Elysia in Another World

Ch29: The Problem P6

Chapter 29: The Problem P6

“You expect me to believe this? This is ridiculous! Where were you when I was five and being bullied by the neighborhood kids?”

“Fighting monsters outside the city that were trying to break in. When I was done, I came and watched from afar. I saw those kids bully you, and I reported that to the chief. They stopped bullying you after that.”

That didn’t help. “What about when I was seven and fell from the second floor of the school building?”

“Mediating between the Red Cats and the Kuroshi Vampires. The Kuroshi were trying to feed on cat people and were not choosy between which clan. The Red Cats figured that out and fought them over it. War was about to break out between several clans on both sides. I stopped that.”

“What did you do?”

“I threatened all the chiefs of the cat people and vampires that the church would get involved.”

“So you threw your authority around.”

“That’s right. I used my authority as Sword Saint to put a stop to it. We have enough problems dealing with monsters. The last thing anyone wanted was war. But I did so for a much more selfish reason. To keep the Black Cats from being pulled in. I feared you and Lana living in wartime.”

“When I was...” he sighed. “No, nevermind. You’ve said enough.” He looked back at his sister, but didn’t say anything.

But she knew what he wanted to know. “Yes. She is our mother. She has cared for us from behind the scenes the entire time. She directly stopped external threats and kept us financed and fed. We never once wanted for money or food.”

“Enough.” He pulled out his black wand and pointed it at Luma. “You challenged me to a duel, Sword Saint. I assume your terms are forcing me to wear that ring if you win? Yet, you are the Sword Saint. What chance do I have? You are the most powerful person in the world.”

Luma smiled. “You are stronger than you know.” She held up her wrist and showed off a strange bracelet. “And I will be matching your mana output. Fight me with everything you have.”

“If I win?”

“You may ask of me whatever you want.”

Lane smirked and gripped his wand. “I accept.”

Luma handed the microphone back to the announcer, and she kicked it off. “Both sides have agreed on the terms! Without further delay, let’s get started!” She held her hand up, then suddenly brought it down. “Begin!”

Lane brandished his wand quickly and flung several blasts of dark mana at Luma while simultaneously setting up a spell.

Coating herself in light mana, Luma slashed each blast. The blasts didn’t disappear. Slashed in half, each impacted the barrier behind her with explosive force.

In front of her, Lane finished his spell and unleashed a huge wave of black fire. “<<Rage of the Darkness Flame>>.”

Very good.

Luma smirked and flared her light mana, molding it into water, then raised a wall of light-infused water to block the flames. “<<Warden’s Aegis>>.”

The wave of black fire slammed into the shield of golden water. The shield protected Luma from the black fire, but it was still powerful enough to boil the holy water into a huge cloud of steam, canceling both attacks out. Luma swung her blade and blew the steam away, then raised it up high to intercept the black lightning that rained down on her.

<<Fervor of the Darkness Storm>>.”

Those names!

Luma held back a giggle and channeled mana into her blade as the lightning struck. Then she aimed her blade forward and redirected the lightning at Lane. The lightning passed right by his head, leaving a look on his face as if he’d seen a ghost. Luma smirked.

Good job with the combo, but you lack experience.

Lane recovered and looked angry. He quickly channeled mana and weaved several spells with his black wand.

That black wand is quite the weapon. It’s a system governed tool that grants him Parallel Processing. Looks like he can do up to two extra at a time, at least.

<<Dark Flame Dragon>>.” A serpent-shaped dragon of pure black flames circled the arena. As she readied a counter spell, chains of black mana came up out of the ground and bound her wrists. “<<Prison of the Night>>.”


<<Armor of the Black Emperor>>.” Chunks of black earth appeared and latched onto the dragon, partially melting.

Magma armor? Impressive.

<<Fury of the Dragon God>>!” The dragon quickly engulfed Luma and exploded. The blast was powerful enough to crack the barrier around the arena protecting the crowd.

Lana was inside the barrier and had to protect herself with her own barrier. “Lane!”

As the smoke cleared enough for Lane to see, the epicenter of the blast was empty. He felt cold steel against his neck, and twisted around quickly, but his wand-turned-sword struck nothing. The smoke around the edge was still thick enough that the crowd couldn’t see what Luma did.

“You have skill with magic and a firm grasp on your mana, but you lack a few key things.”

“Silence!” He leashed a few blasts of mana that Luma deftly dodged. They slammed against the barrier and blew the smoke away.

“What a display!” said the announcer. “Lane unleashed several big spells! If his opponent was anyone other than Lady Luma, the match would have been over already! But even so, Lady Luma is restricted to the same mana level as Lane! That she survived that attack unscathed is a testament to her skill!”

Interesting. The blade is jet black, too.

Luma was eyeing Lane’s weapon. She knew of special system-made weapons and that wands were among the most versatile, but even she was unfamiliar with the black one Lane held.

Where did he get it?

She looked him in the eye and saw only anger and contempt.

Is that look for me? Because of my absence? Or is that normal for you? You worry me, son.

Lane gripped the hilt on his wand-turned-sword and lunged at Luma. They began exchanging blows. Luma carefully analyzed every move Lane made and was careful not to overwhelm him. She knew a child of barely two decades could never keep up with her, but she also was impressed at how well he did.

I’m quite proud of you both. Lana has taught you well. Will you let me teach you, too? OH!

Suddenly, Lane’s blade was imbued with mana, forcing Luma to match him. Their exchanges sent out small shockwaves that sent chills up the crowds’ spines.

Luma smiled, having the time of her life. As much fun as it was, she decided it was time to end it. As if it were moving in slow motion, Luma ducked just enough to avoid Lane’s blade and palm struck it, knocking his balance off. She slammed the flat of her blade on his hand and quickly disarmed him, his blade transforming back to its wand state the moment it left his hand. He was so shocked that he couldn’t react. Then, Luma hooked her foot on Lane’s leg while pushing him backwards, forcing him onto his back. Last, she stuck her blade several inches into the stone floor next to his head.

Smiling, she said, “About the ring...”


Revision: 2024-9-17

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