Elysia in Another World

Ch30: The Meeting P4

Chapter 30: The Meeting P4

Kye held up her hand and aimed. What appeared to be a gigantic barrel formed out of silvery white aether around her, as if to guide her attack.

“How is she channeling so much aether? It’s mind boggling!” Layla, her mortal mother, said. “That’s enough aether to defeat that SS Class beast millions of times over.

Laila answered, “In this space, she is not constrained by her body. She can unleash her full power. What you see right now is the power of Elysia Alexandria, King of the World.”

“Though, anything done in here has limited effect outside, if any at all.”

Kye looked down at the platform below her, and with her free hand, she guided it, moving it behind her. She returned to aiming and, in a split second, poured an unfathomable amount of aether into her hand. “<<Judgment: Railgun!>>

With the flick of her thumb, the silver ball bolted forward with a shockwave. Dimos had sensed the enormous buildup of aether, but the entire process took Kye only two seconds from start to finish. He could react, but he chose poorly. Instead of returning to the platform, he sped up and tried to reach the core, which didn’t seem to get any closer as he flew. The silver ball closed the distance between Kye and Dimos instantly. Once it left her hand, he couldn’t dodge. The ball completely disintegrated his body and rocketed into the distance until Kye willed it to fizzle out.

She descended while guiding the platform back to its original position and landed in the middle of everyone. Noah and Luca were furious.

“You said there would be no consequences!”

Kye shook her head. “That you misunderstood shows you are not qualified to continue as a governor. I said there would be no consequences outside this space. I said nothing of consequences inside. Did you think I would do nothing? Fool.”

“Restore him immediately!”

Kye shrugged and snapped her fingers, and a soul appeared that soon formed into the shape of Dimos. “Anyone else want to take a shot at the core? I would be happy to execute any who would act against Elysium. As I said, there will be no consequences outside. You will simply return like Dimos.” She waited a moment for a response, but none of them answered. “Nobody? Good.” She snapped her fingers, and they were transported back to the meeting room. She returned to her seat and lazily leaned to the side again. “Prepare to be reintegrated into Elysium. There will be no satellites. Ten thousand years.”

““As you wish, Lady Elysia,”” Nephele and Iris said.

The other governors reluctantly agreed, having no choice in the matter.

“The next topic we shall be discussing is the Atlantis Empire of the Ten Realms and the stars above, where the residents of Elysium currently reside. Outside of the core space, I cannot wield my power as freely as I’d like, and it will take quite some time before I can open the Greater Elysium to occupancy again. To that end...” Kye snapped her fingers and expanded the table, and moved those sitting and standing around it to open space for another seat. “Atalante, Astarte, Astraia, join us.”

Multiple envoys moved to oppose, but one glance from Kye silenced them. With no hesitation, Atalante and her sisters took the place at the table Kye prepared for them.

“Thank you for the invitation, Lady Elysia.”

“None of that,” Kye said with a smile. “I’d rather we continue as we have until now, Lanti.”

Atalante smiled. “Very well.”

Kye cleared her throat and began the next topic. “To move on to the next topic, I would start with discussing a soul that has been causing me problems since early in my transmigration career. One first known to me as Shiro Shikigami. I do not know the true identity of this soul, but he has served time in Eden. This man seems to sometimes use the name of the one whom I believed blessed him.”

“Somebody blessed him?” asked Noah. “Then this man is immortal?”

Kye nodded and turned to Sanae.

“I believe he was blessed by Phantom.”

A wave of silence washed over the room when Sanae said “Phantom”. Every eye at the table, aside those from the Ten Realms, looked at Sanae with wide eyes.

“You surely do not mean the same...?” Nephele muttered. Her shock drained the volume from her voice.

Kye nodded. “Yes. The very same. The man who desired the destruction of Alexandria.”

A resounding gulp could be heard as several glanced between themselves. Adaal spoke first, “How can you be certain?”

Kye sat up and leaned forward on the table. “Shiro Shikigami reeks of phantom’s mana. In fact, several of you reek of his mana. Unless somebody is capable of fooling me within the core space. I checked everyone subtly while we were there only minutes ago.”

Nephele nodded and smirked. “I would find it hard to believe if somebody did claim to be capable of that. To fool the King of the World when she can wield her powers unabated is just outright impossible.”

Kye giggled. “I appreciate the confidence, Nephele, but it is not necessary to shower me with praise.”

“I am merely praising what I believe deserves praise. Nothing more.”

Kye smiled, but soon returned to the topic at hand. “Don’t worry about my statement of you reeking of Phantom’s mana. You need only come into close proximity to one of his minions for that. I’m not concerned about any of you swearing loyalty to him. However, if anyone has information on Phantom, I encourage you to speak with me about it whenever you can, but not here. As for now, we’ll move on to the next topic.”

Kye took a deep breath and glanced at Alethea, then at the Atlantis trio, then back to the center of the table. She hesitated to start the topic, knowing it would upset everyone with the Atlantis surname, if not more.

“What’s wrong, love?” Alethea asked, placing her hand on Kye’s.

Kye grimaced, but shook her head. She looked at each leader, earning a raised eyebrow from most of them. “The next topic I wish to discuss is... personal. I want...” She stopped short.


Revision: 2024-9-17

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