigestion.

"So how was Hogwarts, I know you're a Gryffindork, but other than that your letters have left us woefully in the dark, you really must start working on your eloquence brother mine."

Bill groaned at my way of speaking.

"You sound like some of the pureblood Slytherins I've met. I guess Hogwarts is fun, I don't like some teachers, my favourite subject is charms and I get along with my housemates, it's only been 3 months not really much to say." he grinned. "And honestly, Gryffindork where did you hear that one."

I just absentmindedly nodded, suddenly asking myself which house I wanted to go to.

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