Empathic capacity of a teaspoon (HP Self-insert

Chapter 10: Burning gains

Skill created

Fire sorcery (active) lv. 1 EXP: 17%

Create and manipulate Fire

-1% heat resistance

-1% additional heat

Your vitality has increased

Your magic has increased

I wasn't really in a mood to celebrate. I had to leave the forest fast, lest another red cap jump me.

I hobbled towards the forest edge glancing at the ground as I did. Not finding my knife I dismissed it from my thoughts, not wanting to spend another second here.

My body felt well and truly beat up.

A dislocated right arm, a left hand that had an ugly bite wound and I was fairly certain I had sprained my ankle.

I was just grateful my arm wasn't broken like I'd suspected. If that had happened I would have had no way out of telling my parents and if Molly found out what happened to me I would never be able to leave the house again.

Walking over to the stream intent on washing away the blood I wondered what a red cap had been doing in that forest.

My head pounded so I stopped that train of thought.

I washed in the stream and lay in the grass to dry myself a bit, letting the sun wash over me I almost fell asleep, but I managed to force myself up and walk home.

When I entered the house I didn't see anyone so I simply hollered "I'm back." Went up to my room, threw myself on my bed and promptly fell asleep.

When I woke up my left hand was throbbing. It looked slightly green around the edges and was throbbing with my heartbeat.


I checked my other injuries.

The sprained ankle was smarting a bit, the arm that had been dislocated still hurt and felt like it would pop out again through any provocation.

At least I felt several times better than yesterday, so that was something.

I almost went back to sleep, but managed to prevail.

Sitting in the bathroom before a metal pot I had boiled until my magic had ran out I wondered how much this would hurt.

I plunged my diseased hand inside.


Good, the gag had been a smart idea. I had felt slightly foolish because in my last life this would be a walk in the park, but my new body had no pain tolerance yet.

Once I could almost ignore the pain- I took out another knife I had liberated from the kitchen and plunged it in a wound left by the tooth of the red cap, making sure to twist it a bit once it was inside my flesh.


One done 23 more to go.

I had blacked out, thank god I was smart enough to tie a shirt around my arm to close off blood circulation or I would have bled out.

"Ron come on you've been in there for the last 20 years, come out some of us want to use the bathroom as well." Yes, the thing that had awoken my from my blackout induced sleep.

Percy's shrill voice, and the indicator of his need to use the facilities if my guess was right.


After screaming to be heard through the fairly thick door I checked my hand, I had 'treated' all wounds and my ankle felt fine.

It was fascinating watching the red water slowly flow down the drain, I removed any evidence of what had transpired here. Drank what felt like one litre of water to replenish some blood. Hobbled out of the door past a fidgeting Percy.

I heard the bathroom slam shut behind as I fell into my bed my body too exhausted to support me.

It was time to think about a training plan, I had thought that because the Harry Potter books started in first year nothing exciting would happen to me as well until that time.

Obviously I'd been wrong.

What I had noticed in the fight with the red cap was, that the only thing I wasn't missing in terms of combat potential was the willingness to kill. Everything else might as well be a big fat 0.

I took out the blank book I had found in the attic and wrote Ron Weasley's journal on the first page.

The cover was too black to write one.

On the first page, I wrote.

-Start physical training

-grind fire sorcery

-grind stealth by always using it

-try to find more magical objects for magic sense training

It wasn't much of a plan.

But I had never really been the type, a vague idea about what to do was absolutely enough.

The rest one could improvise.

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