Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

chapter 16 (Why do you have blue hair?)

I looked around my room as I undressed myself. Bed, bean bag chair, closet with mirror on the door and a lot of drawings plastered on the walls.

I had to tear my eyes away from those, I had become slightly above average of an artist in the last years. I enjoyed watching my work.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Fairly tall for a nine year old, physique of a runner and shoulder length hair.

I drank the potion and grimaced, as expected, it tasted disgusting. Honestly when I actually learn something about potions I swear the first thing I will do is find a way to make them taste better.

I hunched over from the sudden pain, clutching my stomach, watching my body grotesquely bulge, twitch and shudder in the mirror.

When the transformation ended, I looked like a 23 year old. I would be fairly tall in the future, almost two meters, that was nice, I'd been much smaller in my last life.

I took out a leather band and bound suddenly waist-length, flaming orange hair into a ponytail.

Dressing myself in some of Bill's clothes, I checked my status screen.

Ron Weasley

The Immortal

Str: F


Vit: E

Reg: E

Magic: E

Magic reg:G+

No stat gain in the physical stats because of my now adult body, expected but still disappointing.

I watched as the clothing ensemble slowly started coming together.

A pair of loafers, sadly I hadn't found any good sneakers, pants the colour of earthy brown, a soft green shade shirt and over that a black leather jacket with an Ace of Spades logo on the back.

I looked, ok, I guessed, I hadn't really been a part of popular culture for a few decades now. Being a internationally sought criminal usually put a damper on things like fashion and a social life.

I left the run down apartment. There were some strong wards on that thing, for all that I made fun of my brother, he was a talented wizard.

I stopped in my tracks, I didn't know any good clubs in 1989, I was fairly sure Trash wasn't around yet.

"Wait a bloody second."

Today was the 26th of 1989. I couldn't help but grin, sure I wasn't really dressed for the rave scene at the moment but who cared.

I didn't have a car so there was only one way to arrive there.

I pulled out my city map and went over to the road leading to the field where one of the most legendary festivals ever was going to start and started hitchhiking.

30 minutes later I was in a car with Darren-call me Ren Mcsquire, who had recently heard about the dance festival about to go down.

And a half hour later we were there, I heard someone shouting. "Tickets 20 quid!"

I bought two tickets gave one to Ren as a thanks for bringing me here and told him I wouldn't need a ride back.

I had a ring on my finger that served as an emergency portkey home that could be recharged.

I didn't really have words to describe it, oh wait, I did.

"Fucking awesome."

We were about 20.000 people which was a lot, sure if you heard that number you wouldn't be impressed but the moment you were dancing in a human mass that big you couldn't help but think Holy shit.


I woke up hugging a delightfully warm and soft body the next morning, I almost sneezed due to the hair tickling my nose.

I immediately snapped to attention.

Something was wrong, I remembered having gone to bed with a woman.

The person lying next to me had the body structure of a teen, I put my hands on my sleeping partner and fondled her a bit.

Yes definitely smaller than yesterday, she moaned and started yawning and generally entering a state of wakefulness.

I didn't know what was going on here, but I didn't like surprises, opening my eyes I was almost blinded by the hair colour of the girl lying next to me.

Honestly I didn't even know that there was a way to make your hair colour, if this could be called a colour, see-in-the-dark-neon-blue.

Well the second thing I noticed was that we were in my room, so I had the field advantage so to say, but this meant we were in a magical household and I didn't know if the girl next to was a muggle or a witch.

I groaned, I really did not want to have to call the obliviators and explain the situation to them.

A loud thump was heard as blue hair fell of the bed, after some groaning she righted herself with closed eyes and asked.

"Did anyone get the license plate of the truck that hit me?" A rhetorical question if I ever heard one, I couldn't help but answer.

"I don't think drugs have a license plate or can be called trucks but I'm sure we shall catch the evildoer someday." I watched her freeze, open her eyes and stare at my naked 23 year old body lying on the bed.

"Like what you see?" She meeped and threw herself on the ground, I leaned over seeing how she pulled a wand out from under her panties.

Thank god, no obliviators needed.

What wasn't that good was the way she was pointing her wand at me, her hair having turned an angry red.

"Tell who you are and where I am and your mother might be able to recognize you after i'm done with you." She almost snarled, it would have been intimidating if she wasn't approximately 5 foot tall and naked.

I deadpanned at her and stretched out my hand, I saw her tense and almost complete the incantation for the body locking spell, but I wandlessly summoned her wand out of her hand mid word.

"Second left door down the corridor is the, shower go clean yourself up and think about what went down last night, I'll clean your clothes." She had the look of a deer frozen in the headlights. Turning around she almost sprinted out of the room. I heard her tripping outside.

"Fucking metamorphmagus."

I was making breakfast when Tonks timidly entered the kitchen wearing my bathrobe.

"Anything you have to say for yourself?"

She looked down and muttered something.

"Can't hear you." I was feeling a bit sadistic, she had inadvertently made me into a pedophile, sort of. She couldn't be a day over 17, and I, muggle that I was, still considered 18 to be the cut off between good job bro and that's a kid man.

She mustered her courage and looked me in the eyes, I could only glimpse a feeling of shame before she sunk her head again.

"I said I'm sorry okay." She truly did look sorry in a way, finding you had in anger pointed a loaded gun, which a gun was honestly, at an innocent person would do that to someone who had a moral compass.

"It's alright sit down, your clothes are on the couch over there." I pointed to the couch. "I'm making some eggs right now."

She went over to the couch took her clothes and almost fled the room. Once I'd finished breakfast she came back and tried to sit down on one of the chairs, keyword tried. The second she let her bodyweight down onto the chair she winced and stood up again.

She looked at me to find a mocking grin on my face she blushed and went to lay on the couch.

"So am I a pedophile now or are you actually over 18?"

"I'm 17, can I please have my wand back." I could understand the sentiment, even a suboptimal wand like Voldemort's made me feel safe.

"As long as you promise not to point it at me again." I said, but was already throwing it towards her.

She didn't say anything. I looked at her, she was gripping her wand and looking at the floor. I scoffed.

"Teenagers, come on we had sex get over your awkwardness and eat something." I told her as I brought her a plate with eggs and bacon.

She became even redder in the face took the food wordlessly and started eating. Then she said something.

"Can you please put on some clothes." Oh, I knew there was something I was forgetting this whole time. I summoned some pants and a wifebeater from Bills closet and put them on.

Almost as an afterthought I summoned Voldemort's wand and tucked it away in my pocket.

The draw would be really awkward from a pocket, I would have to get a wand holster when I finished my wand.

"So what were you doing at the festival, its a muggle thing, so i didn't think I would find anyone magical there. Hogwarts also starts in a few days." I had to wait a few seconds for the answer.

"A few of my friends convinced me it would be a good idea, it was fun but then they ditched." That was kind of dumb.

"Not really great friends then." That just made her look more depressed.

"I know." She was probably waiting to be scolded, in my experience that is what most children expected when they did something stupid in the presence of an adult.

So I imagine she was quite surprised when I sat down next to her and hugged her. I couldn't quite help it, she was just so cute, and depressed. My two favourite things in a girl.

She tensed for a moment and then relaxed while I started to rub her back

"It's alright, do you want to floo home now or do you want some time to think of an excuse for your parents." Her hair changed into what I imagined to be the standard bubblegum pink.

"Do you mind if I stay a bit?" I did actually. But Tonks would later become an auror, no need to antagonize her.

"Not really." I threw a fireball into the fireplace to light it up and summoned the floo powder into my hand laying it down next to the young girl on the couch.

"How do you do that?" She blurted out.

I looked at her questioningly.

"The wandless magic I mean I heard only really powerful wizards could do it, like Dumbledore."

She looked embarrassed for her outburst, cute.

"Wandless magic is easy, you just have to train it, and honestly," I gave her an impish grin,"you must not have seen much of what the magical world has to offer if you think Dumbledore is a powerful wizard." With those words I left for the shower.

I personally thought of Dumbledore as the epitome of a powerful wizard, insanity and all, but the urge to mess with the kid was just too strong.

When I came back she was gone and on the table was a note saying 'Really sorry'.

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