Elf: Opening plan flashing golden monster

Chapter 19 VS Vegetables

Chapter 19 VS vegetables

The addition of newcomers has little impact on Mingzheng.

The relevant rules and regulations and elf training are taught by captain Yusaku himself.

After teaching Lixiang how to upload information, he became more thorough as a hands-off shopkeeper.

As for whether the two rookies will rebel, that is a matter for Captain Xiong, and has nothing to do with him.

Mingzheng devoted more attention to improving his strength, and then an unexpected guest appeared.

"Let's fight again with me... Suck!"

Looking at the vegetables that were sucked into the ramen by the storm in front of him, Mingzheng began to recall the several encounters between the two.

I probably...seem...should...haven't offended her, have I?

The temporary alliance on the field at that time could only reflect his calmness and resourcefulness in times of crisis.

As for allowing you to stay in this small town with no opponents for half a month?

Oh no... I am the opponent.


After 2 minutes, Cai Zhong put down the bowl of ramen that he drank up the soup, then took out a small notebook and ticked it contentedly.

No.32 Chicken white soup ramen get√

Mingzheng blinked his eyes, and silently calculated, if there are two meals a day, Cai Zhong has already eaten ramen for half a month?

And it changes flavors every day!

"Ah~~~ I finished the last kind of ramen, and you just came back, what a fateful encounter!"

Cai Zhong sighed happily while clutching her smooth belly, and the next second her fiery eyes almost set Ming Zheng on fire.

"So, let's fight!"

"... 1V1, I don't have any other elves suitable for battle."

If he wanted to fight, he would fight, Mingzheng squeezed the Caracalla Pokéball in his hand, and was also curious about his own strength in his heart.

There is not much else in the town, and open fields are everywhere.

The two found a place where no one was around, and tacitly dispatched the elves at the same time.

Caracalla came on the stage, and with a light throw of the bone stick in her hand, a bone-colored white flower appeared, and her proficiency was visible to the naked eye.

Beside Cai Zhong, the tortoise with short legs and crazily digging the ground was full of fighting spirit.

Looking at Caracalla, who had calm eyes on the opposite side, she became even angrier.

Needless to say, the battle is imminent!

The tortoise, which has not yet evolved into a cannon fodder tortoise, is extremely fast, and its four short legs took extremely arrogant steps, screaming and rushing towards Caracalla.


Needless to say, the Caracalla bone stick was placed horizontally, and he chose to resist it head-on.


The two small elves collided head-on, but the aura generated was not weak at all. An invisible whirlwind spread out, slightly suppressing the surrounding green grass.

"Turtle, parasitic seed!"

"shoot down!"

The order sounded at the same time, and Mingzheng and Caizhong looked at each other subconsciously.

At the same time, the small sapling on the tortoise's head of the grass seedling shot out a small seed, and hit Caracalla in front of it.

The distance between the two is very close, and the parasitic seed came to Caracalla almost in the blink of an eye.

But before the parasitic seed opened its blood-sucking vines wantonly, the bone stick the size of a sandbag smashed on the parasitic seed abruptly.


A precise blow!

Wherever the parasitic seeds come and go, they are directly reflected on the glans of the grass seedlings.

In an instant, the wild dance of vines tied up the grass seedling turtle that was caught off guard!

A red light flashed, and the tortoise's screams absorbed a lot of physical strength, but in a blink of an eye, the same amount of physical strength was sent back.

Painful and refreshing, the little tortoise didn't know what expression to show for a moment.

"Iron head!"

Mingzheng's voice at this moment is so indifferent and heartless, coupled with Caracalla's shiny silver iron head, it adds another three points of determination.

Amid the shouts of the vegetables "breaking free", the tortoise was knocked out so hard that it couldn't get up for a while.

"Turtle Turtle, Flying Leaf's quick knife cuts off the vines!"

After being shocked, Cai Zhong quickly regained his composure and gave the most correct instruction.

"Use stomp!"

Mingzheng's voice came out, which brought great pressure to the struggling tortoise. After barely standing up, he immediately used the flying leaf knife, successfully blocking the second self-sucking blood.

However, what came at the same time was Caracalla's stomping attack!

The shock waves brought about by the heavy pedaling made the tortoise almost fall down again when it just got up, but thanks to its landing on all fours, it finally managed to hold on.

But looking at the unscathed Caracalla and herself in such a mess, there was still a little fear in Cao Miaogui's unwilling eyes.

So just now... I was so suppressed that I didn't even have the strength to fight back!

At this time, Cai Zhi also thought the same in his heart.

In terms of elf combat power, the grass seedling turtle is definitely not inferior to Caracalla, let alone has attribute restraint.

But with just one move, Mingzheng successfully predicted her tactics, and then received continuous attacks as impenetrable as sea water.

"The battle is not over, turtle, use photosynthesis!"

Cai Zhong shouted loudly, words of encouragement dispelled the fear in the grass seedling turtle's heart, and raised its neck to actively welcome the sun's rays.

"Caracalla, the iron head interrupts it!"


Caracalla had seen the photosynthesis of the tortoise before, and rushed out immediately after hearing the order. The skull on the head was shining with metallic light, and the tortoise, which was half photosynthesized, was knocked into the air.

"shoot down!"


The bone stick was swung, and the stones condensed by the energy of the rock flew out, smashing hard on the grass seedling turtle in mid-air.


Cai Zhong yelled worriedly, and subconsciously wanted to run over to catch the grass seedling turtle.


The tortoise fell to the ground and rolled around again. The young sapling on its head drooped limply, its eyes circled and it had already lost its ability to fight.


Also won very beautifully!

Mingzheng was a little dazed, and turned his head to find that Caracalla was also looking at him.

Mingzheng showed a smile subconsciously, and then gradually expanded it!

Although he had also simulated the scene of fighting the tortoise before, being able to defeat the target so smoothly undoubtedly did not prove that Caracalla had grown by leaps and bounds during this period.

"Well done, let's keep going!"

Leaning and half kneeling, Ming was gently wiping off the dust on Caracalla's skull.

Unlike the original white and flawless skull, Caracalla's skull now has many cracks and cracks.

These are all proofs of growth and strength!

"Let's go back and take good care of it."


Caracalla didn't quite understand what maintenance meant, but she nodded seriously.

On the other side, the grass seedling turtle has woken up after briefly dealing with the injury, but the disappointment in his eyes cannot be concealed.

"My tortoise is not bad at all, it's because my trainer's level is not enough, we must work harder in the future!"

The direct encouragement from the vegetables brought great energy to the tortoise.

The little sapling on its head stood upright again, and the grass seedling turtle nodded seriously.

Must work harder!

Then, help Caizhong defeat all the opponents in front of her!

The next moment, a mysterious light blue light flickered, completely enveloping the tortoise.

Cai Zhong was overjoyed after being surprised, and took two steps back to give the tortoise a space.

Mingzheng and Caracalla were also attracted to the attention, staring blankly at the tortoise covered in blue light!

This is...evolution!

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