Elysia in Another World

Ch29: The Problem P4

Chapter 29: The Problem P4

To protect Lana’s brother, Kye went to the best crafter she knew. Kadmiel created a ring that would react to Phantom’s mana. If the ring detected that mana, it would auto-generate a barrier around him and send a notification to Kye and Luma.

Kadmiel was the best crafter in the Ten Realms, and Elias was the best enchanter, so after getting the ring from Kadmiel, she went to Elias and had him perform the enchant. Afterward, as the best mana manipulator, Kye finished the ring by imbuing it with her own mana. The barrier it could generate would be made of white aether, and she imbued it with enough to survive an attack greater than her own output when massively compressing mana to perform a burst technique. A teleportation spell was included with the set destination set to the church where Luma lived. With the ring complete, Lana and Luma went to the Slayer Academy to deliver it together.

“Honestly, this is just ridiculous...” Lana’s brother, Lane, was exasperated. He valued independence, preferring to depend only on himself, so receiving such an item was unwelcome.

“Lane, please, take it!” Lana was all but begging him.

He shook his head and started walking.

Lana followed him. “Lane!”

He ignored her and kept walking, but soon Luma stepped in front of him.

“Move it.”

Luma shook her head and shoved him backwards, sparking a reaction from Lana. “Hey! What are you doing?”

Luma didn’t reply, rather she drew her blade and pointed it at Lane. The tip was only an inch from his throat. “Defend yourself, Lane Berwyn.”

“L-Luma, what are you thinking?!” Lana crouched down next to her brother and grabbed hold of Luma’s sword.

“I am Luma Caliburn the Sword Saint. I challenge you to a duel.”

Instead of being intimidated, Lane smirked. “Alright, I accept.”

“HUH?!” Lana looked at him with wide eyes, but his eyes were on Luma. Lana saw the determination in her brother’s eyes and released Luma’s blade.

Luma nodded and sheathed her blade. “Go to the arena. I’ll be there momentarily. I’ll inform the dean.”

Lane got up and headed straight to the arena.


“Are you out of your mind?!” The dean was beyond frustrated. “The Sword Saint challenging some random academy student to a duel?”

“Quite the contrary,” Luma replied. She looked out the window at the arena. “The boy is quite strong, but he is in danger. This duel is meant to teach him that he is not invincible, but also let him show off to his peers.”

The dean sighed and buried his face in his hands. “This is not as simple as you’re making it out to be. I can’t simply allow someone as famous as you fight a beast person student like that.”

Luma shook her head. “You know what I am, Rhys.”

“I do, yes, but the rest of the world?”

Luma paused for a moment. “I suppose this is as good an opportunity as any.”

“You say that as though you will do something else on top of what you’re already planning.”

“I’ll remove the illusion before the duel starts.”

Shocked, the dean stood up quickly, knocking his chair backward. “In public?”

She nodded. “In public.”

“Why? For this child?”

She nodded again. “Yes. For this child.”

“You’re willing to go that far? Who is this child to you?”

“He is an adolescent Black Cat,” she answered bluntly. “That fact alone is enough for me.”

Rhys shook his head and walked around from behind his desk. “Luma, I’ve known you since you were a child yourself. You’ve never gone so far for anyone before. Tell me what this child means to you.”

She hesitantly smiled and mouthed the answer to him. His jaw dropped. “Will you allow it?”

He shook it off and returned to his chair, which he had to pick up off the floor. “Very well. I’ll approve it.”

“Thank you, Rhys.”


“WHAT?!” shouted a certain large, burly man. “From Elysium?” He held a letter with his name written across the front.

“Yes, m’lord,” the messenger replied with a bow. “I have been instructed to deliver this message from Lady Elysia and stay here until you reply.”

Disgruntled, the man opened the letter and began reading.

‘Adaal Olympus,

A meeting will be held in the royal court in Athas in one month. The leaders of every satellite are invited and highly encouraged to attend. You may bring two escorts. The topics shall be foreign activity within Elysium, the coordinated invasion, and the status of the civilizations. A gate will be opened when the time has come. Clear your schedules for this day one month from now on the Elysium calender.

Elysia Athas, King of Elysium’

The man leaned back in his chair and let out a long, drawn-out sigh. “You may leave, messenger. Inform Lady Elysia that I will attend.”

The messenger bowed and disappeared. Once he was gone, Adaal slammed his fist on his desk. Even though it was crafted with mana-conductive wood, cracks formed in all directions, spreading out from his fist.

It’s been eons... what has changed? Why is Elysia calling for a meeting, and why is she claiming there has been foreign activity in Elysium? This can’t be good. Everyone gave up when she expelled us all from Elysium at the same time. Such a show of power... something is going on. No leaders have so much as spoken to each other since then. Who is entering Elysium? And how?

He sighed and leaned back in his chair. He weaved a quick spell to repair the desk.

I need to speak with Jade and Zeke right away.

He sighed again and gazed out the window. It was a bright and beautiful day. Adaal had long ago adopted a quiet life and was living in a large city built on water. Despite that, the city was a wonder. It did not want for luxuries afforded to other cities, as it was not lacking at all.

I wonder how she’s been. Elysia... she may not accept any apologies or reparations, but I will offer them, nonetheless. What would life be like if we had never left Elysium? Olympus would have never existed, but I’m sure my people would have found happiness if we had stayed. It’s futile to rebel against Elysium. Who is being so foolish? Angering Elysia is the last thing anyone should do.


Revision: 2024-9-17

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