Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 3 (Embryo gang)

Having only 32 years of memories was very very bad, I had started searching for immortality at the age of 21.

I only started working with souls, brains and the metaphysical when I was 29, suffice to say I hadn't really come far in 3 years, this meant I now had no idea how I actually managed to do what I did.

And therefore couldn't replicate it.

Oh, I was fairly certain of what I did I just wasn't certain about the how. I knew from my experience in the soul realm that I managed to create something in my soul that would store memories independent of my bodies brain. At least I think I did...

There was nothing I could actually do while inside a womb, as galling as it was I just couldn't do any research at the moment. So I would simply have to do other stuff...

For fuck's sake what was there actually to do here. It's a womb. I guess I could check on my bodies status an-!




I stared at the thing absolutely stupefied, the fluid surrounding me pulsing.

What, am I a video game character?

I thought about the apparent situation for a few moments.

Oh my dear self. I was a genius. Yes. The scenario started playing itself out in my head. Head, me the bored genius having found a way to immortality after 20 years.

But that wasn't enough was it, being older than everyone in your generation was a pretty huge one I would be satisfied with if I could get more. So I broke reality itself to give myself more.

Damn I was good.

Too bad I have no idea how I accomplished this... But this was huge. Simply having a status window was an enormous advantage over everyone else. Being able to put numbers to your progress...

People often started training for completely asinine reasons, being fit, healthy etc. useless stuff honestly it felt good being in good shape but otherwise it was simply a creature comfort. One that I would try my hardest to gain of course. Does that make me a hypocrite? Yes it does.

But the point was they started and then they stopped mostly because they simply didn't feel like they were improving. It did take a lot of time for hard work to pay off when one worked on a human body after all.

But if I saw, for example, a stat gain in vitality after a month of training I would know it had been worth it. But enough about that I really wanted to check out my options.

Wait how do I summon the menu window? Well, when I figure it out the first thing I'm changing is the colour. Who thought garish pink was a good idea?

I summoned my status by thinking about it but when I thought of it again, it didn't appear. Well, the first time it could have been the game Trying to gain my attention? I probably have to mean it.





Wait what? Why do I only have three things here, and no inventory. That is kind off a bummer, but honestly, even having this much is a blessing.'Options'.

Awareness of gamer interface

'think to change'

Only one option then why the hell is it called options, that's plural...Whatever 'change colour to something not so eye cancer inducing and make it easier to read not this middle shit'.

The options blinked out as it probably recalibrated. I immediately summoned it again.

Status Window



It changed to option, good that means it's adaptable.


Player has just gained „the game" therefore there are no skills yet, gain skills by dedicating yourself to something and working hard on it.

Well, that is interesting it's not like I can remember having particularly many abilities in my last life.

I was pretty good at cooking and lying that's about I guess I must have been pretty good at something to accomplish all of this but I don't remember what. I checked skills again.

No skills

Well that was interesting I wondered what those things meant though. Wait. How can I even see this, a fetus shouldn't be able to open it's eyes.

Whatever not important.

'status screen'.


human (fetus)

Str: G- ( you're a fetus)

Agi:G- (you're a fetus)

Vit: G ( you're a magical fetus)

Wait what, does this mean I've been reborn in a world with magic. No, not a 100%, of course for all I knew this thing was bugged.

This... changed things before the magic thing I had wanted to simply become rich early somehow live a happy life, mansion full of expensive stuff, good food and shiny computers. Everything that a man needed basically.

But if I really had magic now, this changed everything. I would have to reevaluate my life goals later. No, screw that, my life goal was to have fun no reason to change that. Back to stats, I was suddenly very anxious about what I would find.

Reg: G (you're a magical fetus)

Magic: 0 ( unable to utilize due to fetus status)

Magic reg: 0 ( no magic to regenerate for the time being)

This confirmed I was magical at least, even if I couldn't do anything with it yet. To be honest with myself, I foresaw a lot of boredom in my future months.


Ok, it's official, for the last months or was it weeks? I had combed through the game and found absolutely nothing new, I guess those were all the features.

I'd tried controlling my body, it didn't work. I'd tried to do something against my boredom, you have three guesses at what happened, two don't count. Nothing worked.


I don't know the time but it was getting kind of cramped in here I'm pretty sure I'll be out soon.

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