Elysia in Another World

Ch27: Year 6 Begins P7

Chapter 27: Year 6 Begins P7

“This body is recovering much faster than I thought it would.” She looked back down at her hand. “That was more mana than I meant to use... not because I have poor control, but because my limit is growing faster than I expected. I simply calculated wrong. I used a quarter of my maximum output, excluding boosts, but what I actually used and what I expected to use were far apart. I meant to use about half of what I just used.”

“I don’t understand the problem,” Alex said. “This just means you’re stronger, right?”

Kye shook her head. “No. That spell is multiplicative. It’s extremely dangerous and is ranked Ultimate for a reason. Each catalyst had twice the mana I meant for them to have. When they resonate together at the target, the actual output is multiplied. Each orb multiplies the others in a chain. Two multiplies to four. It’s two by two by two by two.”

“Let me put it into understandable numbers,” Alethea said. “If we consider what she meant to do as ten, then each orb would have a power level of ten individually. Ten by ten is a hundred, by ten is a thousand, by ten is ten thousand. Since she put twice the mana in each orb... twenty by twenty is four hundred, by twenty is eight thousand, by twenty is one hundred and sixty thousand. The actual result was sixteen times the effect.”

“Yes,” Allison said. “A small increase turns into a significantly higher result with that spell. The spell itself is extraordinarily difficult to cast, and it’s not taught in school. In fact, the number of people who even know the spell is in the single digits. It takes an exorbitant level of control to execute and is very dangerous if a mistake is made by a powerful caster.”

Lita put her hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Remember that time at Erendell castle? When we were first transported there, your powers grew so rapidly and you were taken aback every time you did something that had a bigger effect than you expected. Lady Elysia is experiencing that right now.”

Alex raised an eyebrow, but figured it out quickly. “I see.”

Kye heard that and looked her way. “What was it like for you?”

“I was never a careful person before that day, but by the time we met the queen... I had destroyed much on the way through the castle. I felt as though just twitching my finger wrong would kill someone. Every little thing I did would unleash a blast of mana.”

“I see.” Kye looked down at her hand again and closed it into a fist. “If I make a mistake at my level... I could wipe out an entire city in the blink of an eye. I made a rookie mistake just now.” She smiled and giggled. “It seems I have to become a student again myself.”

“Yes, you do,” Allison said before lightly bonking Kye on the head. “It’s okay. I can help you adjust.”



Kye stopped immediately when Allison spoke her name.

“Sometimes, you should rely on your mentor.”

Kye smiled and giggled. “Alright.”

Most of the group raised an eyebrow. Only Alethea started laughing.

“You think that’s funny?” Allison eyed Alethea with an evil smile and she froze in place. “You can join us.”


Kye laughed, and soon everyone joined them.


When she opened her eyes, Kye found herself in bed with all three of her spouses.

In another worldline, Adele didn’t transition in our first year. It was Worldline Sigma. She was still Doran at this point. I found out and last night, in Sigma, I went to her and persuaded her to start taking the medicine. She and Michelle were sleeping in another room at the time. Her dysphoria had gotten severe, and they didn’t want to cause us any problems. Silly. I only wish they had talked to us sooner on each worldline. She would wake up in the middle of the night, hyper-ventilating, having nightmares of growing old in a male body, and was getting sick multiple times per day. Out of a desire to make things easier on me, she decided to sleep separately. But that only made me worry, and I found out anyway.

She rose and smiled, seeing the sleeping faces of her three wives.

So I ended up with three wives again, huh?

She giggled lightly and crawled out of bed, careful not to disturb her lovers. She sat down next to the window, where she had a table situated to view the scenery when she wanted to enjoy a quiet morning.

Elysia>> Lily, I’m awake.

The door opened the instant Kye sent the message. “Good morning, Princess.” Liliana and Aliana entered, each holding a platter. One was a platter of food, four dishes on it, and the other was a platter of drinks.

Kye smiled reluctantly as they placed the platter on the table and began preparing the meal. “I really wish you two would consider allowing us to hire attendants. You are royals! I want you treated the same way you take care of me!”

Liliana smiled and replied, “That’s quite alright, Princess. We love being your attendants. Our status as royals is only a side thought.”

Kye sighed. “Yes, yes. But consider this...”


She looked Liliana straight in the eyes. “I order you to take a break.”

Both sisters froze in place.

“You heard me. You are to take a break. No arguments.”

“B-but, Princess, I-”

“No buts.” Kye eyed Aliana, who was equally surprised. “Break time.”

From the bed, a mix of laughter sounded. Alethea, Adele, and Michelle had woken up and were silently watching the interaction unfold until they couldn’t hold their laughter any longer. Kye raised an eyebrow and a moment later, the three laughing on the bed were suddenly drenched. Alethea jumped up and screeched, Michelle sat up on her knees and pulled the water from her clothes, and Adele simply stopped laughing.

Kye giggled while the three cleaned up the mess they earned.


Revision: 2024-9-1

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