Elysia in Another World

Ch28: The Rogue Slayer P5

Chapter 28: The Rogue Slayer P5

In the middle of the night, during a heavy rainstorm, a cloaked female figure with a black tail and small bumps in her hood was walking through a forest on an old stone path. When she came to a stop, she was overlooking an opening in the forest. Below was the home of the Black Cat Clan. She sighed and simply stood there, watching as the rain fell upon her home.

“You could visit.”

The girl didn’t turn around to find the source of the voice, but she knew who it was. Instead, she simply remained silent and gazed out across the forest town.

“But given how things are, I suppose you’re being extra cautious. How have you been, Lana?”

The owner of the voice walked up and stood next to the cat girl. She turned her head just enough to see the owner’s face. “Lady Luma. Greetings.”

“It’s been a while. Are you okay? I’ve been worried about you.”

Lana shook her head. “I can’t...” She sighed.

“Can’t what?”

She mumbled something unintelligible.

“I’m sorry?”

“I can’t be trusted.”

“Because of your recent exploits?” Lana nodded and Luma continued. “How long?”


“My understanding is that you’ve committed those deeds under his control via his mana, which is why you can’t be tracked normally. Nobody can track you if they don’t know your mana.”

“Only a few people do, including you. What do you want?”

“Why do you assume I want something?”

“Why would you be here in the middle of the rain speaking to me if not?”

Luma sighed and looked out across the town. “Many years ago, I knew a black cat that was in trouble. She was too afraid to return home and ask for help.”

“I’m not too afraid to ask for help. I don’t want help.”

“Then why are you here in the middle of the rain?”

“Tch.” Lana turned and started walking, but found Luma standing in front of her. “Leave me alone.”

“I’m not here to punish you. I’m not here to scold you. I’m only here because I’m concerned about you.”

“Hmph.” Lana formed a fist, but only out of frustration. She would never swing a fist at the woman standing in front of her. “I know what you are.”

“Is that right?”

“Yes, Luma the Ninety-Ninth, or should I say Luma Athas? I know about the greater civilizations. For someone that served in the Athas Royal Court and worked for the sake of many untold trillions of people... why in the world would you care about a single cat person? You have bigger concerns.”

Luma shook her head and smiled. “No. You are no smaller a concern to me than anyone else. Quite the opposite.”

“Is that so? What do you think you can do to help me? His mana is too strong.”

“Yes, I’m aware. I’m not the one that can deal with his mana. I want you to come with me to see-”

“No.” Lana shook her head and started to walk around Luma.

Luma held out her arm to bar Lana’s path. “She can protect you from him. You need only give her a chance.”

“Tch. I don’t believe that.” Lana gently pushed Luma’s arm down and started to walk away. “Thank you for your concern, Lady Luma, but I neither want help nor believe anyone can help me. There’s nothing that can be done.”

A single tear rolled down Luma’s face. “Please reach out anytime. You need only pray and she will hear you.”

Lana walked away.


A few days prior, but after her meeting with Eliana and Elias, Kye stood atop a skinny mountain gazing across the landscape of similar mountains and unusually tall trees. Stone bridges spanned many of the gaps between the spires, while wooden bridges connected trees to the spires and other trees. Many structures were affixed to the trees and spires.


She focused her attention toward the tallest tree and vanished.

“Lord Calithil, thank you for the invitation,” said a green-haired Elven woman. “It is wonderful to be here.”

“Yes. Thank you, Lord Calithil,” said a green-haired Elven man standing next to the woman. Both wore their hair down, and it was difficult to tell them apart, aside from the woman’s chest. “It is not every day when an elven lord has the occasion to celebrate his daughter’s coming of age. You have my congratu-” He stopped suddenly and swiftly turned around, pulling a pair of daggers hidden within his clothing. The woman did the same.

Walking toward them was none other than a familiar white-haired, silver-eyed woman wearing a smile. They froze. Several guards ran up, some with swords, others with bows, ready to attack.

“Greetings!” Kye said with a curtsy. “I am Elysia. How may I address you?”

“Step no further!” one guard yelled.

“We will not hesitate!” another yelled.

Not bothered in the slightest, Kye only looked at the two elves that were frozen in place.

“How did you enter here?” Calithil asked. Among everyone present, only he and Kye were calm. “For a human to be here, you must be extraordinary. If you can simply enter here without rousing attention on the way, clearly you are gifted enough that my guards will only serve as minor nuisances.”

“Quite the diplomatic skills you have.” Kye stepped closer and extended her right hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

Calithil raised an eyebrow, and the guards grew more antsy. He quickly waved them away, fearing for their lives. “What is this gesture?”

Somewhat surprised, Kye pulled her hand back. “My apologies if such a gesture was rude or strange in your culture. In mine, it is a simple greeting between equals.”

“You dare claim yourself equal to the Lord of Elves!” called one guard.

“Such disrespect!”

Calithil quickly waved them off again, though Kye was not bothered. “You asked how you may address me. I am Calithil. I reign as the Lord of Elves in this nation.” He extended his hand. “I would be humbled to accept a greeting of equals from one such as yourself.”

Kye smiled and shook his hand. “My thanks, Lord Calithil.”

“You have no doubt traveled quite a long way to come here,” Calithil said, “might I offer hospitalities? Today we are celebrating my daughter’s coming of age. You are welcome to attend as my personal guest.”

“Oh my, that sounds wonderful!” Kye curtsied again. “Thank you for the invitation.”

Calithil nodded and gestured to the still-frozen pair of green-haired elves. “If I may, I’d like to introduce you to my esteemed advisers, Lady Katriel and Lord Kadmiel.”

Kye smiled at the two, but they were still frozen. “Perhaps they’re not feeling too well?”

“Lady Katriel? Lord Kadmiel?”

Kye weaved some mana and quickly covered the two to cause a calming effect. “There.” Kye withdrew her mana, and the two exchanged glances.

Both slightly bowed their heads and said together, ““Our apologies for the unseemly display. Greetings, Lady Elysia. Welcome to Serenthil.””


Revision: 2024-9-9

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