Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 19

"Go on a date with me." Tonks froze for a few seconds as she heard the words, biting her lip. It looked like she was thinking hard.

Ergarth looked at her amused.

"Now now don't strain your noggin too much I almost see the smoke coming out of your ears." He was grinning again, the smug bastard.

Tonk's had noticed that he always seemed to have a smile on his face.

"I'll go on a date with you, but any funny stuff and you're toast." She puffed herself up. " I'm an auror trainee, I know my way around a wand." The only thing her words gained her was an indulgent look.

She huffed. "When and where?"

"I'll pick you up on sunday morning." That was a bit vague, she had only met him twice but she was fairly sure he was a nice guy. Handsome too.

"Here is your wand, it's in decent enough condition just try to not let it fall on the ground so much." Ergarth said, and looked professional for once while saying that.

"And here is your secondary wand 9 ½ inches maple and unicorn hair." He gave it to her it felt tingly in her hand. She looked at him as if asking, anything else?

"Don't worry you will get your third wand hand delivered to you in a few days." Was his only comment.

Tonks put on her disapproving face. She was an auror trainee, this sort of humour was beneath her.

She turned around and left saying a goodbye and hearing a 'see you' from behind her.

Moody was waiting outside.

After they had apparated back to the auror facility he started speaking.

"He's dangerous." Moody gruffed out. Which of course, was something she already knew, anyone powerful enough to throw around that kind of wandless magic had to be dangerous.

She had researched the topic after witnessing him it so effortlessly two years ago.

He said wandless magic was easy and that anyone could learn it. Tonks called bullshit.

Wandless magic was the thing of people like Dumbledore or You-Know-Who, not some 23 year old looking pretty boy.

She remembered waking up at his house back then he'd been nice, comforting in a way most adults weren't.

"I think he's good man." She answered her mentor.

"Lass you're 18 years old, sorry if I don't trust your judgement of someone you've only met once."

She looked at him weirdly, hadn't he lip read that they had met two times by now.

She stopped in her tracks.

"That bastard."

Bill just came home from Egypt and entered his house, well his and his brother's house.

The first think he did was crash on the couch.

International portkeys were exhausting.

Then he noticed his youngest brother.

Oldest brother?

He noticed Ron stirring madly in a cauldron mumbling to himself.

Bill blinked and couldn't help but ask.

"What are you doing?"

The answer to that was. "Magic."

Bill let his head hit the pillow and groaned. He loved Ron, really, but the man had made an art out of being obnoxious. He was fairly sure that was the guys only hobby actually.

"I'm trying to create an aging potion that requires an antidote to reverse the changes." Ron shared after a few moments, making he Curse Breaker creased his brows.

"Isn't modifying potions really hard, like potions master stuff." He was fairly sure that the only lecture on modification he'd ever gotten from Snape had been.


Bill looked at the cauldron suspiciously and then sighed. "As long as you know what you're doing."

Ron's answer to that.

"Don't worry, rituals are easy."

Bill really loved his brother but sometimes it was just better to groan and try to pretend he didn't exist.

Ollivander was enjoying himself.

"Ah lying on the beach, drinking cocktails, this is the life."

He saw a particularly pretty lady and wolf whistled.

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