Elysia in Another World

Ch4 The Royal Academy, P5

Chapter 4: The Royal Academy (5)



Despite the many advancements over the Atlantis Era, classrooms didn’t change all that much. They seemed to be little different from the early 2000s. Classrooms in other worlds weren’t much different either. Each class had around twenty-five students with desks and a blackboard. With the advancements, blackboards had become holographic computers, and desks were made of mana materials that could be transformed into a small plaque or another object. They could be stored in a closet if they weren’t needed, much like how everyone wore their weapons as a piece of jewelry to always keep them on accessible but not in the way. Aside from that, it was just a room full of desks for student learning. I can’t say I disagree that it needs to be any more than that.

“Greetings first years, I am Instructor Line Bach. You may refer to me as Instructor Line,” said the well-endowed, black-haired instructor as she walked in. “I am both a general education instructor and a magic education instructor. You will have me for multiple classes, so let’s please get along.”

She seems genuine. Is there a catch or are academy instructors like this?

“First on our docket is introductions. We assume everyone who enters the academy has been instructed on introductions during your elementary schooling, however, we must review the topic. I’d like one volunteer from each major social class to explain the introduction etiquette. Anyone?” Several hands raised, and the instructor chose one of the male students on the left side of the room.

He stood up and began, “Introductions differ based on one’s social status and the social status of the other person or people. As a commoner, I would introduce myself in two different ways. Introductions between commoners are very casual. I would simply say, ‘Hello, I’m Colton Becker.’ To noble or royal, I would bow with my right hand over my chest and say, ‘Greetings, I am Colton Becker.’”

“Correct, thus far,” the instructor said. “Do you know the introductions for nobles and royals?”

“I do not. We are not taught the introductions of those higher class than ourselves, only how to introduce ourselves to them, and I have never met a noble or royal before the academy.”

“That is an acceptable response. Thank you. You may be seated.” The instructor glanced around at who else had raised their hand and selected a noble this time. “You there, please explain noble introductions.”

“Yes, ma’am,” she said. “Noble introductions have been altered recently in the Royal Conference and are no longer segregated by class, only by gender. All noble males bow with their hand on their chest and say, ‘Greetings, I am X.’ All noble females curtsy instead. As such, I would curtsy and say, “Greetings, I am Isabell Strauss’.”

“Correct. Now the royal introduction. You there.”

Danielle stood up and explained, “I’d like to elaborate. Noble introductions have been updated to match royal introductions. As such, my introductions are identical with one exception. I would curtsy and say: ‘Greetings. I am Danielle Maya of Drachenheim.’ Royals always include the planet they represent, as do archnobles that govern a planet. In addition, we also have a long introduction. Long introductions also include our parents and our founding ancestors. As such I would say: ‘I am Danielle Maya of Drachenheim, daughter and second-born Queen Draelana Maya, great-granddaughter of Lord Drayon Maya, and great-great-granddaughter of Lord Drakon Maya.’ That said, the long introductions are being phased out, as most royals prefer them short.”

“Correct,” the instructor said. “Here in the academy, social classes are not as important. You are all students and will introduce yourselves the same to everyone. Long introductions are irrelevant to commoners and antiquated for nobles, so they will not be used at all. Commoners will be treated as nobles and will use noble introductions.” She paused for a moment. “Royals may continue including their planet, but it is not necessary here. Attendants including their lord or lady is also optional. Is anyone unclear on that?” She waited a moment for a student to respond. With the silence, she continued, “Very well. Beginning with the front left desk,” she gestured to her right, “going row by row, begin.”


“The introductions took a while,” Kye said to her mother over a NeuraPhone call. “But I suppose that’s to be expected with a full room of people doing them.”

“How were your general classes afterward?”

“The math, language, and science classes were boring, but the history class was rather informative.”

“You never had any trouble with the first three, but I suppose I can’t be surprised. You’ve probably been through school so many times that I imagine those things are second nature by now. I can see why you’d be more interested in history, since it’s material you’re less likely to know. What stuck out the most to you?”

“The way eras are handled. The Atlantis Era is split so far into one hundred sets of 0-99999. By my quick math, Uncle James’s joke in the opening ceremony is also true. Which means, all the founders are that old and the Atlantis sister are even older.”

“Relatively speaking, they aren’t much older. Another few thousand years.”

“I see. My official birthday is written as AE100-11982-12-10?”

“Yes. How was Line Bach? I see that she’s your main instructor this year.”

“I have no negative opinions of her so far and it’s too early to have positive opinions. Does she know of my white mana?”

“She does not. Not many do. Alethea is one thing, but not many knew of her possession of it until that reveal yesterday. At the moment it’s strictly kept to royals and archnobles and only those that actively contribute to magical and technological advancement.”

“Archnobles, you say? There are a few of those in my class. What are the odds any of them know?”

“Let me look at your class roster, real quick.” After a moment, Layla continued, “You have Isabell Strauss, Louise Chevalier, and Adrian Zelenov in your class. The first two are from Terra and the last is from Daemonheim. I can tell you with 100% certainty that Louise Chevalier knows. She has an interest in your manasteel enchantment method and has researched it quite a bit since your first success with it.”

“And I suppose I can blame the restrictive noble upbringing for why I haven’t met her until coming here.”

“Yes. I’m sorry, Kye, I’ve been trying to get the other royals on board with upending that law, but most of them are against it. It’s just myself, James, Allison, Mikan, and Leonardo that are for it. Even your father is against it.”

“I see. Perhaps after I succeed him things will have a better chance of changing. Myself, Alethea, Liliana, and Aliana are four more voices for change.”

“Speaking of Alethea, did you and her figure out your living situation?”

“We did, yes.”

“I see. I’m happy for you. Want to come to my suite tonight for dinner?”

“Oh, um, sure. We don’t have other plans.”

“Okay. See you tonight, sweetie!” Layla hung up

Kye opened her eyes and lowered her left hand from her temple. Due to the difficulty to tell if somebody is on a phone call with the NeuraPhone, etiquette was established when they were still new that people hold a hand to their head while in public with only the index and middle fingers outstretched.

“We’ve been invited to dinner tonight.”


“Yeah, my mother wants us to come over.”

“Oh, okay. That sounds nice.

“Dinner tonight at Layla’s, eh?,” James said as he suddenly appeared and startled them. “So, what’s the sauce? Allison and I have been dragged into this dinner date, too.”

Kye and Alethea exchanged confused glances. ““You have?””

“Yeah. Any idea what’s going on?”

“I’m not sure if anything is going on.”

“Hmm.” He sat down and sent a message to Layla, asking what the dinner date was about. “I’ll give her a few minu-” He stopped short. Layla had already replied. “She says there’s no special reason, that she just wants to have dinner with us.”

Kye raised an eyebrow. “Okay, that’s a little suspicious.”

James shrugged. “I guess we’ll fine out, huh?”


Revision: 7-13-2023

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