Elysia in Another World

Ch9 Imperial Order, P3

Chapter 9: Imperial Order (3)



“So that’s how it went down, eh?” Phantom sighed as he looked out of the window at the sea of purple. “Who was that white-haired woman?”

“We don’t know,” Elliot answered. “She is a formidable threat, nonetheless. That woman looked as though she was having fun flinging around blasts of mana, rather than fighting a battle. She clearly was not being challenged.”

A white-haired woman with enough mana to effortlessly fling mana blasts nonstop with absolutely no sign of fatigue. Phantom took a sip of his tea and continued looking out the window. Clearly, she’s powerful. But she isn’t the main issue. Kye Akari now wields Hikarimaru, and Alethea Atlantis now wields Gaia. Kye didn’t even use Aether Drive this time, instead she relied solely on the Awakened State and completely obliterated the entire battlefield with a single massive spell. If I didn’t know better, I’d say she’s the reincarnation of Shiori Sakaguchi. That detestable woman was capable of similar feats.

As his grip tightened on the cup, it shattered, spilling his tea and sending glass shards to the floor.

It’s unthinkable. How in the world is this eighteen-year-old girl so much of a threat? I had planned to acquire both of them and use them to overtake the Atlantis Empire, given enough time. The only real option now is to eliminate them.


“Why is a mere noble causing nothing but problems for the royals whom he has pledged his loyalty?” Astarte lifted her foot. “You were not given permission to speak freely. Answer the questions we ask.” She stepped back toward her seat but paused halfway. “In case your stupidity is too profound, allow me to remind you of something. Astraia spoke to you herself earlier in your office. She informed you that Kye is one of us. Despite that, you have claimed she is a mere royal not only to her face, but to the empress herself who raised her status. Choose your words wisely.”

“And if you haven’t figured it out yet,” added Astraia, “there is no path here where you win. You lost the moment an imperial felt it necessary to step in personally.” She and Astarte eyed Kye, who merely shifted in her seat and continued to wait for Wolfgang’s answers. “Also, Duke Erdreich. You said she demanded that you change your views. Would you care to change your story, or shall I play my memory of the conversation for the room to hear?”

“No need, sister,” Astarte said with a smirk. “He doesn’t deserve that chance. Let’s play the memory of all four imperials that were present there.”

After a few minutes of memory magic, Atalante sighed. “Four identical memories from four different perspectives. Naturally, my sisters already showed me theirs in private, but now all here have seen the meeting. Duke Erdreich, where in those memories did my daughter-in-law-to-be demand that you change your views? I’ve seen that scene six times now, and I still cannot recall the moment. Perhaps my memory is failing. Or perhaps you are attempting to lie to shift the severity of the situation into your favor? I’ll have none of that. She clearly stated that you may keep your views so long as you do not allow them to impact your capacity to govern.” She eyed Kye.

“Correct,” Kye said, her eyes still glued to Wolfgang. “I’ve always held that everyone may think and believe what they wish, as is their freedom within Elysium, so long as they do not allow those thoughts and beliefs to disrupt another’s freedom.”

“Well said.” The group of imperials all turned their eyes to the nobles, and Atalante gave them an order, “All of you, air your grievances now. We all know each other’s identities and stations, so skip that part. Just get to the point.”

One stepped forward and began, “The number one issue most of us have with a transgender sovereign is the presence of dysphoria, which overwhelmingly increases the odds of anxiety and depression. Perhaps this point can be removed in the future, however for an eighteen-year-old, we would rather another Royal Candidate take the position of Heir.”

Kye glanced at Alethea and saw the look on her face shift from annoyed to angry. Kye was feeling angry herself.

Another stepped forward. “Following that, studies show that anxiety and depression caused by dysphoria are lessened and sometimes alleviated entirely after one has completed transition.” She used air quote when she said ‘completed’. “As such, some of us may accept Lor… the Dragon Queen’s eldest as heir after transition is completed and dysphoria is under control.”

This time, it was Atalante that glanced at Alethea, and noticed that both of the young imperials were showing clear signs of anger.

Wolfgang spoke last. “What if the Royal Heir in question were to go through transitioning, then suddenly that’s wrong? They discover that transitioning was wrong and needed to de-transition? Please understand, our grievances are not against the concept of being transgender, but the problems that must be overcome. In this age, we have no shortage of candidates. There are several more of similar age that can take on the job if the Dragon Queen were to leave office. Why not groom any of them instead?”

Alethea’s anger was growing to the point of explosion, but was stopped by a hand on each of her hands, one from Atalante on her left, and the other from Kye on her right. Kye had gone past anger. She wasn’t upset, she was no longer angry, she wasn’t annoyed.

She was done.

Kye quickly typed a message on her NeuraPhone, after silencing the room, and summoned Adele, Michelle, Layla, James, Allison, and Rosalie. Within half an hour, the five arrived in the audience chamber and were caught up on the details. They listened quietly as Kye relayed the details, but once she was done, a certain redhead was showing clear signs of anger.

“I thought this world was better than this.” Adele spoke within a barrier where only the royals and imperials could hear. “After so many millions of lives going through virtually the same thing… nobles are all the same.”

Michelle put her hand on Adele’s shoulder. “Love, this world is different. It’s the people that are the same. You must remember every living soul in every world comes from the same place. This ugliness is everywhere, but it is our duty to silence it.”

“You’re right.” Adele’s body began to glow with mana, but not her usual blue mana. Normally, she used neutral aligned mana, as did Allison, Michelle, and many others. But that blue mana was absent. Her mana was white-ish, but translucent. She waved a hand and shattered the barrier around them. “I see why Kye used the word ‘done’.”

She turned around and looked at her three girlfriends. Michelle was holding a bottle of pills. They knew each other very well. Each knew that Adele’s reaction meant she was done with accommodating for anyone. She took a pill from the bottle and quickly dry swallowed. Each of her girlfriends smiled, earning a brief smile in return.

“Now, my dear Drachenheim nobility. I’ll explain to you why your arguments are invalid.”


Revision: 12-22-2023

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