Elysia in Another World

Ch2 White Mana, P1

Chapter 2: White Mana (1)



Not even an hour old and I’m being shown off. I suppose I should be less surprised by that and more impressed with my mother’s quick recovery. So far, I know she has healing magic and probably transportation magic that she used to cover me with this blanket and dress herself.

In less than an hour, Layla had given birth to Kye, healed herself, used magic to dress, and was holding the newborn in front of a crowd. Kye had been born to the King of Nippon Sekai and a small group of people had been waiting for the delivery.

“Done already? You sure didn’t pull your punches,” a light purple-haired man said.

“Yes, well, some things you don’t want to drag out, so...”

“Ah, well, I wouldn’t know.” The man turned his attention to Kye next. “Hello there, I’m your Uncle Jamie.” Kye reached out to him as if responding. “Hey, she likes me. What’s your name?”

“Her name is Kye.”

“Akari, I assume?”


I’m sensing quite a bit of power from this guy. Though, maybe it’s not uncommon? A lot of people here have a decent amount of aether.

Kye wiggled a bit in Layla’s arms, prompting the new mother to raise the girl up to see what was wrong. In that moment, Kye glanced around.

Some of them are trying to hide their mana signature, but I can read their aether. Can’t hide what you can’t control, eh? Oh, she’s worried.

Kye looked at her mother, closed her eyes, and went, “Gah!”

“You’re such a sweetie!” Layla exchanged happy grins with her daughter.

James smiled, watching his sister and niece. “Kid’s got spunk.”

My new mother has the strongest mana signature here and has already shown some abilities. Surely, she’s noticed the ones trying to hide theirs.

“James, have you told her yet?” came a female voice from behind him.

“Allison. Introduce yourself.” He gestured at the baby.

“Please forgive James for being overly familiar,” she said to me with a warm smile. “I am Allison Barrett. Welcome to the world.”

Something seems different about this one.

“Allison, she’s a baby!” James said.

“And a royal.”

She’s in perfect control of her mana signature, like my mother and uncle, but her aether isn’t wild like the others. She’s controlling it. I didn’t clock that a moment ago. Impressive, going under my radar like that even for a minute.

“You... are impossible.”

Layla giggled, listening to the exchange.

Heh. She’s good at introductions. I wonder which type of introduction is the norm here... James’s or Allison’s.

“Anyway, I’ll shove off. There’s a bunch of people waiting to meet the kiddo. Layla, by the way, we need to discuss something as soon as you’re able. You free after the party?”

“Not exactly. How important is it?”


“Then I’ll make time.”

“Sounds good. I’ll see you later.” James shifted back into the crowd.

Allison stayed a moment and whispered something into Layla’s ear. “I see, thank you,” Layla replied.

“Gah!” Kye reached for Allison.

“Huh?” Layla was surprised at Kye’s interest in Allison.

“Strange that she can move around so well. She’s not even an hour old.” Kye earned Allison’s interest as well. “What it is you want?”

Okay, maybe I can communicate a little.

Kye held one hand up and grabbed one of her fingers with her other hand, then reached for Allison again.

“You understand me? You want to hold my finger?” Allison held her hand out, and Kye touched her finger. Kye released a small amount of aether through her hand and into Allison’s finger, shocking her new aunt. With wide eyes, she looked up at her sister. “Layla...”

“Oh, my.”

“Don’t speak a word of this to anyone.” Allison looked back down at Kye. “Do you understand me? Squeeze my finger if you do.”

Okay, we’re in business.

She squeezed, and Allison smiled. “Okay. Do you know the name ‘Eve’?” She squeezed. “You are a transmigrator?” Kye narrowed her eyes, as best a baby could, and squeezed. “I see you are surprised to hear someone utter those words. We’ll talk properly another time. Know you’re in good hands. I will be your guardian and instructor. I look forward to working with you.”

Kye squeezed.

I like her.

Allison nodded to her sister and left so she could greet the next wave of people.

What’s my kingly father doing?

Kye looked over toward Zen and saw that he was busy chatting with two men of similar dress.

They look like kings, too.

As more people greeted the new mother and daughter, Allison and James moved around, greeting people as well. Layla knew what they were doing, and Kye suspected.

“Hello, Layla,” came the next voice. It belonged to one of the two men that were talking with Zen.

“Greetings, Your Majesty. This is Kye.”

The man peered down at Kye. Many would consider the man handsome, with his clean-shaven face and long brown hair tied into a ponytail. Many would also question why a King wore his hair that way, but the man was a King and could wear his hair how he pleased, as is a King’s prerogative. “Hello, young one. My name is Edward.”

He sounds nice. He speaks in a much more comfortable tone. Allison’s tone was overly serious, and James was overly relaxed. He has a good first impression, so I’ll reward him.

Kye reached her arm up toward Edward and went, “Gah!”

“And you, too, My Lady,” he said with a warm smile while holding a finger close enough for Kye to grasp. He looked up at Layla. “She’s very sweet.”

“I think she likes you.”

“I’m glad. Well, I shall take up no more of your attention. I see there are still quite a few looking for a meet and greet.”

“Indeed. Thank you, Your Majesty.”

Edward smiled and returned to chat with Zen. The next person in line was the other man that had been speaking with Zen. He stepped forward and bowed to the lady and her daughter.

“Greetings, Layla.”

“Greetings, Drangan. This is Kye.”

She’s greeting him without a title. I’m getting a picture of the nobility system here.

“Greetings, Lady Kye. I am Drangan Maya of Drachenheim. My oldest daughter is Queen and would normally be here to greet you, but she is taking care of five children only a few months older than you. I do hope you’ll become friends with them in the future, Lady Kye.”

Holy... he took formal to a whole new level. If I were anyone else, that’d have been a meaningless introduction. I can’t complain too much, though. He seems to have good intentions. I’ll reward him, too.

As with Edward, Kye reached up to Drangan and went, “Gah!”

“Thank you, My Lady. I shall introduce you in a few years’ time.” He gave her a warm smile before shifting his eyes to Layla. “Would I be able to look over the guest list?”

“Yes. Allison or James will have it.”

“I see, thank you. Goodbye for now.” He gave Kye another smile before walking away.

Next was a man wearing a military uniform. He was carrying a pot wrapped in a cloth. “Greetings, Lady Layla, Lady Kye. I am General Velkrez of Lord Apollyon’s army.”

“A Demon General, I see,” Layla said. “I must confess, I have not met many of your people yet.”

“Such is only expected with my race having only recently made contact with the Atlantis Empire. From my homeland, I bring a gift. Honey from a species that my kind have creatively named Demon Bees.”

Creatively, huh?

Layla held back a laugh as the man continued, “The cloth is magic. This honey is rather sweet but spoils easily outside of the proper climate. The cloth is a magical substitute for the climate to maintain freshness.”

“I see. We would be happy to accept your gift, General. Please leave it on that table.” She pointed at the table she was referring to. A guard was standing next to the table. “That guard will ensure it is taken care of.”

“I shall be quite happy to. Lord Apollyon sends his regards and regrets that he was unable to come himself. He is meeting with the Empress currently.”

“It is no problem. I look forward to meeting him in the future.”

The Demon General nodded and bowed before walking away.

“Speaking of the Empress, where is Astraia?” Layla muttered quietly. “She was supposed to be here.”

Who is that?

After the entire guest list had a chance to meet the newborn, Layla retreated to stand next to Zen. Zen stepped forward to address the guests together.

“Everyone, thank you for coming. Today we celebrate the birth of Lady Kye Akari, Princess of Nippon Sekai. May she grow to be a beautiful young lady and bring much to our world!” Everyone exploded in applause. As Zen continued, Allison and James were still searching for the hidden mana signatures. Allison had noticed something off about the Demon General’s expression, followed his eyes, and noticed he was looking at an empty table.

“What...?” the general muttered to himself.

“General Velkrez,” Allison quietly greeted.

“Lady Allison, how may I help you?”

Allison gestured at the same table. “The pot you came in with. I watched you place it there, but it is now missing.”

“Yes, I had just noticed a moment ago myself. The guard is also missing. Have you any ideas?”

“Not right now. I had intended to ask you the same.”

“I see. I doubt anyone here would be so petty as to steal a simple jar of honey that is so readily available in any market in my homeland. Any guest here would have no trouble visiting to acquire some on their own. I sensed something... off earlier and have not yet been able to figure out what it is, and now I’m more suspicious.”

“I see. Thank you for the assessment. Please excuse me, I must speak with my brother.”

Layla had noticed the two speaking and exchanged a quick glance with Allison that said to each other, “Stay on your guard.”

So, they really are making an attempt here... Layla shifted the child she held around and quietly muttered, “I’ll keep you safe.” She hadn’t yet noticed what had happened.

A man in a uniform similar to what General Velkrez wore had already walked out of the room with baby Kye in his arms, hidden within an empty pot.


Revision: 7-13-2023

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