Elysia in Another World

Ch26: Elysia Athas P1

Chapter 26: Elysia Athas P1

On a white stone throne, a white-haired girl with silver eyes sat motionless. Her head was propped up by one hand as she leaned to one side, and one leg folded over the other. She wore a white and gold regal outfit, befitting of a king, with adornments and everything. Most notably, she wore a blank expression.

Next to her sat a girl with pink hair and silver eyes who wore a lavish silver dress, befitting of a queen. Unlike the blonde next to her, she smiled warmly.

“You’re showing your boredom again, love,” said the pink-haired girl.

“I’m tired of the fake smile,” the platinum-blonde replied. “It’ll be fine. The people won’t think any less of me.”

The pink-haired girl nodded. “No, they won’t.”

A man stepped forward once the guards gave him permission. He knelled before the two and greeted them, “I see the Queen of Elysium, Lady Maya Athas. I see the King of Elysium, Lady Elysia Athas. I am but a humble soul living under your grace.”

The white-blonde stood and walked up to the kneeling man. She reached down and took hold of his hand, speaking softly and kindly. “You need not kneel, not before me. I do not seek this type of reverence. Please stand.”

The man nodded, a single tear in one eye. Every single person who had never met her before was always surprised when she refused their kneeling. “Thank you, my king.”

She smiled and replied, “Of course! What brings you to me today?”

The man swallowed hard, but his anxiety was eased when his eyes met her smile. Unlike the one she was wearing before allowing her boredom to show moments prior, it was a real smile. Feeling much calmer, he told her, “I am a farmer. Much of the land in my care has been experiencing a drought. Many people in the western districts rely on my farm for food.”

“I see.” Elysia waved a hand, and the group was instantly moved to the sky above the very farm he spoke of. Only the floor remained of the room, albeit transparent. “This is your farm, yes?”

He was so taken aback by the sudden shift that he couldn’t form words.

“It’s quite alright,” she said with a smile. “Many who experience my illusions for the first time are taken for a bit of a wild ride. Anywho, this land is indeed dry. That will not do.” She held a hand toward the sky. Her voice echoed as she spoke, “Hear me, Elysium. I am King. By my command, let all the eye can see experience rain until this parched soil’s thirst is sated.”

By her words, clouds coalesced and rain soon fell. The man was at a loss for words. “My King, to bring the very rain itself...” He held his hand out, and the raindrops passed right through.

“We are only here by way of illusion. The rain is real, but we’re still in the throne room in Athas,” Elysia explained. “Rest assured, the rain will restore the land, as much as is needed as per my instructions to the world.”

“They say you command the very world itself... I was hesitant to believe it, but seeing it for myself...” He prostrated and apologized. “I beg your forgiveness for the doubt I held in My King.”

Elysia giggled. “None of that, please. It’s quite alright. I do have a tendency to show off a bit when-”

“A bit?” Maya questioned snidely.

“Hush, you!” Elysia shot her a fake angry look, and Maya laughed. “As I was saying... I tend to be overdramatic with my power when the opportunity comes, and this was a fun opportunity to do so! My loyal farmer, I deeply apologize for allowing the land in your care to go so long without attention.”

“My King...”

“Alas, Elysium is quite vast, far more than most can even imagine. It is quite impossible for even one such as myself to mind the entire span. But, that is why I have nobles positioned all across Elysium, so that important cases such as yours that only I can handle make it to me. Thank you, farmer, for taking care of my land and its people.”

“Yes, My King!”

Elysia smiled. “You may choose any destination and I will see you there. If you have business in multiple places, you need only name the first you would like to visit.”

The farmer nodded. “I have no business anywhere aside from the farm. If it be your will, My King, I shall accept a swift return.”

“Very well. Keep up the good work! If you encounter any more issues, please see the local lord! Farewell, farmer!” She invoked her power and wrapped the man in white aether. When the aether dispersed, the man was gone, teleported back to the farm.

Elysia quietly returned to her throne, where Maya commented, “You sure do enjoy your theatrics.”

“Well, of course! You know me.”

Maya giggled. “Indeed.”

Elysia smiled at her partner.

What is this? A memory? That man addressed me as Elysia Athas. He called me “King”.

What are all of these memories? Why is it so... what?

The world around her disappeared, and she found herself falling. She looked down and saw a radiant silver light. As she fell, she saw flashes of memories. Soon, the silver light took form. As she closed in, she saw a familiar sight. Her speed slowed, and she landed gently in front of the light source... her soul.

But my soul is golden... wait, no... it was... but I passed on the Radiance of Light to Rei. My soul doesn’t have the color of light anymore. So it’s actually... silver? Yes, that’s right. I just showed Yami soul colors the other day. My recent memories feel fuzzy. It’s like... I forgot everything, but all of it is coming back at once.

Some of the light coalesced into a human shape, quickly taking a form identical to hers. The copy held out her hand. “Come. We cannot wait any longer.”

“I don’t understand.”

“The reason we are so afraid of that pain is because we already felt it once,” the copy said.

She was hesitant to take the copy’s hand. “What do you mean?”

“I will show you.”

“Show me what?!”


“Excuse me?”

The copy smiled and continued holding out her hand. She hesitated, but took it. The world around them warped again. They were suddenly in a white room where the walls, floor, and ceiling could not be discerned. All that could be seen was an unconscious white-haired girl floating in place, bound by bands of white aether around her wrists, ankles, thighs, waist, and neck. The bands faded into the background. A simple white shirt and shorts hid her modesty.


Revision: 2024-8-15

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